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Bug Monotype vs. Charlotte... FML


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So yeah, I've finally reached the battle that I've been dreading during this whole playthrough, and sure enough, Charlotte steamrollers me every single time. Every single team member (bar Crustle with Sturdy) is outsped and OHKOed by Typhlosion alone, and Crustle will go down to the burning field at the end of the turn anyway. Or it would, if Darmanitan didn't finish the job first.

I'm fresh out of ideas for getting past this one. Anybody got a genius plan for me...?

(For reference, I've included my Pokemon resources here. Bear in mind I cannot return to Reborn City):

Crustle Lv 69
Galvantula Lv 65
Escavalier Lv 66
Leavanny Lv 66
Yanmega Lv 66
Heracross Lv 68

Boxed: Ledyba, Wurmple, Spinarak, Surskit, Scatterbug, Combee,Beautifly,Butterfree, Venipede, Kricketune, Wormadam-S, Crustle (No shell smash), Forretress, Venomoth

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Heatproof bronz... Oh wait. Right, so, here's a strategy: Armald... Oh wait, you can't get armaldo at this point. Sorry, out of ideas. You could try to put death fodders in the field and if somehow you can get one shell smash with crustle you win spamming rock slide. The thing is: How?

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Ugh, I knew I should have soft reset for a Claw fossil...

Anyways, I have an idea, but I need a Heart Scale to reteach Detect to Yanmega. Are there any mining rocks or hidden scales in the region that anybody knows of?

The plan is to lead with Yanmega + Death fodder, Detect with Yanmega and let Typhlosion/Darm kill off the other lead. Yanmega gets its Speed Boost. Then bring in Crustle, hope for a flinch on Typhlosion with Air Slash, and that Darm takes aim at Yanmega. With this hopefully free turn, Crustle can get the crucial Shell Smash.

... Desperate I know, but at the moment it's the only plan I have.

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Heart Scale huh? There are some mining rocks inside of the mountains...but i'm not sure if you've gotten them all already. Spam the itemfinder if that gets you anything and if all else fails... all else has failed.

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And that's why bug/dragon should be experimented with. Oh wait, we already have a dragonfly...

If one learns trick room, you could get a vespiquen with power gem, a heracross/crustle with rock slide(/EQ) going...

There are no bugs in existence that can learn trick room in general - I don't mean that they're just not available in reborn, there are no bugs in general that learn it.

You're either going to need insanely good RNG, an insane amount of revive abuse, or pretty much an entire team completely EV trained in speed to have any chance I think (well, except maybe grinding an entire team to level 100 and just trying the fight until you get lucky enough that none of them disobey you... I think Charlotte would still 1 shot your pokemon even if they were level 100, so you'd need to OHKO her still).

I mean, if you're *really* desperate, you can get enough revives/cotton candy and just revive your pokemon over and over again (preferably pokemon with sturdy/have detect etc. to reduce the cost) until the pokemon she has sent out run out of fire moves and you can set up + sweep with something..

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Ok people, thankfully it wasn't impossible. By exploiting some godawful decisions by the AI, I actually managed to beat Charlotte. And it only took something like 30+ resets.

In the end, it turned out that Typhlosion actually outsped +2 Crustle anyways (much to my dismay the first time I managed to get a Shell Smash up, using the flinch strategy outlined earlier). So I decided I needed a bit of help from poor AI. Finally I got it, as Typhlosion failed to OHKO Galvantula with HP Rock and Darmanitan U-turned into Yanmega's Detect, allowing me not only to T-Wave Typhlosion but also get up a crucial Sticky Web the following turn. Through more questionable plays, Charlotte randomly decides to switch Delphox into a Drill Run from my death fodder Escavalier, which brings it into the red and forces her to waste turns healing it (crucial, as it has Heat Wave). Escavalier eventually goes down, but with Delphox in the red it's easy pickings for my Moxie Heracross, who proceeds to outspeed Darmanitan thanks to Sticky Web and OHKOes it with a Close Combat before going down to Rotom. So it's now 3v3, I still have Crustle, Yanmega, and Leavanny. Charlotte has Rotom, Ninetales and Volcarona. It looks pretty bad as Volc and Tales hit the field, but thankfully Ninetales goes for Nasty Plot rather than an attack, giving Crustle a chance to Shell Smash for the game as Yanmega flinches Volcarona. From there Rock Slide spam won the game.

A bit of an ordeal, and required huge luck and poor plays from the AI, but it has been done!

Edited by ChineseSkyCandy
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I was just thinking the other day: How would a mono bug team fare through reborn?

And man am I proud of you. The next big fucker will be Ciel, so can't wait for you to get to the point!

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Why is everyone doing bug monos?!? I swear I thought of it independently, and here I am waiting for the full game to be finished to do my run, just so I can't take advantage of any bugs that get moved later and then feel cheap for having used them to beat certain sections. But hey, it's a free net space so I ain't raining on your parade, though I sure plan on raining on Charlotte's when it's my turn.

Well done.

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I was just thinking the other day: How would a mono bug team fare through reborn?

And man am I proud of you. The next big fucker will be Ciel, so can't wait for you to get to the point!

Brave Bird Talonflame gg.

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The AI will likely switch out though. and even then, your Crustle is down to 1HP, so the rest of the team will demolish it.

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Brave Bird Talonflame gg.

The AI will likely switch out though. and even then, your Crustle is down to 1HP, so the rest of the team will demolish it.

Oh ye of little faith. I found a way round Charlotte, I'll find a way around Ciel's Flying types as well with bad AI and loads of hax

But anyways, your argument doesn't really make sense. In what situation would my Crustle be down to 1 HP vs a Talonflame, and at the same time the AI is able to switch out? I mean, I'm not switching it directly into Talonflame, that would be dumb (breaks Sturdy). So the only logical position is to assume I've brought in Crustle after I sac something. From there, only one of the two conditions that you set (AI switches out, Crustle at 1HP) can occur. So I don't really understand your point.

Also, you really think Talonflame can even come close to bringing Crustle down to Sturdy with a non-SE move? Smh... Crustle has 125 base defense, in case you forgot.

But cheers for everybody's suggestions. Looking back on it, Powder would have been hilarious...

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No, I meant that the AI will either switch out talonflame (because it will swap a x4 weakness for a x2, or it will stay in and use BB (likely with c-band or swords dance). And I'm just going by experience on reborns server using talonflame vs. stuff. swords dance/bulk up/c-band all pack a punch.

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