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I need girl help, stat!

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OK, if you are a true guy, you know what I mean when I say "girl shit". I'm not even gonna explain. Yea, when she gets emotional, I care. But if it's drooling over a dude, I frankly don't give a f#$%. And if you were a true guy, you would know that hurting girls is a no-no, while guys get over it pretty quickly. Not being sexist. I just tend to be protective of girls, and yes, I know that most girls nowadays are strong-willed. That doesn't change anything. Hurting girls, especially my friends or my crush, is a severe violation of guy-code, in my book. And no, our "relationship" isn't antagonistic. I actually kid around with the dude sometimes when he's high. But most of the time, he's a douche. His one redeeming quality is that he's pretty smart. But not smart enough to walk all over people like that. And if you have an image of some huge pumped-up guy that has a smart attitude, you're wrong. He's lean, but still has muscles and does have a smartass attitude. So yea.

Edited by TheIronButtcheek
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OK sorry, just saying if you're out of your teens, you should be worrying about working to pay the bills, as you're probably out of high school by now.

The whole thing about this being a joke is kind of lost when you directly contradict your supposed humour with such an ignorant statement.

While I don't play pokémon myself, I'll be brief. People regardless of age, gender or whatever else arbitrary measuring system you want to use, have the right to spend their free time however they want, and you're not entitled to judge them for it.

OK, if you are a true guy, you know what I mean when I say "girl shit". I'm not even gonna explain. Yea, when she gets emotional, I care. But if it's drooling over a dude, I frankly don't give a f#$%. And if you were a true guy, you would know that hurting girls is a no-no, while guys get over it pretty quickly. Not being sexist. I just tend to be protective of girls, and yes, I know that most girls nowadays are strong-willed. That doesn't change anything. Hurting girls, especially my friends or my crush, is a severe violation of guy-code, in my book.

Has it ever occurred to you that it is not in fact your place to determine how someone else should or wants to be treated, and you are not in fact entitled to dictate how said interaction goes?

At least the other guy is fair enough to take gender out of the equation, rather than objectifying a woman, disregarding her opinion as "girl stuff" and saying she should be coddled and protected from the world with your big manly bravado.

If you want any woman to respect you, let alone have feelings for you, start by seeing them as people. I know women who can shrug off backhanded comments like they weren't even said, and men who get far too hurt over them. And you know what? Both of them are just fine to me being that way.

I'll finish with this. If you think being sexist is being a true guy, then you do not only have a skewed perspective of women. You've a skewed perspective of men, too.

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OH MY F***ING JESUS, F***ING LIBERALS. jk jk, but seriously, some of you are being assholes. I'm not saying being sexist is being a guy. It's a guy's duty to screw up anybody that messes with a girl, if that person is another guy. Sorry, I don't hit girls, as I don't believe in harming girls. How is that sexist? I see them as people, DUH. That's why I'm protective of them. I don't disregard her opinion as girl stuff! You know good and well what I mean! And the other guy didn't take gender into the equation, because he also didn't think twice about being an asshole. I'm not dictating the interaction. I'm gonking up a douchebag for being an asshole, that's all.

EDIT: AND I'm saying that people shouldn't be sitting on their asses all day playing Pokemon, if they have a house to work for and pay the bills for. I didn't mean in their freetime. Sorry about the misunderstanding.

Edited by TheIronButtcheek
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It's a guy's duty to screw up anybody that messes with a girl, if that person is another guy.

Since fudging when?

It shouldn't matter who is being mean to who, you should step in and help whoever.

I can go on here about all the things I find wrong about that statement, but really... most of the time another girl is being picked on in school it's by another girl. So by that you're saying that it' no one's job to step in and help.

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"If you're a true guy" ...So any male that disagrees with you isn't really a guy? Good thing I'm already a girl then. Have you ever said anything along the lines of "she's the most beautiful/smart/funny girl I've ever met"? (Like you did earlier) That's you drooling over a girl, you're just not as expressive as she is. Further, you're being very sexist. Being protective is fine, even being chivalrous is fine imo. But the gender of the person he's being an asshole to shouldn't effect his "asshole level." I honestly came into this thread hoping to help you with your romantic woes, yet you continually ignore/argue with any comment you disagree with. FYI, you're being a complete jerk (also no returns because 3DS)

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Guys, please be careful of what you say. It's obvious there are some lines that have been crossed within this topic, and if it goes any further, I have no other choice than to lock it.

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*Walks in to say hello, see's whats going on, immediately walks back out*

EDIT : Leaves a Present In the hopes of cheering people up -v

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Guys guys if it's my choice to protect girls against wankers, I can. And I just love how it's mostly other girls commenting against me... And IT IS NOT SEXIST. My dad always told me to stand up to any guy who's picking on a girl. It's rude. If a guy's picking on another guy, it's probably joking around, and if it's not, I can joke 'em out of it. If a guy is picking on a girl, it's probably serious. That's what I'm trying to get at.

Edited by TheIronButtcheek
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I could even comment how human beings commonly display initial signs of attraction by actually picking on and being competitive towards each other, and how that's actually a biological response to us as animals trying to prove we're worthy mates but instead I'll just leave this here and hopefully never read this thread again


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Alright, just trying to help cool things a bit on the "true guy" thing. What KosherKitten says is good, but I think some people are reading into it too much. He says that, as a guy, he feels a moral obligation to protect girls. That's not to say he wouldn't step in and help if a fellow male was being threatened. Just because someone says something doesn't automatically make them think oppositely about the flip-side. It's just his way of saying he doesn't like to see people, women especially (since the topic is on girls, he gave one of his reasons for protecting girls. Nothing in this conversation is about helping guys from being treated badly. 'Nother topic entirely) get treated badly. Because he notices this other guy doing that to "Jenny," he feels some animosity towards him.
I think the sexism comments are reaches for reasons to get upset with him, and while not everything he has said has been the best, it is important to stay professional. It is his help thread, after all.

...I'm only saying this because I can see how it is easy for people to be against what's being said on his part, especially the way it comes off.

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Alright, just trying to help cool things a bit on the "true guy" thing. What KosherKitten says is good, but I think some people are reading into it too much. He says that, as a guy, he feels a moral obligation to protect girls. That's not to say he wouldn't step in and help if a fellow male was being threatened. Just because someone says something doesn't automatically make them think oppositely about the flip-side. It's just his way of saying he doesn't like to see people, women especially (since the topic is on girls, he gave one of his reasons for protecting girls. Nothing in this conversation is about helping guys from being treated badly. 'Nother topic entirely) get treated badly. Because he notices this other guy doing that to "Jenny," he feels some animosity towards him.

I think the sexism comments are reaches for reasons to get upset with him, and while not everything he has said has been the best, it is important to stay professional. It is his help thread, after all.

...I'm only saying this because I can see how it is easy for people to be against what's being said on his part, especially the way it comes off.

Pretty much this. Like wow, he has a different moral opinion of his gender role than some people do, ergo he must be sexist? Feels a little ironic to me, not to mention going off topic. He opened his heart out and asked for help with this relationship issue. People prod him on points they don't agree with and then seem all surprised when he says more stuff they dont like smh.

On the other hand TheIronButtCheek, probably shouldn't be adding more fuel to your own pyre. Best way to deal with people harassing you like this is to focus on the topic at hand. It sounded like you had a plan of action earlier, personally I would have just left the topic at that and came back only when there was new status in how things went. Not to say you shouldnt shutup everytime someone disagrees with you, but there is virtue in knowing when to speak softly instead of brandishing the big stick if ya get my reference.

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Not trying to pin the sexism tag on you, but it really shouldn't be said like that.

From what I can see though is that most things to help you have been said already, that includes the "rudeness" of telling you to mature a bit.

You are mature enough to understand things, so that's good. You wanna "protect" people, sure as naive as that is, go ahead.

From how close you say you two are then it really i just something about time and about her wanting to take that kind of interest in you. I'm not going back to read if you already told her how you feel about her, but if you haven't already then that's something to be done because you're not getting anywhere if you don't

You should also really try to get to know this other guy, sure he sounds like an ass, but everyone is/can be. Who knows, maybe you two can be best buds...

Again, most things to help/"help" have been said, so I'm going to leave my stuff here.

If you're that determined then maybe something will happen, but it's best to not expect it.

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Alright, just trying to help cool things a bit on the "true guy" thing. What KosherKitten says is good, but I think some people are reading into it too much. He says that, as a guy, he feels a moral obligation to protect girls. That's not to say he wouldn't step in and help if a fellow male was being threatened. Just because someone says something doesn't automatically make them think oppositely about the flip-side. It's just his way of saying he doesn't like to see people, women especially (since the topic is on girls, he gave one of his reasons for protecting girls. Nothing in this conversation is about helping guys from being treated badly. 'Nother topic entirely) get treated badly. Because he notices this other guy doing that to "Jenny," he feels some animosity towards him.

I think the sexism comments are reaches for reasons to get upset with him, and while not everything he has said has been the best, it is important to stay professional. It is his help thread, after all.

...I'm only saying this because I can see how it is easy for people to be against what's being said on his part, especially the way it comes off.

I may have read into it a bit much, but he has also stated previously that this guy is the same to everyone. But he only seems to care about it when it's a girl. I am also inferring a bit from other statements he's made and assuming this statement is made with the same mindset

If a guy's picking on another guy, it's probably joking around

I can state from experience that even jokes can be harmful. And it's even more harmful to expect a guy to stand there and take it just because he's a guy. Further, there's plenty of times when it's not really a joke and the antagonist will just pretend it's a joke when someone tries to call him out on it

Sorry, I don't hit girls, as I don't believe in harming girls.

...What if some girl was picking on Jenny and she needed defending like she does from the other guy? Also does this mean you do hit guys and have no issue with that?

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I'll try and explain this as easily and in a way that doesn't antagonise you or anybody else.

I understand that you have been brought up with the thought that you must protect girls when a guy is picking on them.. It's the same with me.. Yes that mindset can be said to be sexist.. Hell even when you are chivalrous it can be misconstrued to be sexist.. This has happened with me.. The problem here is how you behave in general with girls..

For me, it comes down to what she expects of me.. I'm talking about any girl and not just someone I like.. If she is being picked on and it's obvious she wants it to stop then I will step forward and help her.. I've even fought with my best friend over this when I was a teenager.. Even when it comes to guys I would do the same.. Hell, there are times when it's me picking on a guy or a girl.. I treat both groups the same way.. I act like a smartass with people irrespective of their gender.. I even end up talking perverted things with girls and guys irrespective of how long I have known them..

That is where I feel you are showing a difference in attitude.. You say she likes this guy, and has been made aware of how he talks about her and treats her.. If you feel the need to act any further after that, then I'm sorry mate, but a lot of what you said is sexist.. Not because you said you need to protect a girl, but rather that you assumed it is your duty.. She already knows what you want to say about that guy and is still choosing to hang out with him.. That should give you a clear indication that she doesn't mind it and she doesn't need your protection in any way.. That is where any further action from you ends, up being disrespectful towards her, as it shows you feel that she is not intelligent enough or capable enough to handle her own affairs..

I'd also like to point out that you needn't be abusive in your replies.. Just because you feel this way doesn't mean that every guy in the world feels it.. Also there is no such thing as a 'Real Guy'.. Every person irrespective of gender can be considered a guy simply on the basis of how they wish to be perceived.. If we sat down to describe the traits of a 'Guy' you would have a variety of descriptions based on the background of the individual you ask.. Some would say a guy is the rugged cowboy, and some would say he is the romantic frenchman.. You could have him be the chivalrous english knight.. He could be a suave guy like bond, or a geeky guy Leonard.. He could be smart or dumb.. Boorish or metrosexual.. It all depends on what your personal perspective is..

That is exactly why people find your comments sexist.. In simple terms, you are portraying yourself as a male chauvinist pig.. I guess this comes more from your language rather than intent.. Although a few of your follow up posts have made me unsure of that as well.. Despite that I would give you the benefit of the doubt.. This would be because of your explanation regarding your post on adults shouldn't play pokemon.. You realised the error in your language and clarified that..

Now to the point at hand.. I've felt the same way you have a bunch of times, and managed to let go.. You say you have tried it and can't manage to do so.. The only thing I can suggest to you then is try and align your feelings towards the platonic side.. If what you say about the other guy is true and he will hurt her, you should help her by being her friend and support.. She will need you later and that is the best thing you can do for her.. You will show her that you truly care about her and are going to be there for her.. That is the best thing you can do in such a situation.. At least it would be what I would do..

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OH MY F***ING JESUS, F***ING LIBERALS. jk jk, but seriously, some of you are being assholes. I'm not saying being sexist is being a guy. It's a guy's duty to screw up anybody that messes with a girl, if that person is another guy. Sorry, I don't hit girls, as I don't believe in harming girls. How is that sexist? I see them as people, DUH. That's why I'm protective of them. I don't disregard her opinion as girl stuff! You know good and well what I mean! And the other guy didn't take gender into the equation, because he also didn't think twice about being an asshole. I'm not dictating the interaction. I'm gonking up a douchebag for being an asshole, that's all.

EDIT: AND I'm saying that people shouldn't be sitting on their asses all day playing Pokemon, if they have a house to work for and pay the bills for. I didn't mean in their freetime. Sorry about the misunderstanding.

I'm not even gonna count how many wrong/bad/offensive/sexists statements there are in your replies but i can tell for a fact that you're not mature enough to be in a relationship (no matter if it's with someone you know for a long time) because even if you (somehow) manage to succeed it will fall apart soon afterwards. Like many here i would suggest to let go and move on, maybe to try again (with her or someone else) after 3-4 years but you're probably not gonna listen anyway (because you're young and impulsive).


So you're assuming that i don't work...because i play Pokemon...can't i do both? Logic where are you? Ahhh...i understand that it was "supposed" to be a joke but (take this as advice) these types of jokes should be used when you know the person you're talking to at least a little and never be used to adress everyone because there are people (like me) who would not enjoy it and act accordingly.

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