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Any legendaries, at all? Anything even come close to legendary, as in rare?



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As others have stated, this game's appeal IS its difficulty, and honestly, I find you being pro psuedo and actual legendary only to be an insult. Ame-sama has done well making a game that keeps my interest fresh and not rage quit. This game is easier than B2W2 were. Deal with it.

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OK, gah. You didn't have to be such a jerk about it...

Well, to be fair, it says literally on the front page "obtainable pokemon", so you're the one kinda at fault here amigo

You can get Beldum, well, through strong patience and you have to be pretty far in the game, too.


Catch some Unown

unown for ubers 2k16

Get a Mudkip, slap an everstone on it, you're set for life.


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Lol.. Dude you need to meet Sylveon/Azumarill/Whimsicott/Skitty/Meowstic/Cinccino/Lopunny.. These guys are probably tougher than your Legendary Pokemon also considering the difference in stats between them..

You can get your tough looking pokemon like Arcanine/Houndoom/Mightyena/Sharpedo/Aggron if you want them..

Plus I'm pretty sure even if you had a team full of legendaries pre-nerf Charlotte, Noel, Serra and Blake would destroy you.. Infact I want to try this..

I can hook you up with the legends if you want. Though you'd need to find the pre-nerf episodes downloads on your own(if you don't have them already). Itd be interesting to see if youre right, but I dont wanna do that playthrough myself.

Edited by madf0x
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That insults me, It is legit if u have started the game before episode 10

I hope Ame reintroduces Gyarados. It would make me feel better. =D

Opal-easier than BW2? What? 5th generation was laughably easy.

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I can hook you up with the legends if you want. Though you'd need to find the pre-nerf episodes downloads on your own(if you don't have them already). Itd be interesting to see if youre right, but I dont wanna do that playthrough myself.

I can do it myself.. But I find legendaries too boring to play with.. I actually meant I'd wan't to see someone try a playthrough with only legendaries..

I think the only legendary I like is Hoopa, played with it a little in Zeta.. But even that isn't all that easy since it gets pummelled by anything with a dark type move.. Suckerpunch completely destroys Hoopa..(Yes, I'm looking at that damn Raticate..)

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Considering Keldeo is a legendary, it has no gender. But if we were to go off how the movie depicted Keldeo, I would say more masculine.. even though the voice actor for the Japaneese version was Shoko Nakagawa and the English version was Vic Mignogna.

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I strongly dislike it when users claim that legendary Pokemon are not in Reborn because they would make the game "too easy." This is obviously false to anyone who spends a moment to contemplate how strong legendary Pokemon actually are. Most legendary Pokemon are not particularly good to begin with (Regirock, Uxie, Moltres, etc.) and they are worse than some of the options that are currently available in-game. Blaziken is way better than any legendary Pokemon, and that's just the easiest example that I can come up with off the top of my head.

This attitude among users here also leads them to assume that any player wanting legendary Pokemon is lazy, strategically inept, and unable to appreciate the difficulty of the game. None of these assumptions may be true, and it further leads to groupthink and implicitly sanctioned ridicule (as should be evident from the numerous posts in this thread). I empathize with you, OP, because I've found myself in this position before.

I'm really not sure why legendary Pokemon aren't available in Reborn. My hypothesis is that they're meant to be exclusive because that's how they are canonically, and they tend to be popular Pokemon by default even if they aren't always the strongest because most players can't adequately judge power (also evident from the numerous posts in this thread). Popular Pokemon are always given the axe in this game, regardless of their actual power. Meanwhile, take the time to enjoy using Pokemon that you may not have used before.

(Pedantry time: you can get an Arcanine; it is the Legendary Pokemon, after all...)

Edited by dondon151
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Strong Pokemon in general (Legendary or not) make the game too easy that is why they are moved to later areas (Blaziken is in the beginning only because it's a starter) if i remember you already argued (with many people) about this so what part of it do you "still" not understand? For the Legendaries "being weak" that is actually the first time i ever heard about it really, some of them (a small fraction) are weak it's true but the vast majority is not, do you really think that having a bunch of 580+ Pokemon be avaliable midgame would not make it easier? And let's not forget the fact that practically everyone would grab them leading to 0 variety in teams

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I think the " what do you 'still' not understand?" is pushing things man. Its not like hes been whining about not having his talonflame(though may seem that way if one doesn't actually read what he wrote), hes just complaining about what he believes is some faulty logic. Id have to agree that a lot of things have been pushed back because 'omg too op pls nerf' without ever testing it. Theres also plenty of pokemon that got deservingly pushed back because they did prove to be OP despite not thinking so before hand. On this legendary topic I believe all hes trying to say is that banning out legendaries simply on the premise of being a legendary and not on its individual viability in game is a bit premature. Not to mention a large chunk of certain strong pokemon are strong only in relation to their movepool that we dont have access to because of the TM sparsity.

A great example would be greninja. Pretty much everyone agrees that he is way OP yet with few exceptions I have only seen people who have actually used him(myself included) say he didnt put in nearly as much work as expected thanks to his movepool options. Especially since what good moves he can get he doesnt till late game.

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Oh the "Talonflame case" is only the last argument (and i'm not talking about his post here but the several pages long discussion in "the axe" topic) you probably didn't see the others because you're relatively new here and let me tell you that they follow the exact same pattern. As i already said only a small portion of Legendaries are actually weak enough to "warrant" their possible presence in game now but they're probably not in because of development decisions or some specific events/actions that didn't happen yet, the rest are simply too strong to not be post E4 this of course is only my opinion.

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Well Id be surprised if it didnt follow the same pattern, hes trying to make the same argument after all just changing up the examples to fit the situations.

Eh, I agree with him that the logic behind some of these decisions is wack but conversely I enjoy that those decisions were made regardless.

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Just like in the cannon games, legendary pokemon are not gonna be available in pokemon reborn until post game. The legendary pokemon you see before then will most likely be a part of the story and thus not gonna be catchable. As for the psuedo-legendary pokemon, and other pokemon that are overlal powerful are left for late game. It is very likely that we will be able to obtain most, if not all the non-legendary pokemon ebfore we take on the Elite 4 and Champion, so just be patient. The reason that many poweful pokemon are not available early on is because they would trivialize many of the challenging fights in the game, and also to give some spotlight to less used and overlooked pokemon. Pokemon reborn has taught me that Emolga for example, who is usually an overlooked pokemon, is actually extremely useful early to mid game. There are many other pokemon like that, you just gotta give them a chance.

Edited by deadpool848
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I guess the closest to legendary is Spiritomb. You need to unearth a odd keystone from mining, however, and take it to a special place in the Byxbision Wastelands. Finding the place is tricky in itself. I myself already found it but I don't have an odd keystone at the moment.

There's Rotom but I have no idea how to catch it yet, so.

Edited by Ghost
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I guess the closest to legendary is Spiritomb. You need to unearth a odd keystone from mining, however, and take it to a special place in the Byxbision Wastelands. Finding the place is tricky in itself. I myself already found it but I don't have an odd keystone at the moment.

There's Rotom but I have no idea how to catch it yet, so.

I'm not too sure how far you are in the game... but you need the Yureyu Key which can be obtained post-Noel.

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