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Does Reborn have compatibility with controllers? This is the first I've heard of that. I've been using DS3 for a while now, and I was pretty sure it only works with compatible games, though I may be wrong...

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Does Reborn have compatibility with controllers? This is the first I've heard of that. I've been using DS3 for a while now, and I was pretty sure it only works with compatible games, though I may be wrong...

I know that when you press F1 there is a tab that says "Gamepad"

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Well, you appear to be right about that, so let's continue assuming that it's compatible. Have you used DS3 successfully before? Basically, could this be a general problem with the setup of DS3, or is this specific to the Reborn game?

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Well, you appear to be right about that, so let's continue assuming that it's compatible. Have you used DS3 successfully before? Basically, could this be a general problem with the setup of DS3, or is this specific to the Reborn game?

It will work with Xenoblade Chronicles, I've heard people like "TheGamersTree" on youtube using a controller (not sure if it was ps3 or xbone)

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Well, this would be a lot easier if I was at home right now, so I could mess around with setting up my own controller. It'll be about 4 hours before I can do that, though. For now, can you explain how you're trying to set it up? Are you strictly running DS3 or do you have the SCP drivers?

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Well, this would be a lot easier if I was at home right now, so I could mess around with setting up my own controller. It'll be about 4 hours before I can do that, though. For now, can you explain how you're trying to set it up? Are you strictly running DS3 or do you have the SCP drivers?

I do have the SCP drivers.

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Can you give me just a general rundown of what you do when trying to set up DS3 with Reborn? Put everything in the order you do it, for example:

1. Launch SCPServer

2.Plug-in control

3.Launch Reborn

etc, etc.

This will give me a better idea of what exactly is happening.

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When you plug in your controller after launching SCPServer, does the greyed-out "Pad 1" section light up and become available to click? It often won't work the first time, and if that doesn't happen, the controller won't work.

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When you plug in your controller after launching SCPServer, does the greyed-out "Pad 1" section light up and become available to click? It often won't work the first time, and if that doesn't happen, the controller won't work.

Yes, it does.

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Well, unless you feel up to taking step-by-step screenshots, I'll probably have to wait until I get home and can try it myself. Hopefully you can figure it out before then, but if not, I'll try to help out some more.

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Well, unless you feel up to taking step-by-step screenshots, I'll probably have to wait until I get home and can try it myself. Hopefully you can figure it out before then, but if not, I'll try to help out some more.

http://prntscr.com/6h5hl5 http://prntscr.com/6h5hu0 http://prntscr.com/6h5ial

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Well, from those screenshots, everything looks right, though it's a bit different than what usually shows up for me. I'll give it a shot when I get home if it hasn't been solved by then. Sorry that I can't give more immediate help.

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