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What's your lifesaver?


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I would have to say that my Flygon, Judith, and my Luxray, Lucia were the only things that helped me get this far.

Judith basically soloed all of Aya(The gym leader that forced me to restart my first playthrough) by spamming dig. And was that final push I needed to beat Solaris' Garchomp.

Lucia had a penchant for always being rng screwed. Arceus help her if she was confused or paralyzed. Her time to shine came in the form of Solaris' Garchomp. I devised a strategy to bait out the earthquake then switch to Judith who had levitate. So I could stack the intimidates on it. And finish it with a baby doll eyes. And Lucia being the awesome thing she was, face tanked the remaining 30+ PP worth of moves Solaris crammed into her face until it was forced to struggle, where Judith finished the rest. Lucia has since been a very powerful party member. She was also my first shiny in reborn!

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Not really in my normal playthrough, I try to spread the glory of victory equally.

In my steel monotype however, everything became 200% easier when I got Escavalier. That thing destroyed and tanked everything! Noel? No prob bruh. Giant Steelix? Plz. Fern? Radomus? Samson? All taken out. Even Charlotte (with Trick Room support) gave few frags. The game became so boring that I stopped the run. Sooooo... maybe it wasn't a good thing.

Edited by Jaromir
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My most valued players have been Gallade (took out El's ditto singe handily thanks to his justified ability) and Mamoswine since they useley take down 2 or three pokemon before going down themselves. My lifesaver has been Wigglytuff thanks to high HP stat and has given me many clinch victories. Honorable mentions go to my Persian and Mightyena for giving me some early victories by flinching everything to death.

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for me it's been my flygon hes got me out of so many jams i cant count them all raising a trapinch has been worth every second, i try to spread the glory but sometimes you just need a dragons touch....im lookinjg at you charlotte.....

Edited by sandy
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Swanna turned out to be the MVP against Charlotte. Rain Dance saved us and buffed Seaking to killing potential.

Otherwise, it's usually The Dread Dormammu, the awesome Delphox. Mystical Fire to lower Shade's Chandelure's Sp. Attack saved us and let the rest of my team take them out. Cleared out a good portion of Serra's solo team. Landed the finishing hit on Arceus and got the XP and Gold. He, Koloktos the Klinklang, and Reaper the (then) Dusclops ended Radomus easily. Samson wishes he could've survived a hit from this. Yeah, this Pokemon has been with me throughout my Reborn adventure and is only in my PC Box at the moment because he's too close to the level cap, unfortunately.

Ame, if you're reading this, please make the next badge increase the level cap again so I can train him. I don't like not having my starter with me.

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In my second playthrough I decided to grab a Hariyama to deal with Florinia's Cradily, I soon after bred/IV trained it and it has never failed me whether it was destroying Garchomp's accuracy, single-handedly taking on Arceus, or simply being useful in double battles with Fake out/Knock off support. Despite not being my favorite team member I can't help but respect how it has gotten me out of a ton of tough situations. Good on ya' Gurung.

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Swampert's definitely carrying his weight. He never gets one-shotted unless it's a Grass move and does revenge kills LIKE A BOSS. He seems to be the guy that does everything and carries the team on his back most of the time.
Metagross and Noivern are pretty awesome too. Sweeping the enemy team with relative ease.
Also, Noivern + Swampert make a pretty badass combo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hitmonlee is definitely my favourite savior : He defeated 5 of Luna's pokemon when he was only lv46 and 4 of Samson's thanks to the Bounce !

Gigalith is my 2nd best savior : He was the main key to the victory of Charlotte which I think was the hardest gym I've ever battle. He will also be the spotlight for the upcoming episodes.

That's all I could think up at least for now


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Friggin' Noctowl.

When I started playing the game, I thought I'd throw it out of my team pretty quickly, and a friend wondered why I even bothered at all.

Then it took down Tangrowth. And Cradily. And delivered the killing hit against Arceus.

Not to mention the various smaller victories it secured for me.

Sometimes I have moments where I consider boxing the poor fella, but he always makes up for his flaws. Always.

Reliable? Not so much. Lifesaver? Hell yeah.

All of my 'mons have their shining moments, of course.

Arcanine for Steelix and Abra. Klinklang for Aya's and Radomus' teams, and a considerable part of the battle against Pseudoceus. Samurott versus Cal.

But thing is, I expected them to be useful.

Noctowl? Wouldn't have predicted it.

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