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Good Normal Type?


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For my second play through of Reborn, I decided to try a rotation style for my team and have a member of every type. I'm conflicted on who to have for my normal type, as my initial plan of Braviary isn't really looking so appealing anymore. I was also considering Tauros or Urasring, but I'm not sure. What would you guys recommend?

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Toxic Orb Quick Feet Ursaring with Facade (game corner) isn't bad. Swellow does the same, but better since it can actually afford to run Guts. Curse Snorlax is pretty great, Porygon-Z is always nice to have, every one who's fought Noel knows how annoyingly good Cincinno can be, same goes for Staraptor (well, he no longer has it) and Heliolisk is stronger than you'd think.

I'd really not recommend using Tauros since it's movepool is atrocious. If you use it though, Sheer Force and Life Orb is it's best set, but still, it's better to just skip it.

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Catch an early pidove and it'll evolve into a powerful staraptor.

You silly, pidove doesnt evolve into staraptor.

On Topic: Pyroar is also not a bad normal type if your also looking for a good fire type. Hyper Voice + FLamethrower can hit a lot of things pretty hard. Only downside is the poor fello lacks in the ability department, since rivalry and unnerve are both situational, and moxie bossts attack instead of sp. attack =/.

Edited by deadpool848
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Diggersby & Exploud are also two pretty good early option, the former because Huge Power STAB Earthquake is a powerful thing indeed, and the latter if for nought else than soundproof trivialising Taka whenever he rears his head.

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