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Your Reborn Waifu/Husbando?


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What? That's the only title i found. Just for the fun.

Just the point. Just say what is your waifu/husbando in reborn. Can choose the protags. Simple.


Waifu: Alice(protags), Charlotte(She's like hot chick lol), and Julia(KABOOM).

Husbando: Cain(back off people, he's my husbando), Shade?(what, i really love his character, even if he creeps the fuck outta me), Taka(chill as fuck and yeah).

If the non-binary: Decibel(I REALLY LOVE silver hair, and Decibel's design is pretty awesome).

Also P.S, do you know the full xe?/xyr?/?. Need help for that.

Now post your reborn waifu/husband/the non-binary

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Husbando: Cal

Also P.S, do you know the full xe?/xyr?/?. Need help for that.

As for use of the pronouns, Xe is used much like he/she. Xem is used much like them, used in plural, I believe. Xyr is the possessive use, such as his, her.

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Waifu: Shelly

(It's not pedophilia when you're a hat)

...Alrighy then.

Husbando: Cal

As for use of the pronouns, Xe is used much like he/she. Xem is used much like them, used in plural, I believe. Xyr is the possessive use, such as his, her.

Oh cool. Thanks Tacos&flowers

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Guys Shelly's 12 and Charlotte like 14 i think... i worry for some of you.

I'm 15, so girlfriend? lol.

Oh shit, i forgot Taka.Gotta add him.

P.S Good luck with that overdose Meme girl

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Waifu: Laura, Ciel, or Victoria. Possibly Amaria

Husbando: Cain (DUH!), Taka, or Hardy. Cal might be up there.


Guys Shelly's 12 and Charlotte like 14 i think... i worry for some of you.

Charlotte is 14..? DAMN smoking cigs that young...no words (I'd be kind of a hypocrite if I said anything), I assumed she was like 16/17

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I'm suprised to see that no one has mentioned her yet, but probably for the better. I wouldn't want to start making heads roll... on the floor, of course.

My Waifu is reborn is Luna. (...And yes I spelled Waifu with a capital W as to emphasize the awesomeness of my reborn Goddess. XD)

Starts loading all of the gus in house because war is brewing.

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why not a Fuck/Marry/Kill kinda thread instead?

Bed: Samson. hot, stupid, great for a one night stand

Wed: Dr. Connal! Hot, smart, slightly older, has a thing for kids, <3

Behead: Blake, get that son of a gun out of my face.

Noel, call me when you're 18

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why not a Fuck/Marry/Kill kinda thread instead?

Bed: Samson. hot, stupid, great for a one night stand

Wed: Dr. Connal! Hot, smart, slightly older, has a thing for kids, <3

Behead: Blake, get that son of a gun out of my face.

Noel, call me when you're 18

You can make it lol.

Something against Noel?

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You can make it lol.

Something against Noel?

meh, that would make almost two of the same threads so naww.

No, I have nothing against Noel but he's like what, 10? I'm 23. So that's not happening.

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None, all of Reborn's citizens are INSANE!

Seriously now:

-Wifi waifu: for personality, Shelly (I love that shy, insecure but yet caring girl); for looks, either Luna or Alice; they look quite the same, blonde cuties of darkness <3

Gossip Gardevoir would be here too, if she was in the human-like egg group, but nope, she had to be amorphous...

-Husbando: Cain (the only one. Also, he has the advantage that none of us have to fight for his love; we all become his harem and that's about it)

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meh, that would make almost two of the same threads so naww.

No, I have nothing against Noel but he's like what, 10? I'm 23. So that's not happening.

It's kind of true Helia.

And true that too.

None, all of Reborn's citizens are INSANE!

Seriously now:

-Wifi waifu: for personality, Shelly (I love that shy, insecure but yet caring girl); for looks, either Luna or Alice; they look quite the same, blonde cuties of darkness <3

Gossip Gardevoir would be here too, if she was in the human-like egg group, but nope, she had to be amorphous...

-Husbando: Cain (the only one. Also, he has the advantage that none of us have to fight for his love; we all become his harem and that's about it)

Well good luck going through Gentleman's hat and Deadpool for waifu Shelly.

(Godly Fabulous boy Cain ami'right)

Husbando: Cain, I think there is enough Cain for everyone ShingST Sharing = double the fun

Hm.. alright then.

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Waifu: Um.....this -should- be fairly obvious....

Husbando: There's not a lot of strong -and- well developed male roles in this game in hindsight...so the next best thing would be Cal.

Bed: Obvious

Wed: Still Obvious

Dead: Victoria - hands down.

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