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This team is this one here with some improvements: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11697. And it's way better than the one in my current run. Here we go.




Random EVs, suggest a spread

Holding Nothing

- Ice beam

- Surf

- Extrasensory

- Grass Knot

I think that I should breed another one with HP Fire over extrasensory, and gunk shot over grass knot when it's avaliable. Ah, and scald over surf, but this is a little detail, I want your suggestions (Scald or surf, basically burn or power)


Flame Body


Random EVs, suggest

Holding nothing

- Trick room

- Energy Ball

- Shadow ball

- Flamethrower

I want to get rid of trick room, my teammates have decent speed stat, and I think I can tr replace it with something better, pain split or will-o-wisp maybe? I was also thinking of an arcanine, since it's faster, and chandelure isn't doing what I thought it would.


Sap Sipper


Random EVs, suggest

Holding Big root

- Horn Leech

- Earthquake

- Rollout

- Bulk Up

I don't like this thing, in my entire save file, I was never able to set up, maybe because I have bad EVs... but I accept suggestions for a replacement.




Random EVs, suggest

Holding nothing

- Air Slash

- Confuse Ray

- Nasty Plot

- Venoshock

Replacements please, this thing is bad, it's too glassy, when I try to set up I die in the next turn.




Random EVs, suggest

Holding nothing

- Close Combat

- Earthquake

- Rock Slide

- Megahorn

The only team member that is not a shame (Greninja is also decent, but not perfect), it destroyed Luna, Blake, Radomus (Megahorn spam) and destroyed Fern. I just want to know something, we got the heracrossite, do you guys think I should breed it with rock blast and replace megahorn with pin missile?




Random EVs, suggest

Holding nothing

- Psychic

- Trick Room

- Charge Beam

- Moonblast

Well, I need to respect this, since it wrecked Samson and Terra, but are there any better pokemon for this spot? Gardevoir is not bad, but... I think it can be better

Maybe that's because I have random EVs, but I'm not happy with this team, I just want to keep Greninja and Heracross, but of course I can keep the other ones if you guys have any ideas to make them stronger.

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First off, you can get Heracronite by giving a blue ice cream cone to the guy with tons off pikachus. i Haven't seen it for myself because my save file is glitch with the berry plants there. But i seen it in the forums somewhere that you can get it.

Rotom heat could replace Chandelure and it also give you an electric type.

Garbodor is really good from my experience if you really want to replace Crobat. Or you can try speed boost Scolipede.

Edited by HorizonLog
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First off, you can get Heracronite by giving a blue ice cream cone to the guy with tons off pikachus. i Haven't seen it for myself because my save file is glitch with the berry plants there. But i seen it in the forums somewhere that you can get it.

Rotom heat could replace Chandelure and it also give you an electric type.

Garbodor is really good from my experience if you really want to replace Crobat. Or you can try speed boost Scolipede.

I already have the heracrossite, after a billion soft resets for that ice cream :(

Rotom is limited in reborn, no will-o-wisp, no pain split, that's quite unfortunate

I could try that Scolipede since heracross will really appreciate some speed boosts.

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Don't bother with HP Fire, super-effective HP Fire is still weaker than Surf. The only reason people ever run HP Fire on it in comp is because of Scizor and Ferrothorn because they're so frequent- which is definitely not the case in Reborn. Gunk Shot is about the same, don't bother.

As for Scald vs Surf, Surf IMO. Greninja is so frail, you're more likely than not going to get only one chance to burn, might as well go for that 1/8th extra power.

Go max Speed and Sp.A EVs.

Get that Arcanine then. Agility, Outrage, CC and Flare Blitz are it's best set in-game, with Intimidate, max Attack and Health EVs and Adamant. The reason I'm saying max Health EVs and Agility over E-Speed is that you'll be outspeeding everything anyways after an Agility, might as well invest in HP to make setting one up easier, y'know?

Except for the EVs and nature, I don't know why it wouldn't be performing well, mine did a ton of work. Oh well, grab a Lilligant. There's not much for me to explain about it. Own Tempo with Modest/Calm, Max Special Attack and Health EVs, Quiver Dance, Petal Dance, HP Rock and Sleep Powder. And maybe a Wide Lens from wild Yanma to help with the accuracy of Sleep Powder, but you'll likely be SP-ing at the start: if you miss, just F12 and try again.

I'm really starting to think you're setting up on all the wrong foes, but oh well. Get a Starpator (with Endeavor), an Archeops (with EQ from pre-E13) or a Honchkrow (with Tailwind) if you want a bird. If you want a Poison-type, get Drapion (with SD and Dig from pre-E13 and a Scope Lens) or Nidoking (T-bolt and Ice Beam from pre-E13). They're all rather self-explanatory, I put anything that wouldn't be obvious in ().

It likely won't be a loooong time until we can actually mega-evolve stuff, so stick with Megahorn. Actually, both are level-up moves, just Heart-Scale them when needed.

Then grab a Malamar or Reuniclus. Run Trick Room on Reuniclus, but not for team support, but because it's bulky and strong enough to last all 5 turns in it without that hindering your team (though stuff with base 80 Speed definitely would like some speed support.)

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Don't bother with HP Fire, super-effective HP Fire is still weaker than Surf. The only reason people ever run HP Fire on it in comp is because of Scizor and Ferrothorn because they're so frequent- which is definitely not the case in Reborn. Gunk Shot is about the same, don't bother.

As for Scald vs Surf, Surf IMO. Greninja is so frail, you're more likely than not going to get only one chance to burn, might as well go for that 1/8th extra power.

Go max Speed and Sp.A EVs.

Get that Arcanine then. Agility, Outrage, CC and Flare Blitz are it's best set in-game, with Intimidate, max Attack and Health EVs and Adamant. The reason I'm saying max Health EVs and Agility over E-Speed is that you'll be outspeeding everything anyways after an Agility, might as well invest in HP to make setting one up easier, y'know?

Except for the EVs and nature, I don't know why it wouldn't be performing well, mine did a ton of work. Oh well, grab a Lilligant. There's not much for me to explain about it. Own Tempo with Modest/Calm, Max Special Attack and Health EVs, Quiver Dance, Petal Dance, HP Rock and Sleep Powder. And maybe a Wide Lens from wild Yanma to help with the accuracy of Sleep Powder, but you'll likely be SP-ing at the start: if you miss, just F12 and try again.

I'm really starting to think you're setting up on all the wrong foes, but oh well. Get a Starpator (with Endeavor), an Archeops (with EQ from pre-E13) or a Honchkrow (with Tailwind) if you want a bird. If you want a Poison-type, get Drapion (with SD and Dig from pre-E13 and a Scope Lens) or Nidoking (T-bolt and Ice Beam from pre-E13). They're all rather self-explanatory, I put anything that wouldn't be obvious in ().

It likely won't be a loooong time until we can actually mega-evolve stuff, so stick with Megahorn. Actually, both are level-up moves, just Heart-Scale them when needed.

Then grab a Malamar or Reuniclus. Run Trick Room on Reuniclus, but not for team support, but because it's bulky and strong enough to last all 5 turns in it without that hindering your team (though stuff with base 80 Speed definitely would like some speed support.)

What about dark pulse over extrasensory on Greninja?

Heat Wave and Naive nature is a good idea? I just don't like recoil

I really don't know why, but this thing can't take hits, it just doesn't make any sense, I was supposed to tank everything. If I really want, I can EV train this thing in SpDef and HP and see if it can do some work, but I'll try that lilligant, why not HP ground/fire over rock so I can actually touch steel types.

This thing couldn't even get ONE kill in my gym battles, I tried to set up against that hariyama, but no, it has smack down. Charlotte's darmanitan has rock slide, and even if I can set up, I can't one shot stuff, which is really bad. Anyways, archeops is great, but it has the worst ability ever made (maybe truant or slow start are worse, but regigigas and slaking can take hits, and archeops can't). Honchkrow and Staraptor are also weak in the defensive side, I can't take hits. I WISH we could breed bulk up on braviary, but as flying is the worst egg group ever for breeders...

Main idea: Don't laugh, chatot. Yeah, that's quite strange, but Taka proved that it can do some work, it actually has great spatt (I know that it's defenses are even worse, but >) and access to nasty plot AND sing, so I can set up safely. I can give it a life orb, so it will hit even harder. And I can also try to get some confusion hax with chatter using substitute at the same time. I'm going to try each one of these pokemon.

But if I don't want a flying type, nidoking/scolipede over gardevoir is the way to go.

You're right, I'll just swap rock slide for bullet seed when we get the megas.

Reuninclus is good, malamar is good, but what about metagross? Like... having a steel type is nice.

Edited by jotwas
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If you want another flying type to replace crobat, and still want it to use special attacks, you could try Noivern. It still has good speed, it's special attack is respectable, and with moves like Stab Dragon Pulse and BoomBurst, setting up shouldnt really be needed with how powerful the moves are themselves. Plus Noivern's move pool is much better than crobat, i recommend Dragon Pulse, BoomBurst, Hurricane/AirSlash, Flamethrower. Since it's frail, I would just slap a life orb on it and have it go to town. Probably make it Modest with Spe/SpAtk EVs.

The thing with gogoat is, yet it has a lot of hp, but it's defenses arent exactly super, the goal is to set it up on something that can't hit it very hard, and once you get a few bulk ups, then it really starts to shine. I agree with the above posts about lilligant, and another grass type to consinder is roserade if you end up getting rid of crobat for something non-poison type.

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