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What will you do when you at E4


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The idea of the Elite 4 in Reborn freaks me out quite a bit, but by that time unless there is a level cap for the Elite 4 being above lvl 100 and the player is stuck at exactly lvl 100 I'm not gonna be too freaked.

A dungeon type layout for the Elite 4 would be so amazing! A new spin that would be an insane challenge, just hopefully no HM's are necessary. That would make any attempt that much more difficult.

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Mostly just what I do for the elite 4 in any other game. Stock up on potions, revives, ect. And use them to fully heal my team in between each fight. And save in between each fight, obviously.

The hard part though, is deciding which 6 to actually use. In most games, I choose 6 guys and go through the whole game with just them, but in Reborn I have a whole rotation squad. Who to pick...

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Hmm I wonder if we'll be on the same level par as the E4 because we'll most likely be at Level 100 by the time we face them. I think I read somewhere that Ame might be considering if we can go over Level 100 (as well as the opponents), so that will turn out pretty interesting if applied.

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The same thing I've done for every Elite 4, ever. Blow everything on Potions and Revives. Job done. Mono-fire has served me well through every boss bar charlotte (and ALMOST beat her before I had to change it up). It should beat the E4 too.

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Do you all seriously think the elite four is going to be hard? You've come that far into the game, most healing items will likely be available, pseudo legendaries and starters will be open to use, you should be EV trained by this point, have a good selection of team members, TM's and items/hold items. It really shouldn't be extremely hard to just get in there and fight. Me personally, I know what I'll be bringing. Will I reveal my team members and other strategies for whatever happens next? No. You guys create the difficulty, not Ame. If you're well prepared, it should be a nice walk in Hell the park.

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what i imagine is that all our 'mons get set to level 1 (for the elite 4) and we battle the elite 4s mons as level 1s (both sides)

would be nuts ay

Dragon Rage.

Also, I suspect beating the elite 4 as a team of level 1s would be possible even if the elite 4 were level 100s, provided you cheesed the hell out of the fights - if you remove entry hazards (or they just aren't put up to begin with), then a prankster whimsicott can leech seed a pokemon while you switch to any pokemon with sturdy and wait for leech seed to KO them (and you can revive all of your pokemon while you wait for leech seed to do this), since the leech seed will bring your pokemon back up to full health so sturdy triggers over and over again. That would be just using 2 pokemon slots to KO most pokemon they can use, so the other 4 slots would just be dedicated to dealing with anything that's difficult to deal with. A roggenrola with sturdy and sand attack could also be used to PP stall pokemon relatively cost efficiently by just using normal potions on it and use sand attack on the first turn + whenever their attacks miss, and then wait a very long time for them to struggle themselves to death (if worst comes to worst you can also use the foolproof strategy of just spamming revives until they struggle to death, but that is really expensive - it's a strategy that's pretty much guaranteed to work against anything though).

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