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Fallout 4

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I heard of 4 becoming a thing but i didn't actually think it was true lol i head it was going to be like skyrim but better and smoother gameplay, new vegas i really liked, loved using the ranger armor and some mods were a bit to sexy for me though that's what i saw a lot anyways, never tried any for myself. ">o>

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new vegas will always be mine favorite mine. based my fallout rpg character around my main character in it.

modded the game so bad that i had to start learning how the mod loader worked and the order that i needed. i dont even want to think of all the items i had in one cabinet at the hotel.

also: mr house for the win

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  • 2 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Did anyone else have a major problem with each of the factions?

The closest to 'just right' was the minutemen. I felt really good about the minutemen for most of the game. The commonwealth coming together as a unit under my banner, doing good and helping each other out. Then the railroad leader said something to make me take pause- the minutemen were the people of the common wealth. All of them. All their problems, their attitudes, their prejudices, their superstitions... The minutemen weren't different from everybody at all. They are the people cowering from or raging the institute, the men and women who ran out all the ghouls from diamond city, the heartless, sadistic bastards at Covenant, the raiders and the scavengers.

That was crushing to realize. They were like the other factions. Seemingly pretty good at first, until they tell you more of themselves and reveal how fundamentally flawed each of them are.

I'll write more about each faction later, but I wanna know what faction you guys finished the main storyline with and why.

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Guys stop trying to find secrets in the glowing see or at the bottom of the ocean.

the're are not any left. i legit explored for about 3 hours ( it was fun) but found nothing new.

you need to understand that the creators didnt spend hours of their precious time placing random things for players to go " oh....thats cool" , when they could clearly use it to upgrade some other features.

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