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New Nintendo system "NX"


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Nintendo just announced a partnership with DeNA. A mobile software company. DeNA is working on a new type of online structure/account system. Nintendo games in some form will be made on mobile devices.This doesn't mean Nintendo won't be making game systems as they announced the system will be given details in 2016.

-Old games will not be brought over. So no pokemon or any other Nintendo games pre-2015 or 2016 will be made available on your phone.

-These smart phone games will not be made available on wii U or 3ds. Meaning they will not interfere with core development.

-Club Nintendo will be replaced with some sort of premium membership much like PSN. DENA will also help them improve their current online. Hopefully.

-Nintendo NX is going to be a new handheld to be given details in 2016. It will be an attempt at bridging mobile and handhelD markets. This is good because that's what the Playstation Vita is. Meaning we could get a Nintendo handheld that has pretty good hardware. Or at least it will be more powerful than the vita. Not knocking the 3ds I love it. I just wish it had a better screen resolution.


Edited by fireheart4560
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Nintendo just announced a partnership with DeNA. A mobile software company. DeNA is working on a new type of online structure/account system. Nintendo games in some form will be made on mobile devices.This doesn't mean Nintendo won't be making game systems as they announced the system will be given details in 2016.

-Old games will not be brought over. So no pokemon or any other Nintendo games pre-2015 or 2016 will be made available on your phone.

-These smart phone games will not be made available on wii U or 3ds. Meaning they will not interfere with core development.

-Club Nintendo will be replaced with some sort of premium membership much like PSN. DENA will also help them improve their current online. Hopefully.

-Nintendo NX is going to be a new handheld to be given details in 2016. It will be an attempt at bridging mobile and handhelD markets. This is good because that's what the Playstation Vita is. Meaning we could get a Nintendo handheld that has pretty good hardware. Or at least it will be more powerful than the vita. Not knocking the 3ds I love it. I just wish it had a better screen resolution.


I'm not nearly as optimistic about this as you.

Nintendo catered to the casual player before. Now they're moving to cell phone games? It's just continuing a downhill trend of very casual stuff.

The main bright side I see to this is that they might port games like pokemon to phones, but then, what need will we really have for a real handheld system like the 3ds?

I'm glad Nintendo is starting to realize how badly they suck at online gaming. At least they're getting outside help this time.

Mobile and handheld? If anything, they'll look at the vita as an example of failure. Good system with few games, they'll probably tone down the hardware in favor of just above what they need to play flappy bird and tower defender games. It will absolutely be nowhere near as powerful as the vita.

I don't like where this is going at all.

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I'm not nearly as optimistic about this as you.

Nintendo catered to the casual player before. Now they're moving to cell phone games? It's just continuing a downhill trend of very casual stuff.

The main bright side I see to this is that they might port games like pokemon to phones, but then, what need will we really have for a real handheld system like the 3ds?

I'm glad Nintendo is starting to realize how badly they suck at online gaming. At least they're getting outside help this time.

Mobile and handheld? If anything, they'll look at the vita as an example of failure. Good system with few games, they'll probably tone down the hardware in favor of just above what they need to play flappy bird and tower defender games. It will absolutely be nowhere near as powerful as the vita.

I don't like where this is going at all.

I really hate how Nintendo has been listening to the wrong people. I pretty much agree with this and I never cared for all that phone stuff. If anything, I've stuck with Nintendo for so long because I thought they wouldn't do something like this. Oh well! I predict this won't go over too well and they'll just go back to the 3DS. Hopefully we see an improvement with the online stuff though.

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I really hate how Nintendo has been listening to the wrong people. I pretty much agree with this and I never cared for all that phone stuff. If anything, I've stuck with Nintendo for so long because I thought they wouldn't do something like this. Oh well! I predict this won't go over too well and they'll just go back to the 3DS. Hopefully we see an improvement with the online stuff though.

I understand the cynicism with this.

The big thing about this is that it could bring more customers to their dedicated systems while making money on the mobile market. Plus they said if it doesn't work out they'll tuck their tails and run away.

They are handling it in the best way possible because, for starters they are keeping their gaming division separate from mobile stuff. The fact they are coming out with "new hardware" (obviously brand spanking new handheld) in the next 2-3 years. This is also gonna improve their online stuff.

I dunno, we barely know anything yet and the stuff we do no is fairly good for them. As long as it benefits me as a gamer I can dig it.

Well here's the thing, they always try to be more powerful than the strongest system of the previous generation. Hence the wii being (slightly) more powerful than the xbox. 3DS outclasses the PSP. So at worst it'll be a slightly stronger vita.

What I'm hoping for is that they go with a 720p native resolution and hardware to be able to run their core games in 720p 30/60fps

Edited by fireheart4560
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The nice thing about nintendo though is that no matter what hardware they are going with there WILL be some sort of innovation. It may be good it may be bad, but at least nintendo is willing to take risks and if were lucky this new device will be one of the neato innovations.

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I hear mobile devices and think of that totally not candy crush pokemon game.

As for linking up all consoles up thing...

**Insert Kanye West here**

That's cool, and I will let you finish that, but Playstation did it first.

*removes the safety on his handgun waiting for someone to mention the dreamcast**

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I hear mobile devices and think of that totally not candy crush pokemon game.

As for linking up all consoles up thing...

**Insert Kanye West here**

That's cool, and I will let you finish that, but Playstation did it first.

*removes the safety on his handgun waiting for someone to mention the dreamcast**

*wears plated bulletproof vest*

Screw linking up consoles, it did online play first. In fact, if you don't mind running a computer that can literally do nothing other than to troll hackers and researchers, theres linux kernel changes to make your computer emulate the appearance of a dreamcast on the network, so internet scanners faithfully reports that you still have a dreamcast hooked up online.

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That happens a lot to many companies that acquire other companies. Short term stock changes aren't a good measure of good business decisions unless you are the investor looking to make a quick flip off a news story such as this, in which case good business decision for you :P

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It is so aggravating when I have to play a stupid touch-pad minigames (Looking at you, Super-training pokemon) which the game put in as an token use of the hardware. The touch-screen is OCCASIONALLY useful, at best. So, please don't nintendo. Just please.

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I like the dual screen and while yeah the super training mini game was kinda boring, it was still nice to be able to EV train exactly how you want from the get go instead of needing to wait till the last quarter to do it with any sort of reasonable speed.

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TWEWY That game is hard-core dual screen action. I do like the dual screen system and am glad it was also implemented for the wii u. There's a good reason why it stuck around for so long.

As for the mobile stuff, I'm very edgy towards it (kind of like I was with the 3DS). If it's going to be silly little candy crush games, I'm going to pass, but if they're willing to do something on the level of Xenosaga Pied Piper stuff, hell yeah I'll be rooting for them. That my friends is an ancient Japanese only phone game about a backstory cut from Ep II (and a pretty darn good one). It's too bad I can't find the comics otherwise I'd link that here.

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According to Acqui, the mobile version of TWEWY is perfectly fine. Dual screens really aren't needed and kinda make the whole system feel so much bulkier than it should be. This is coming from someone who has been playing a DS for years, I have never made my peace with the screens.

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I really hate how Nintendo has been listening to the wrong people. I pretty much agree with this and I never cared for all that phone stuff. If anything, I've stuck with Nintendo for so long because I thought they wouldn't do something like this. Oh well! I predict this won't go over too well and they'll just go back to the 3DS. Hopefully we see an improvement with the online stuff though.

P much my opinion here

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Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about this. Mobile games isn't something I'd think Nintendo would do, but hey. Pokemon Shuffle had the microtransactions which is a giant thing in mobile games, so that is kind of close I guess.

EDIT: Ok, now I see that it's more of like a 3DS and Wii U sort of smooshed together? I don't know. Still on the fence of how I feel about this.

Edited by ScorchingShock
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The dual screen is much like the motion control with the Wii: it's a neat idea that very few developers actually took full advantage of. I personally like having menus on one screen and the game itself on another, but that's just me.

This so much. The touchscreen also makes for some cool games like Kirby's Canvas Curse and the Mario vs. Donkey Kong games. And it's not like the touchscreen minigames are required

Also, I love Shuffle. The microtransaction thing is #rolleyes for me, but the game itself is quite enjoyable (which is funny since I kinda hate Candy Crush, lol)

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Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about this. Mobile games isn't something I'd think Nintendo would do, but hey. Pokemon Shuffle had the microtransactions which is a giant thing in mobile games, so that is kind of close I guess.

EDIT: Ok, now I see that it's more of like a 3DS and Wii U sort of smooshed together? I don't know. Still on the fence of how I feel about this.

No, it's more like a cellphone and a DS smooshed together, and they're hoping it'll be a gateway platform for people to move from casual to console gaming. That's what they're aiming for. I don't think it'll work.

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No, it's more like a cellphone and a DS smooshed together, and they're hoping it'll be a gateway platform for people to move from casual to console gaming. That's what they're aiming for. I don't think it'll work.

Here's my thing, I don't care how they do it as long as my Nintendo games play great and they go with better hardware this time.

One thing they'll learn from mobile gaming is that a good resolution benefits everything. Since Nintendo always makes the hardware better than what was strongest last generation it'll be pretty much stronger than the Vita dual screen or not.

I just hope that they decide to make it more conventional and not gimmicky. The gimmicks are what gave the 3DS a slow start and made the wii U a dud. I love both but 3DS could be at 70 million sales at this point rather than 51. Wii U could have been a better system without the gamepad regardless of how much I love it.

Either way we're getting better online and account systems this year so this is only benefiting so far.

Edited by fireheart4560
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I don't care that much about the hardware, it's all about the gameplay itself. That just adds to the price tag and metric shittons of time to the development process.


You know, those things that are super easy and super quick to make.

It isn't bridging the gap by making a mobile system's costs surpass old console prices. That would be like making a serious system, asking for a serious commitment on the promise of more high quality games to come. Only more hardcore gamers who have an eye on what's coming up would buy into that. Did I mention that that is the opposite of bridging the markets?

You can't make stupendously amazing hardware that plays games little more complicated than candy crush. That would be illogical (RIP Nimoy).

Seriously, don't get your hopes up.

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The Vita is way stronger than the 3DS (both OG and new). And the Wii U isn't as powerful as the PS3 and 360

Though this console appears to still be in the planning stages. I also want to point out that Mobile games are bigger in Japan then they are in the rest of the world.

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The Vita is way stronger than the 3DS (both OG and new). And the Wii U isn't as powerful as the PS3 and 360

Though this console appears to still be in the planning stages. I also want to point out that Mobile games are bigger in Japan then they are in the rest of the world.

So is streetpass. Small island nation, lots of people crammed together. It works there. Not so much here in the US. Nintendo is quite the example of ... well, something I learned in 300 level Japanese culture classes. Their view is narrow AF.

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Nintendo carries that mindset pretty hard. The only time street pass works is if you go to anime cons or are a student of some sort.

Anime con street passes are unreal.

And poke walker was pretty hype at cons in the gen 4 days

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