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Any legendaries, at all? Anything even come close to legendary, as in rare?



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There aren't, and you can't. This game is meant to be hard-nothing is handed to you on a silver platter. It requires skill, not overpowered pseudos and legends.

The available Pokémon list should've answered your question for you.

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As of yet, there is 1 pseudo-legendary available to catch. There aren't any legendary pokemon available though, if that was what you're looking for. But note, there are many, and put the emphasis on many, good pokemon in reborn. You've just gotta look closely for them.

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There aren't, and you can't. This game is meant to be hard-nothing is handed to you on a silver platter. It requires skill, not overpowered pseudos and legends.

The available Pokémon list should've answered your question for you.

OK, gah. You didn't have to be such a jerk about it...

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OK, well, I see there are some cool Pokemans here, so never mind.... like Magmortar, ad Electivire, and some others. So yea.

As of yet, there is 1 pseudo-legendary available to catch. There aren't any legendary pokemon available though, if that was what you're looking for. But note, there are many, and put the emphasis on many, good pokemon in reborn. You've just gotta look closely for them.

What is that pseudo-legendary Pokemon?

Edited by TacosAndFlowers
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Yeah, but that's just 1, and it's endgame. This guy is looking for powerful mons so he can breeze through the game.

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No good pokemon?
I'm guessing you started with Greninja, amarite?

My memory doesn't have the reputation to fail, but I'm pretty sure you can get:

Nidoking, Clefable, Arcanine, Alakazam, Machamp, Golem, Gengar, Hitmonlee, Weezing, Chansey, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Aerodactyl, Snorlax, Typhlosion, Crobat, Quagsire, Espeon, Umbreon, Granbull, Heracross, Donphan, Swampert, Gardevoir, Slaking, Sableye, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Sharpedo, Flygon, Cacturne, Zangoose, Crawdaunt, Cradily, Anorith, Metagross, Empoleon, Staraptor, Luxray, Gastrodon, Spiritomb, Lucario, Drapion, Magnezone, Tangrowth, Mamoswine, PorygonZ, Gallade, Dusknoir, Froslass, Rotom, Emboar, Stoutland, Excadrill, Conkeldurr, Leavanny, Scolipede, Lilligant, Krookodile, Darmanitan, Scrafty, Sigilyph, Zoroark, Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Escavalier, Amoonguss, Galvantula, Chandelure, Mienshao, Druddigon, Golurk, Bisharp, Durant, Chesnaught, Diggersbytho, Florges, Malamar, Dragalge, Clawitzer, Tyrantum, Sylveon, Trevenant, Avalugg and Noivern.

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And the leaders have been nerfed too so I don't see why you have to complain. And yes, there are legendaries in the game. If you manage to reach the current episode content, you can fine Mewtwo in the Unknown Dungeon.

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just letting you know, but both Magmortar and Electivire are not available, not "legally" at any rate. you can, however, obtain their baby forms very late in the game, so i wouldn't focus on them.

basically, you're not going to be able to depend on the old reliables in this game until late game, and sometimes not even then since so much is still unavailable. one of the game's very purposes is to stop that mindset. this game wants you to be innovative and open-minded, wants you to think more about strategy than brute force. taking away all of the powerful pokemon is one of the methods used to prevent the brute force "strategy". it just ain't happening.

some tips though, since it sounds like you need it: early-game fury cutter de-lee-lee-whoops butt. intimidate arbok with glare is useful. toxic spikes trubbish is too.

Edited by phoenix_fire
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Yeah, but that's just 1, and it's endgame. This guy is looking for powerful mons so he can breeze through the game.

No, I'm not trying to breeze through the game. I just don't want those girly-a** looking Pokemans throughout the game, I need MANLY ones, most of which are legendary, or powerful.

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That insults me, It is legit if u have started the game before episode 10

i meant currently speaking, of course.

No, I'm not trying to breeze through the game. I just don't want those girly-a** looking Pokemans throughout the game, I need MANLY ones, most of which are legendary, or powerful.

there are plenty of non-girly-looking, non-pseudo/legendary pokemon available that are also useful, if their appearance really bothers you so much. there are also girly-looking pokemon that actually are useful, sometimes more useful than the manly-looking ones, so i wouldn't judge them away only for that. remember, Reborn scowls upon the close-minded. if you avoid girly-looking pokemon on the sole principle of being loyal to manliness, you might find yourself having a much harder time than if you didn't discriminate.

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No, I'm not trying to breeze through the game. I just don't want those girly-a** looking Pokemans throughout the game, I need MANLY ones, most of which are legendary, or powerful.

That phrase actually made me laugh. You do realize some 'girly-looking Pokemon' are more powerful than 'manly-looking ones' right (like pheonix_fire have mentioned above)?

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Im fairly in the 'manly' camp too. But I tell you, branch out a little bit and youll be surprised for what awaits you. Champs like Garbodor and Hariyama can be a lot stronger than they may seem at first glance and aren't 'girly'. With a little leg work you can get Gallade and Aggron too(which may be my goal in my next playthrough, skipped both first time around), etc. Also arcanine and houndoom are fairly easy to get.

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That phrase actually made me laugh. You do realize some 'girly-looking Pokemon' are more powerful than 'manly-looking ones' right (like pheonix_fire have mentioned above)?

Same. I couldn't help but laugh.

Im fairly in the 'manly' camp too. But I tell you, branch out a little bit and youll be surprised for what awaits you. Champs like Garbodor and Hariyama can be a lot stronger than they may seem at first glance and aren't 'girly'. With a little leg work you can get Gallade and Aggron too(which may be my goal in my next playthrough, skipped both first time around), etc. Also arcanine and houndoom are fairly easy to get.

madf0x is right. Reborn forced me to use Pokemon I never gave a second look at. I'm glad Reborn did this. I've come to love using so many more Pokemon because of it.

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Im fairly in the 'manly' camp too. But I tell you, branch out a little bit and youll be surprised for what awaits you. Champs like Garbodor and Hariyama can be a lot stronger than they may seem at first glance and aren't 'girly'.

You pointed two pokemon, who are by FAR the most "ungirliest" ones, by first glance preferences? One of them is based off a sumo wrestler, but I get what you're saying.

I for one never thought I ever use a Swoobat but you'd be surprised how really effective that pokemon is.

Edited by Gentleman's Hat
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No, I'm not trying to breeze through the game. I just don't want those girly-a** looking Pokemans throughout the game, I need MANLY ones, most of which are legendary, or powerful.

Lol.. Dude you need to meet Sylveon/Azumarill/Whimsicott/Skitty/Meowstic/Cinccino/Lopunny.. These guys are probably tougher than your Legendary Pokemon also considering the difference in stats between them..

You can get your tough looking pokemon like Arcanine/Houndoom/Mightyena/Sharpedo/Aggron if you want them..

Plus I'm pretty sure even if you had a team full of legendaries pre-nerf Charlotte, Noel, Serra and Blake would destroy you.. Infact I want to try this..

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No, I'm not trying to breeze through the game. I just don't want those girly-a** looking Pokemans throughout the game, I need MANLY ones, most of which are legendary, or powerful.


Yes you are trying/want to breeze through the game because (as many pointed out) there are plenty of "manly" Pokemon in Reborn (if you're so keen on using only those) but still you don't want to use them, you "need" Legendary (or at least pseudo Legendary) ones...this is not that type of game.

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