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I have a level 36 Samaurwott, level 35 Meowsitc male, a Growlithe, and a murkrow both level 30, im just wondering what would be some good pokemons for me to fill my two free spot at this point in the game when i just beat shelly, im thinking either a grass type, electric type, or something else

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Grass type: Leavanny, I think it fits really well in your team, since you don't have extremely fast mons, and sticky web support will be really useful.

Eletric type: Magnezone, a steel type is always good, analytic magnezone is the best one, sturdy/mirror coat is really bad actually, since you'll only have one kill. Also, are you EV training?

Samurott: I guess you can use air slash, surf, grass knot and hidden power fighting.

Growlithe: Agility, heat wave, close combat and outrage.

I'd say swamp Meowstic, reuninclus/gengar/metagross are way better.

Murkrow... Tailwind, yeah, and prankster, so when you evolve it you'll have moxie honchkrow.

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Magnezone is always a good choice, unless your team is already heavily weak to ground. You can catch a Magnemite in the abandoned powerplant, which is where you are going next.

And as for another Pokemon, a Grass would be great. I suggest Oddish. (Which evolves into Vileplume) Vileplume is veryyy bulky and get great moves such as Acid (hue) Giga Drain, Petal Dance and Stun Spore. I really recommend that you breed for Sludge Bomb, (If you don't have access to the breeding place(seriously, who calls it the day care?) just holla at me. )the chain would be


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  On 3/17/2015 at 10:42 PM, Follow said:

Grass type: Leavanny, I think it fits really well in your team, since you don't have extremely fast mons, and sticky web support will be really useful.

Eletric type: Magnezone, a steel type is always good, analytic magnezone is the best one, sturdy/mirror coat is really bad actually, since you'll only have one kill. Also, are you EV training?

Samurott: I guess you can use air slash, surf, grass knot and hidden power fighting.

Growlithe: Agility, heat wave, close combat and outrage.

I'd say swamp Meowstic, reuninclus/gengar/metagross are way better.

Murkrow... Tailwind, yeah, and prankster, so when you evolve it you'll have moxie honchkrow.

nawh im not EV training when this is my first time play through the storys and etc, though i do keep an eye on IV and nature out of habit .-.

if i swap out arcanine with a drought ninetail and put leavanny on the team would that be more deadly?

  On 3/17/2015 at 10:50 PM, Sonikku said:

Magnezone is always a good choice, unless your team is already heavily weak to ground. You can catch a Magnemite in the abandoned powerplant, which is where you are going next.

And as for another Pokemon, a Grass would be great. I suggest Oddish. (Which evolves into Vileplume) Vileplume is veryyy bulky and get great moves such as Acid (hue) Giga Drain, Petal Dance and Stun Spore. I really recommend that you breed for Sludge Bomb, (If you don't have access to the breeding place(seriously, who calls it the day care?) just holla at me. )the chain would be


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would a Natural Cure Roselia work? i got one in reserve at level 24

Edited by Hellsoul0
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