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18 Leaders, 1 Favourite.


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Out of those who are leaders in the game, Corey. Simply because of his story, how perfectly it was presented to us and what we can find via this. His gym was also the first problematic one on my first run, it really made me think "Now we're getting serious!" both gameplay- and story-wise.

But if we also count Ex-Online-League-Leaders-present-in-the-game-as-not-leaders, for me, Dr. Connal wins by a landslide. Not only did I find his doubles Discharge+Abilities fighting style brilliant, I also found this, which made me see his character in an entirely new light.

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Out of the in-game leaders, my favourite would be Radomus. If we are counting the online league and the X-League, then my favourite would be by far Gossip Gardevoir.

Edited by Farnsworth
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I love Charlotte. She's just so amazing and hot... cuz she uses fire types... get it? nope? Whatever. Some people may just look at her profile pic and say left swipe to that smoker, but I don't see that. I see something beautiful inside. Like a candle, dimly lit and nearly fading... UNTIL SHE PULLS OUT HER TEAM AND KNOCKS THE CANDLE OVER, BURNING YOUR WHOLE FRIGGIN HOUSE DOWN! I love the fire type in general. I've always been a bit of a pyro, and so Julia comes in second.

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You gotta explain the whole "left swipe" thing with Charlotte, I saw it all over shofu's vid with her and I still don't get it.

I think it's Tinder related, the dating app.

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