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Is Vulpix kinda lame? Mine is level 25 and only has Fire Spin as a damaging STAB move and can't take many hits... ._______. I remember in XY it got Flame Burst at level 23. o-o

I am currently training it to beat the annoying bug gym. Any tips?

(PS. I have zero idea on where to post this, move it if needed, please. Thanks.)

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movepools have been updated to ORAS, so yeah, vulpix learns flame burst at lvl 28 now. check out the serebii page for it; it has the full list of moves it can learn. (make sure you're looking at the ORAS list, too.) other than that, i would recommend that your vulpix's ability be drought. hopefully it already is.

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movepools have been updated to ORAS, so yeah, vulpix learns flame burst at lvl 28 now. check out the serebii page for it; it has the full list of moves it can learn. (make sure you're looking at the ORAS list, too.) other than that, i would recommend that your vulpix's ability be drought. hopefully it already is.

It is Mild, Female, with Drought, and I have a Male Litleo with Rivalry and a Female Flash Fire Quilava as well, I NEED Flame Burst. Also, off topic, I know, but, is there a way I can upload my save file and have my HA Female Meowstic's ability fixed?

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Growlithe can also learn Flame Burst, at level 24 I believe, and it was a lifesaver for me against Shelly's gym. So, definitely invest in training it up for her if you don't want to spend time training up Vulpix.

Also, invest in a Goldeen or any water type who has Water Veil as an ability or learns Aqua Ring by level up. Have it use Aqua Ring so it won't take burn damage from the burning field (and regain HP), and to help take out Anorith(Since fire won't kill Anorith). I used Emolga's Nuzzle to paralyze her Yanmega. It took me a lot of luck and working with the field to help me beat her. Took me three tries or so.

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Growlithe can also learn Flame Burst, at level 24 I believe, and it was a lifesaver for me against Shelly's gym. So, definitely invest in training it up for her if you don't want to spend time training up Vulpix.

Also, invest in a Goldeen or any water type who has Water Veil as an ability or learns Aqua Ring by level up. Have it use Aqua Ring so it won't take burn damage from the burning field (and regain HP), and to help take out Anorith(Since fire won't kill Anorith). I used Emolga's Nuzzle to paralyze her Yanmega. It took me a lot of luck and working with the field to help me beat her. Took me three tries or so.

Nope, level 28 for Growlithe too, I thought the same when I was about to challenge Shelly for like the fifth time again and both of the Pokemon I had that could learn Flame Burst needed level 28 (Vulpix and Growlithe).

Edited by Absolute_Zero
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Oh okay. I would also suggest Pansear since it does learn Flame Burst at level 22 (I just checked Bulbapedia), but it doesn't get many good moves on it's own, so it would need some support.

Which has higher SP ATK and Speed? Vulpix, Growlithe, or Pansear?

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Here is my team:

Level 34 Shiny Female HA Meowstic,

Level 32 HA Female Pachirisu

Level 33 HA Female Quilava

Level 33 Male Litleo, Rivalry

Level 7 HA Male Budew (for later game, just caught it and I am training it.)

Level 25 HA Female Vulpix

Should I swap for my Justified Growlithe, use my Frisk shiny female Noibat, or raise a water type?

Edited by OpalWardMusicFan
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Until it gets at least flame burst yeah Vulpix kind of sucks - but once it gets flame burst it's been incredibly good for me. Flame Burst is like an instant win against Shelly, and once it gets flamethrower/fire blast + evolving it hits insanely hard.

Arcanine might have a better variety of moves, but I prefer Ninetales over Arcanine still - with sunny day + STAB neutral fire moves hit harder than super effective moves anyway, which kind of makes coverage largely irrelevant. Any move that doesn't hit for super effective against something that resists fire is almost completely pointless.

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Until it gets at least flame burst yeah Vulpix kind of sucks - but once it gets flame burst it's been incredibly good for me. Flame Burst is like an instant win against Shelly, and once it gets flamethrower/fire blast + evolving it hits insanely hard.

Arcanine might have a better variety of moves, but I prefer Ninetales over Arcanine still - with sunny day + STAB neutral fire moves hit harder than super effective moves anyway, which kind of makes coverage largely irrelevant. Any move that doesn't hit for super effective against something that resists fire is almost completely pointless.

Issue here is, I started with Cyndaquil, so I was curious, though you make a good point.

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Oh? I thought I recall Ame saying that the Drought Vulpix has been moved post Shelly? Is this for the next episode?

No she said that there is no way to give Vulpix and Fire Stone before Shelly so no early Fire Stone

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Growlithe can also learn Flame Burst, at level 24 I believe, and it was a lifesaver for me against Shelly's gym. So, definitely invest in training it up for her if you don't want to spend time training up Vulpix.

Also, invest in a Goldeen or any water type who has Water Veil as an ability or learns Aqua Ring by level up. Have it use Aqua Ring so it won't take burn damage from the burning field (and regain HP), and to help take out Anorith(Since fire won't kill Anorith). I used Emolga's Nuzzle to paralyze her Yanmega. It took me a lot of luck and working with the field to help me beat her. Took me three tries or so.

If it can't be fixed with fire, you're not using enough. Shelly will burn, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

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No she said that there is no way to give Vulpix and Fire Stone before Shelly so no early Fire Stone

Oh... so she meant that there will be no Ninetales before Shelly.

But still, Vulpix itself is quite a fine solution to Shelly thanks to her field effect.

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