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TPP Challenge Run

Lord Chespin

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One thing I think you should add is roll a die and randomly release a pokemon from your team, just to add to the ANARCHY. PRAISE HELIX, FOR HE IS THE ONE AND TRUE LORD WHO SHALL GUIDE US ALL TO VI- *clears throat* Sorry, I don't know what came over me...

As awesome as an idea as that sounds, I'm gonna have to wimp out of that one. I get very emotionally attached to my Pokemon (in fact, the constant releases was one of the hardest parts about TPP for me), and besides, TPP Blaze Black 2 and TPP X didn't have any releases.

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Update #38: I AM A MAN! (PUNCH)


Well, the Ditto-Arceus was pretty hard, but once I managed to get enough smokescreens off it wasn't nearly as bad as Solaris' Garchomp. I led with a focus-sashed George and proceeded to spam smokescreen while the Ditto-Arceus (after getting a judgement off but failing to take out George thanks to the focus sash) started firing off everything randomly in an effort to hit something, doubtlessly causing a ton of damage to irreparable damage to the surrounding area. After getting off all six smokescreens, George began spamming heat wave, burning the Ditto-Arceus twice and forcing El to waste two turns to heal the Ditto-Arceus before the Ditto-Arceus finally got a hit off and took out George. I sent out Iustina next, and she dodged an attack to knock off the Ditto-Arceus' leftovers, and then proceeded to finish off GOD ITSELF with a flurry of punches that earned her the new nickname "Iustina the Godslayer". Time to head back to Reborn City and get ready for the Randomus battle!

The team so far:

006.pngGF%VJTVCVJyj (AKA 50% Villainous George) - Lv. 52 (Male)

330.pngJKHWvniw (AKA Vinyl) - Lv. 52 (Female)

076.pngJ glshnotipw (AKA Jay Glasnost) - Lv. 52 (Female)

571.pngasw ugrvhm (AKA Awesome Grum) - Lv. 51 (Male)

208.pngHJVKBIUccnjk (AKA Havoc Buck) - Lv. 51 (Male)

297.pngIUHN%&IKUN (AKA Iustina the Godslayer) - Lv. 53 (Female)

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #39: Insert Witty Chess Pun Here

Hey! Sorry for the delay; I had gotten back into Pokemon Rejuvenation (I'm really going to have to do a challenge run of that game one day) but now I'm back on track.. Anyway, Randomus took a couple tries, but once I got my priorities straight over who I should target, it went pretty well. I led with George and Vinyl, while he led with Reuniclus and Exeggutor. Since in my previous attempt, Exeggutor would take down George with an ancientpower, I targeted it with air slash from George and an earthquake from Vinyl. Although it didn't take it down, Randoms spent the next two turns healing his Pokemon, giving me plenty of time to take out Exeggutor. Once Exeggutor was down, Randomus sent out Metagross. Vinyl got taken down by Reuniclus' focus blast, but luckily Metagross' meteor mash missed (yay, alliteration!), giving George time to weaken it with a heat wave. I sent out Awesome Grum next, and he lived up to his name by teaming up with George to take down Metagross with a heat wave and a night daze. Randomus had already switched his Reuniclus out for his Malamar, and with Metagross down he sent in his Slowking. Malamar got flinch hax'd by George, and Slowking just used nasty plot; the next turn, Slowking went down before getting the chance to attack, and Malamar (despite surviving air slash) failed to knock anybody out with its psycho cut attack. Reuniclus got sent back in, but both it and Malamar got taken down by a heat wave from George. All that remained was his ace: Gossip Gardevoir. George managed to get Gossip Gardevoir to flinch thanks to air slash, and Awesome Grum did an admirable amount of damage to her with night daze. The next turn, however, Gossip Gardevoir managed to moonblast poor Grum into oblivion, leading me to send out DJ Bagel C. The DJ, however, wasn't even able to get a single hit off before fainting, leading me to send out Havoc Buck. Gossip Gardevoir (rather than use psychic, which would have done super-effective damage to George with the field) used moonblast on George, doing scratch damage to him and allowing George and Buck to take her out with a strength and double-edge, respectively. With the lights out and Luna kidnapped by a not quite so brainwashed El, it's time to head to Seventh Street to get her back!

The team so far:

006.pngGF%VJTVCVJyj (AKA 50% Villainous George) - Lv. 54 (Male)

330.pngJKHWvniw (AKA Vinyl) - Lv. 52 (Female)

076.pngJ glshnotipw (AKA Jay Glasnost) - Lv. 52 (Female)

571.pngasw ugrvhm (AKA Awesome Grum) - Lv. 53 (Male)

208.pngHJVKBIUccnjk (AKA Havoc Buck) - Lv. 52 (Male)

034.pngDJBCFL"C (AKA DJ Bagel C.) - Lv. 52 (Male)

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Update #40: Solidified Magma

Well, I decided to take on the Maxwell battle for the EXP and the sunny day TM, and it went pretty well! I led with Jay Glasnost, and he led with his Ninetales. Jay tanked a sun-boosted fire blast, and took out the Ninetales with a single earthquake. Next up came his Charizard, whom I tried to counter with Vinyl; unfortunately, the Charizard's solar power-boosted attacks proved to be too much for the poor thing, and she fell despite dealing significant damage to the Charizard with a rock slide. George came out next, but he, too fell to the fury of the former Magma Gang leader's Charizard. Luckily, the ability that gave Maxwell's Charizard such power proved to be its undoing, as it fainted from solar power damage immediately after taking out George. Maxwell sent out a Heatmor next, and I countered by sending out DJ Bagel C. The DJ took a fire punch and did serious damage with earth power, forcing Maxwell to switch out to his Pyroar. The DJ had taken heavy damage from Heatmor, so I spend the DJ's last turn before fainting healing up Jay Glasnost, whom I sent out after the DJ got taken out by a crunch from the Pyroar. Amazingly, the Pyroar didn't use a damage-dealing move, and Jay took it out in one shot with an earthquake. Maxwell sent out his ace, Houndoom, and I sent out Iustina the Godslayer. Maxwell tried having his Houndoom use sludge bomb, but Iustina shrugged it off and countered with a close combat, one-shotting Houndoom. All that remained was Maxwell's badly-damaged Heatmor, who Havoc Buck took out with a double-edge after surviving a fire punch. With that out of the way, it's time to rescue Luna and head to Iolia Valley!

The team so far:

006.pngGF%VJTVCVJyj (AKA 50% Villainous George) - Lv. 54 (Male)

330.pngJKHWvniw (AKA Vinyl) - Lv. 53 (Female)

076.pngJ glshnotipw (AKA Jay Glasnost) - Lv. 54 (Female)

297.pngIUHN%&IKUN (AKA Iustina the Godslayer) - Lv. 54 (Female)

208.pngHJVKBIUccnjk (AKA Havoc Buck) - Lv. 53 (Male)

034.pngDJBCFL"C (AKA DJ Bagel C.) - Lv. 53 (Male)

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Update #41: Pupal Stage

The second bout with Bennett took a couple tries, but overall it wasn't too bad. I led with Zuzu the Blue Wrecking Ball of Death, and he led with Larvesta. The poor grub didn't even last a turn before Zuzu aqua tail'd him into oblivion. I feel kind of bad for it, actually (although I'll probably feel a lot less sad once it fully evolves for my next battle with Bennett). Bennett sent out his Yanmega next, and I switched to Havoc Buck. Buck barely survived a field- and life orb-boosted signal beam, then proceeded to spam stone edge while Bennett healed until the Yanmega went down. Bennett then sent out Scyther, and I sent out Vinyl. Vinyl put up a good fight, but ultimately a field-boosted night slash took her down. I sent out Havoc Buck again (whom I had spent Vinyl's last turn before fainting healing), and he managed to tank a night slash before taking out Scyther with a stone edge. Up next came Dustox. I switched out to George, who took out the demented moth with a single heat wave. Up next came his Butterfree, whom I countered with Startlebug. The poor bug was unable to take it out before she herself fainted, but she did put a dent in its HP; regardless, George came out and finished what Startlebug had started, taking out Butterfree with a single heat wave. Bennett's final Pokemon was a Venomoth (which reminds me, I'm going to have to dust Billy G. Fio off and put him to use eventually), who set up a quiver dance, survived a heat wave from George, and then, knowing it only had one turn left before oblivion... set up another quiver dance. Yeah. It didn't survive for much longer.

With Bennett down, he decided to leave me be and promised me that everybody would see how powerful he was and that next time we meet, he would reinvent himself from the ground up.

...I think I just created a supervillain.

...Anyway, onwards to Luna!

The team so far:

006.pngGF%VJTVCVJyj (AKA 50% Villainous George) - Lv. 56 (Male)

330.pngJKHWvniw (AKA Vinyl) - Lv. 54 (Female)

184.pngZuzu (AKA YOU AIN'T TAKIN' THIS FROM ME, AME!!!) - Lv. 54 (Female)

297.pngIUHN%&IKUN (AKA Iustina the Godslayer) - Lv. 54 (Female)

208.pngHJVKBIUccnjk (AKA Havoc Buck) - Lv. 55 (Male)

596.pngO H (AKA Startlebug) - Lv. 54 (Female)

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Update #42: Let There Be Light

Well, that was fast! Luna was a lot easier than I remember her being. I led with Iustina the Godslayer, and she led with Bisharp. Bisharp didn't even get a move off before fainting to Iustina's god-slaying fists of fury. The same thing happened to her Malamar, except Malamar fell to Startlebug's field-boosted signal beam. Her Tyranitar was marginally more successful; it managed to get a dragon dance set up before getting its scaly rump handed to him by Iustina's relentless punching. Her Honchcrow managed to actually land an attack and took out Startlebug with a brave bird, but was weakened enough for Zuzu the Blue Wrecking Ball of Death to take it out while Luna spent her turns healing. Next up came her ace, Umbreon... and that was honestly the hardest part of the whole battle. I kept Zuzu on the field and spammed play rough, but Umbreon did significant damage with its field-boosted special moves and healed off all the damage Zuzu was doing to it until Zuzu fainted. Iustina came out to avenge her, and after a tense standoff managed to take off more of Umbreon's health than Umbreon could heal back. All that remained was her Sableye, which I remembered as being the most problematic Pokemon for me to deal with; however, to my amazement, rather than try to do what it does best and inflict status conditions to chip away at my health, it just spammed damaging attacks. Not to say this wasn't effective; it did manage to take out Vinyl, and heal back all the health that Vinyl had managed to do to it. Fortunately, George managed to not only survive its attacks, but even burned it, taking it out after two heat waves (burn damage included), earning me my ninth badge!

So, at the halfway point through my quest to topple the Reborn League, I'm probably going to take a break for a little while in order to catch all the Pokemon that I can use so far, grind up some of my weaker team members, and stock up for the next couple of Gym Leaders. After all, it's going to be a loooooooong while before I get back to Reborn City. Anyway, after all my preparations are done with, I'll check in with you guys for the Sampson battle! See ya then!

The team so far:

006.pngGF%VJTVCVJyj (AKA 50% Villainous George) - Lv. 56 (Male)

330.pngJKHWvniw (AKA Vinyl) - Lv. 54 (Female)

184.pngZuzu (AKA YOU AIN'T TAKIN' THIS FROM ME, AME!!!) - Lv. 55 (Female)

297.pngIUHN%&IKUN (AKA Iustina the Godslayer) - Lv. 55 (Female)

208.pngHJVKBIUccnjk (AKA Havoc Buck) - Lv. 55 (Male)

596.pngO H (AKA Startlebug) - Lv. 54 (Female)

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Sub-update: Systems Normal

Well, as you can tell from the main post, I've got a huge amount of Pokemon caught, pretty much covering all of the non-legendary Pokemon that I can get before the 10th gym. I just have to catch one more Pokemon (Natu) and stock up on items from the department store, and then I'll be all ready to go! See you for the Sampson battle!

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Special Update: 1,000 Views! Wooooo!

Well, it looks like this humble little thread has gotten 1,000 views! I'm really flattered that all you guys felt interested in this thread, and I promise you that the Sampson battle will be coming up soon! See you then! :)

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Update #43: Director Fury

Hey there! It's certainly been a while, hasn't it? I'm really sorry for the delay in updates, but I had to grind up my team a little for the battle against Sampson, because when I tried tackling him with my team in the high-50's, he handed my rump to me. Post-training, though, things went pretty well, if I do say so myself. I led with one of our newest team members, Umid the Espeon, and he led with Hariyama. Umid managed to do serious damage with psychic, but he got taken down by a knock off from Hariyama. Fortunately, Umid did enough damage to Hariyama to force Sampson to use his hyper potions, allowing George the Charizard to swoop in and peck away at its health with air slash until he switched out to his Mienshao, which went down in a single hit from George. Hariyama came back out, and George proceeded to take it down with an air slash, too. Sampson, starting to get a bit worried, sent out his trump card - his Conkeldurr - and so I decided to send out mine - Zuzu the Blue Wrecking Ball of Death! Unfortunately, Zuzu only lasted one turn before she fainted to a poison jab, but she did shave off half of Conkeldurr's health with a play rough. Oomph Judge the Crobat came out next, and took massive damage from a knock off by Conkeldurr; fortunately, she managed to hang in there and end Conkeldurr with two acrobatics. Sampson sent out his Lucario next, and I responded by sending out George, who survived an extremespeed and took down Lucario with two heat waves. Blaziken came up next, but our newest team member - Owner the Hawlucha - outsped and one-shot him with a power-herb charged sky attack. All that remained was Sampson's own Hawlucha... and boy golly, did it give me a run for my money. I kept Owner on the field, and she counteracted a swords dance from his Hawlucha with a featherdance of her own. Unfortunately, Sampson's Hawlucha used fly, so I wasn't able to land a hit on it, but I did use my one turn of helplessness to heal Oomph Judge with an ultra potion. I then sent out Startlebug, who got off a got hit with discharge but fainted a turn later. Oomph Judge came out next, and she managed to get a couple acrobatics off before fainting due to a fly and u-turn from Hawlucha, although she did manage to use haze to destroy Hawlucha's boosted stats before fainting. All that remained was George; to my amazement, rather that try to take George out, Hawlucha used another swords dance, allowing George to take it down with an air slash. With Sampson down and my Fury Badge finally earned, it's time to get that HM for surf!

The team so far:

006.pngGF%VJTVCVJyj (AKA 50% Villainous George) - Lv. 61 (Male)

169.pngOPM F judv (AKA Oomph Judge) - Lv. 60 (Female)

184.pngZuzu (AKA YOU AIN'T TAKIN' THIS FROM ME, AME!!!) - Lv. 60 (Female)

196.pngUMDU (AKA Umid) - Lv. 60 (Male)

596.pngO H (AKA Startlebug) - Lv. 60 (Female)

701.pngOINUh (AKA Owner) - Lv. 60 (Female)

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Update #44: Eclipse of the World

Ugh. The Eclipse and Aster battle was hands-down the hardest mandatory boss I've had to fight so far. To quote Arin "Egoraptor" Hansen, "Nothing will make me feel better! Even the victory will be bittersweet!" I really need to cut back on the amount of Pokemon I have with me for leveling purposes. Anyway, I led with Zuzu the BWBoD, Aya led with Dragalgae, and Aster and Eclipse led with Lunatone and Solrock. Aster and Eclipse focused all of their effort on Aya, so Zuzu was able to take down Solrock with one aqua tail. Aya switched out her Dragalgae for her Venusaur, and I managed to take a chunk out of Aster's Rhypherior's health. Eclipse switched out Solrock for Vileplume, and knocked out Zuzu with a sludge bomb, so I sent out Umid the Espeon. Aster's Rhypherior had been knocked out by Aya, so he sent out his Electivire. Umid managed to one-shot Eclipse's Vileplume, prompting her to send her Solrock back out; unfortunately, Umid got knocked out during the same turn by Electivire, so I sent out DJ Bagel C. while Aya replaced her Venusaur (who had been knocked out) with her Nidoqueen. Together, the DJ and Nidoqueen took out Aster's Electivire (the recoil from its life orb helped a lot, too), forcing Aster to send out his Vespiqueen. Nidoqueen managed to burn Vespiqueen, while the DJ knocked out Lunatone (and, through collateral damage, Nidoqueen) via Surf before getting knocked out by Eclipse's Magmortar. Aya sent out Tentacruel, while I sent out Startlebug. Startlebug managed to take out Vespiqueen before Magmortar fried the poor bug, leaving a very angry Owner the Hawlucha to storm in and kick Magmortar in the face until it fainted. Unfortunately, Eclipse's Aromatisse knocked out Owner, Aya's Tentacruel, and Aya's Dragalgae with dazzling gleam before George was able to take it out. All that remained was Eclipse's Milotic; amazingly, despite my best efforts, it actually took down George, leaving me with no Pokemon! Fortunately, though, Aya still had her Gengar left, and managed to take down Milotic with it, earning us... a front row seat to witness Eclipse suffer a fate worse than death. Just because she defected from Team Meteor due to concerns about her family.

...Ame, please let us suck Sirius' soul out eventually. Please?

Anyway, sorry if I missed anything; so much was happening that I had a little trouble remembering it all. Anyway, onwards to Charlotte... I am sooooooooooo not looking forward to fighting her...

The team so far:

006.pngGF%VJTVCVJyj (AKA 50% Villainous George) - Lv. 63 (Male)

184.pngZuzu (AKA YOU AIN'T TAKIN' THIS FROM ME, AME!!!) - Lv. 65 (Female)

196.pngUMDU (AKA Umid) - Lv. 63 (Male)

596.pngO H (AKA Startlebug) - Lv. 63 (Female)

701.pngOINUh (AKA Owner) - Lv. 63 (Female)

034.pngDJBCFL"C (AKA DJ Bagel C.) - Lv. 63 (Male)

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Update #45: Some People Just Want to See the World Burn

Well, once I managed to get everything set up right, Charlotte went down quite easily; she wasn't nearly as bad as Aster and Eclipse! I led with Overused Bum the Bronzong and Jay Glasnost the Golem, and she led with Typhlosion and Darmanitan. After Overused Bum dodged a hammer arm and Jay survived an energy ball, Overused Bum set up a trick room and Jay set up stealth rocks. Jay then took out everybody on the battlefield who wasn't her with a mighty earthquake. I sent out George to replace Overused Bum, and he spent his turn healing Jay while she swept Charlotte's Ninetales and Volcarona. All that remained was her Rotom and her Delphox. Jay took out Rotom with a stone edge and George injured Delphox with an air slash, but unfortunately Delphox ended Jay's run with a psychic. Aster the Shocked replaced the fallen Jay, and wiped the floor with Delphox with a mighty outrage. With Charlotte done with, it's time to destroy that PULSE Avalugg!

The team so far:

006.pngGF%VJTVCVJyj (AKA 50% Villainous George) - Lv. 63 (Male)

184.pngZuzu (AKA YOU AIN'T TAKIN' THIS FROM ME, AME!!!) - Lv. 65 (Female)

034.pngDJBCFL"C (AKA DJ Bagel C.) - Lv. 64 (Male)

437.pngOUbm (AKA Overused Bum) - Lv. 64 (Non-binary)

621.png*oh (AKA Aster the Shocked) - Lv. 65 (Male)

076.pngJ glshnotipw (AKA Jay Glasnost) - Lv. 66 (Female)

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Update #46: What Killed the Dinosaurs? The Ice Age!

Well, Avalugg went pretty well, if I do say so myself. I led with Owner the Hawlucha, and she managed to dent the giant sentient iceberg slightly before fainting from an avalanche. I then sent out George, who melted the field with a heat wave and burned the Avalugg; unfortunately, he went down to a rock slide during that same turn. Umid came up next, and he amazingly not only just barely (and when I say "barely" I mean three hit points) survived an avalanche, but went on to take out the Avalugg with a mighty psychic! With the glacier melted, it's time to head on out to rescue Heather!

The team so far:

006.pngGF%VJTVCVJyj (AKA 50% Villainous George) - Lv. 63 (Male)

184.pngZuzu (AKA YOU AIN'T TAKIN' THIS FROM ME, AME!!!) - Lv. 65 (Female)

034.pngDJBCFL"C (AKA DJ Bagel C.) - Lv. 64 (Male)

701.pngOINUh (AKA Owner) - Lv. 63 (Female)

196.pngUMDU (AKA Umid) - Lv. 63 (Male)

208.pngHJVKBIUccnjk (AKA Havoc Buck) - Lv. 61 (Male)

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Update #47: Forever Alone

Aster was... suprisingly difficult, but not too bad. He led with Solrock, and I led with Umid. Umid spammed shadow ball while Solrock set up a light screen and a reflect, but eventually the big lump o' rock went down. He then decided to send out Rhypherior, so I countered by sending out Zuzu the BWBoD. Zuzu seriously damaged Rhypherior with an aqua tail, while the Rhypherior took out the icy field with an earthquake before being switched out for Golurk. Golurk went down after a few more aqua tails, leading to Aster's Magmortar being sent out. I swapped out Zuzu for Jay Glasnost, who survived a focus blast and dodged another one to take out the Magmortar with an earthquake. Aster's ace - Electivire - came out next, and I sent out Havoc Buck. Unfortunately, Havoc Buck didn't last too long against Electivire and its fists of fury, so I sent out a barely-alive Zuzu to take the fall while I healed Jay. After Zuzu fainted, Jay came in, survived an ice punch and finished off Electivire with a single earthquake. All that remained was Aster's weakened Rhypherior, so I sent out Owner the Hawlucha to finish it off, which she did after surviving a megahorn. With Aster defeated and going off to contemplate his future, it's time to take on the vile sack of pathetic villainy that is Blake! Did I mention that I hate Blake?

The team so far:

006.pngGF%VJTVCVJyj (AKA 50% Villainous George) - Lv. 66 (Male)

184.pngZuzu (AKA YOU AIN'T TAKIN' THIS FROM ME, AME!!!) - Lv. 68 (Female)

076.pngJ glshnotipw (AKA Jay Glasnost) - Lv. 67 (Female)

701.pngOINUh (AKA Owner) - Lv. 67 (Female)

196.pngUMDU (AKA Umid) - Lv. 68 (Male)

208.pngHJVKBIUccnjk (AKA Havoc Buck) - Lv. 67 (Male)

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Update #48: You're as Cold as Ice

Blake was rather tricky, but once I managed to get everything going my way he wasn't all that bad. I led with Owner the Hawlucha and Jay Glasnost, and he led with Rotom and Jynx. Jay survived an energy ball from Jynx thanks to sturdy, and then Owner took down the sentient refrigerator with a well-placed high jump kick while Jay destroyed the field with an earthquake. Jay fainted from hail at the end of the turn, so I sent out George. Blake spent the next turn healing all of his Pokemon, but it ultimately turned out to be a futile gesture when George took down Jynx with a heat wave while Owner took out his newly sent out Vanilluxe with a high jump kick. Blake sent out his Weavile and his Frosslass next; Frosslass took down Owner with a blizzard, but George just barely hung on after said blizzard and a poison jab from Weavile and seriously injured both of them with a heat wave. Blake switched out his Weavile for his ace - Walrein - and I sent out Havoc Buck to replace Owner. Buck spent his turn healing George, while George let loose a second heat wave, burning Walrein and taking down Frosslass. George spent the next turn taking out Weavile with another heat wave, but Walrein survived and took out both George and Havoc Buck with a mighty surf. Fortunately, I had Umid and Zuzu the BWBoD on backup, and Umis managed to finish Blake's weakened Walrein with a powerful Staraptor psychic! Time to confront Terra about her alliance with Team Meteor!

The team so far:

006.pngGF%VJTVCVJyj (AKA 50% Villainous George) - Lv. 67 (Male)

184.pngZuzu (AKA YOU AIN'T TAKIN' THIS FROM ME, AME!!!) - Lv. 68 (Female)

076.pngJ glshnotipw (AKA Jay Glasnost) - Lv. 67 (Female)

701.pngOINUh (AKA Owner) - Lv. 68 (Female)

196.pngUMDU (AKA Umid) - Lv. 68 (Male)

208.pngHJVKBIUccnjk (AKA Havoc Buck) - Lv. 67 (Male)

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Update #49: The Bomb Squad

Well, Mewtwo was... anticlimactic. I led with Jay Glasnost, and she survived an ice beam thanks to sturdy and took out Mewtwo with a mighty explosion! The real challenge, though, is gonna be Terra. I'm really not sure I'm ready for Freddy her...

The team so far:

006.pngGF%VJTVCVJyj (AKA 50% Villainous George) - Lv. 68 (Male)

184.pngZuzu (AKA YOU AIN'T TAKIN' THIS FROM ME, AME!!!) - Lv. 68 (Female)

076.pngJ glshnotipw (AKA Jay Glasnost) - Lv. 68 (Female)

701.pngOINUh (AKA Owner) - Lv. 68 (Female)

196.pngUMDU (AKA Umid) - Lv. 68 (Male)

034.pngDJBCFL"C (AKA DJ Bagel C.) - Lv. 68 (Male)

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Update #50: The Terror of Terra the Terr-RAWR-ble

Well, Terra wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated her being! I led with Umid, and she led with GIOVANNI the Nidoking. Umid took out the poor Nidoking with an OP psychic before it could even get a hit off. Next up came Terra's EXCAKILL the Excadrill. and it was probably the most pproblematic Pokemon on her team. It outsped and one-shot both DJ Bagel C. and George, but its reign of terrRAWR ended with Owner the Hawlucha, who survived a rock slide and an x-scissor from EXCAKILL and took it down with a high jump kick. Terra's SWAGSIRE the Quagsire came up next, but it, too fainted after a couple of psychics before it could use any damaging attacks. Next up came her Ace - RAWRCHOMP the Garchomp - but it went down in the same way I took down Mewtwo - Jay Glasnost survived a draco meteor thanks to sturdy, then blew up in Garchomp's face, taking both of them out. Terra sent out her CLAYBOYBUNNY the Claydol next, and I sent out Zuzu the BWBoD; unfortunately, she wasn't able to do much damage thanks to the physical-special type merge. Fortunately, rather than just spam psychic until Zuzu fainted, Terra had the brilliant idea to have CLAYBOYBUNNY blow itself up, taking out itself and Zuzu at the same time. Barvo, Terra. This is why you're the brains of Team Meteor. Anyway, all that remained was her Hippowdon (I forgot its nickname (-_-")), and it didn't even get an attack in! All it did was set up stealth rocks while Umid wailed away at it with psychic until it fainted. With M3G4 T3RR4 defeated and stuck in her computer, it's time to rescue Amaria and Titania... or at least, that's what I would be saying if this wasn't the end of the current episode. With 50 updates and counting so far, it's time to put this run on hiatus until Episode 15. Thanks for everybody who stuck around and read this humble thread; I hope I brightened your day with it! I'll see you all in my next challenge run!

The team so far:

006.pngGF%VJTVCVJyj (AKA 50% Villainous George) - Lv. 68 (Male)

184.pngZuzu (AKA YOU AIN'T TAKIN' THIS FROM ME, AME!!!) - Lv. 68 (Female)

076.pngJ glshnotipw (AKA Jay Glasnost) - Lv. 68 (Female)

701.pngOINUh (AKA Owner) - Lv. 68 (Female)

196.pngUMDU (AKA Umid) - Lv. 69 (Male)

034.pngDJBCFL"C (AKA DJ Bagel C.) - Lv. 68 (Male)

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