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MonoIce Run Hard Mode


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Part One: Lots of Cool Puns to Break the Ice With!!!

So this run of Reborn starts out like how any other run would. With terrorism... And cheating just to get my starters into the game (Don't kill me plz)

Speaking of the two starters, I'd like to introduce our two stars. Snorunt and the mascot of this run!!!



Pretty Coooooooooooooooooooooool amirite? Anyway, I went along and beat the crap out of Cain and proceeded to teach Victoria the ways of our lord and savior Delibird. Now it's time to go destroy Fern... But not without some trainer battles along the way.

So here is where some of the first rules of the challenge start to come into play. My battle style is on set right now so I can only switch on my opponents turn and not when they're bringing in a pokemon. Another rule coming into play is beating all of the trainers in an area. Due to my level cap rule, Opal Ward may have to wait a bit. Seeing as I haven't fought any trainers there yet, I'll probably leave it for after Julia... Especially because more people show up in Opal over time.

So we do some work in the Peridot Ward, not much notable stuff happens here, except God freezes a Cleffa and proceeds to teach it why it should've praised him and not Helix. Later God fought a stunky, showed the thing who was boss by getting two crits and killing the thing. My lord is all powerful, beg him for forgiveness. Too bad his heart is Cold. After that all trainers in Lower Peridot were defeated. I continue my reign of terror in the actual Peridot ward and realize it may be impossible to keep these two both at level 15 before Julia. Oops. On the plus side, TeePee learned Ice Shard to go along with Leer so that's good. Meanwhile that trainer with a Noibat learns to respect his new god.

I get to Fern with 2 level 12's and realize that having two level 15s at Julia is no longer feasible and I'll just have to settle with level 16/7 mons. The battle with Fern is anticlimactic to say the least and God sweeps his whole team. Wow. Just beautiful. There was snow way Fern could've won that battle.

So at the end of this part we had...


God: Hardy Nature

No item

Level 13


-Powder Snow




TeePee: Naive Nature

No item

Level 12

-Powder Snow


-Double Team

-Ice Shard

I can hopefully get another one of these up by 8 so stay cool!

Edited by Pyrrhon
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Part One: Lots of Cool Puns to Break the Ice With!!!

So this run of Reborn starts out like how any other run would. With terrorism... And cheating just to get my starters into the game (Don't kill me plz)

Speaking of the two starters, I'd like to introduce our two stars. Snorunt and the mascot of this run!!!



Pretty Coooooooooooooooooooooool amirite? Anyway, I went along and beat the crap out of Cain and proceeded to teach Victoria the ways of our lord and savior Delibird. Now it's time to go destroy Fern... But not without some trainer battles along the way.

So here is where some of the first rules of the challenge start to come into play. My battle style is on set right now so I can only switch on my opponents turn and not when they're bringing in a pokemon. Another rule coming into play is beating all of the trainers in an area. Due to my level cap rule, Opal Ward may have to wait a bit. Seeing as I haven't fought any trainers there yet, I'll probably leave it for after Julia... Especially because more people show up in Opal over time.

So we do some work in the Peridot Ward, not much notable stuff happens here, except God freezes a Cleffa and proceeds to teach it why it should've praised him and not Helix. Later God fought a stunky, showed the thing who was boss by getting two crits and killing the thing. My lord is all powerful, beg him for forgiveness. Too bad his heart is Cold. After that all trainers in Lower Peridot were defeated. I continue my reign of terror in the actual Peridot ward and realize it may be impossible to keep these two both at level 15 before Julia. Oops. On the plus side, TeePee learned Ice Shard to go along with Leer so that's good. Meanwhile that trainer with a Noibat learns to respect his new god.

I get to Fern with 2 level 12's and realize that having two level 15s at Julia is no longer feasible and I'll just have to settle with level 16/7 mons. The battle with Fern is anticlimactic to say the least and God sweeps his whole team. Wow. Just beautiful. There was snow way Fern could've won that battle.

So at the end of this part we had...


God: Hardy Nature

No item

Level 13


-Powder Snow




TeePee: Naive Nature

No item

Level 12

-Powder Snow


-Double Team

-Ice Shard

I can hopefully get another one of these up by 8 so stay cool!

The Ice caps would like to have a word with the level cap :/

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Part Two: Chill Out Guys!

I got this in the bag. That's what I was thinking as we went in to storm the Team Meteor base. This area is cool to me. It introduces the mechanics of having an ally and also double battles. It even lets you talk to Fern and see what he's thinking.

Fern: "You know man, you're really cramping on my style."

Wowowowowow Back the fudge up. You saying I ain't cool? Bruh that's cold. Icy what you're playing at. You think you're soooo cool, but there's snow way that's true. Chill out man. Mother of god I hate Fern.

Anyway, we proceed to storm the factory and I realize, "Oh yeah, Team Meteor uses a lot of Rock types... Grrreeeeeaaaat." So I had Fern doing most of the work as I tried to keep God and his TeePee of justice safe. I'm so glad Fern at least decides to heal you after every battle. I don't know what I would do without that. Well I do know. I'd probably experience a lot of frustration trying to get through. That's going to be nothing compared to Kiki and other leaders, ohohohohoho man. This isn't going to be fun at all is it :P

Some good news however is that TeePee learned Icy wind... The bad news is he died. Then I tried using Present with God. Well he gave me the gift instead...The gift of a game crash!!! one that I will post here right now.

Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `*' for nil:NilClass
PokeBattle_Move:1494:in `pbCalcDamage'
PokeBattle_MoveEffects:4058:in `pbEffect'
PokeBattle_Battler:2849:in `pbProcessMoveAgainstTarget'
PokeBattle_Battler:2801:in `each'
PokeBattle_Battler:2801:in `pbProcessMoveAgainstTarget'
PokeBattle_Battler:3209:in `pbUseMove'
PokeBattle_Battler:3176:in `loop'
PokeBattle_Battler:3212:in `pbUseMove'
PokeBattle_Battler:3342:in `pbProcessTurn'
PokeBattle_Battler:3341:in `logonerr'

ty God for the magnificent Gift... But wait what's this? After this happened... The game kept playing?!? What kind of sorcery is this? Well it turns out it was only because of Present. It wasn't actually a game crashing bug. Just a problem with the move. However I don't know why this happened. I ignored it and continued to play seeing as no progress was lost. God and TeePee finally breach their level caps of 15 unfortunately. Julia will just have to deal with an overpowered God and his Hut of protection.
We finally reach our biggest Challenge yet. A Lunatone and Solrock! This things have the potential to sweep me very easily and could do so if they wanted. Thankfully with some Icy winds, Mega Drains from Ferns Budew and Gods Freezing, Critical hitting Powder Snows, we won. I'm starting to think God is an actual God amongst my team. Also why does Fern get to pick up the Explosives? I want them so that I can blow him up. Come ooooooooonnnnnnnnn. Julia proceeds to try and blow up the door, supposedly without even having a match (I guess it's a bomb... but what's the activation code? and as we see later, wouldn't have killed us due to how much damage it did to the factory? Logic) when Florinia opens it, ruining all of the fun but potentially saving all of us in the process.
Then it was time for the next big challenge. Magby! And Elekid to some extent, but Magby! This piece of shit decides that it would be fun to melt all of my ice right in front of me while Fern does nothing. That's not cool man. You just slipped up. Just stop, Freeze, if you may. I am going to destroy you... If shock wave didn't always hit and I could use Double Team, cri. The Shock Wave, Ember Combo proceeded to just annihilate me. After some lucky af RNG however, I manage to freeze the Magby and kill Elekid. We destroy the Magby afterwards and blow up the factory after Sirius says some pointless stuff that probably wont matter in the future... right?
Next time we go on to defeat Julia! Here's the squad looking nice and fresh:
God: Hardy Nature
Vital Spirit
No item
Level: 18
-Powder Snow
TeePee: Naive Nature
Ice Body
No item
Level: 16
-Icy Wind
-Double Team
-Ice Shard
I plan to have the Julia battle done by tomorrow... Hopefully. Until then, stay cool.
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Chill bro, it's cool, take your time to update.

Also... how many Ice types are avileable yet in reborn, and how late do you get them? I don't remember a Dusk Stone before Kiki and if your team is 4 members you are SOOO dead (at least you can start a somewhat easy EV's grind just before Shelly, so I think that full Atk/SpA/Speed sets can make this easier).

Also, it's very cold that you didn't stop by my monotype [/shamefulAdvertisement]

Yup, because english isn't my first language it's more difficult to make puns, and I'm thinking that I'm even using english wrong here.

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Chill bro, it's cool, take your time to update.

Also... how many Ice types are avileable yet in reborn, and how late do you get them? I don't remember a Dusk Stone before Kiki and if your team is 4 members you are SOOO dead (at least you can start a somewhat easy EV's grind just before Shelly, so I think that full Atk/SpA/Speed sets can make this easier).

By Kiki, he should have Delibird, Snorunt, Cubchoo, Vanillite, Swinub, and Smoochum.

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Part Three: The Hax Queen Says It's Ice to Meet You!

First off you need to click this link to understand what is going on: http://prntscr.com/6il7nc

Ayyyyy. Serra be styling tho. She's about to break the ice and then give all of you the cold shoulder.

Anyway, Continuing where we left off, we just out and about chillin in the pokemon center realizing we have to go take on Julia. I would make an ice pun here and say it's going to be cool, but that's snow fun when her gym is garb :P (sorry Julia I didn't mean it) So we go through some battles, Sweeping scrubs with the TeePee of death. It's laying its shadow over them bringing the temp down to -87 degrees Celsius. Aww yea bb. I just got a chill up my spine writing that due to how terrible that would feel. *shiver* Anyway, apparently Serra is a master of pyrotechnics and explosives because she blows up metal walls like no ones business. Then we get to the main event. Julia!

So combined with her electrical field, Julia can be quite the pain, Especially when the Electrode comes out due to Charge raising her Special Defense by a crap ton. Luckily I had a plan. Spam Double Team!!!

Anyway click this link for epic transition into battle: http://prntscr.com/6ilai6

I knew that in order to win I would have to become a Hax Queen myself. And so I did.

Helioptile came out first and my main goal here was to get off at least five Double Teams with Snorunt and not have my Accuracy lowered by Mud Slap. I got Glared at +3 Evasion, but that didn't stop me. I got to +5 and got hit by a Thundershock bringing me down to 32 HP. I used Icy Wind and got it to around 1/3 of it's health. It hit another Thundershock and brought me down to 18 health. Greaaaat. Now one sonicboom would be all it took to kill me. Using priority Ice Shards, I killed the Helioptile. This run was looking like a failure until this happened.

TeePee went on a murdering spree! At +5 Evasion, TeePee embraced her inner Hax Queen and Went in, destroying both of Julia's Voltorbs without getting hit and even got parahaxed twice while doing so. Emolga comes out and tries to use acrobatics. lolnope. Hax Queen dodges every shot fired even while getting parahaxed 3 times. Blitzle comes out and hits one quick attack. TeePee gives no shits and KOs it with an Icy Wind and Ice Shard... But then it happened.

Electrode comes out and proceeds to be an Asshat. TeePee Dodges sonicbooms and charge beams left and right using leer so that it may Ice Shard to victory. Three leers in and that's when it happened. Julia used Charge! Her special defense rose by a crap ton, but I didn't care. I used Ice Shard once. It's looking like a clean 3HKO. Sonicboom misses. I use Ice Shard again. It's at red health. Julia used all of her potions on her voltorbs earlier. HA! It missed another sonicboom. It seemed like I was about to win when the unthinkable happened. I got parahaxed. Then Julia hit me with a sonicboom. I thought to myself, "It's over. Time to retry again. FML." But I shouldn't have said that. I Should've had faith in our lord and Savior Hax King Delibird. For he brought down the hammer of justice, dodging a STAB super effective and boosted by charge, Charge beam. He gave Electrode a fierce and mighty blow with pound. Would it be enough at -3 defense...

IT WAS!!!! I had beaten Julia by embracing the Hax Queen within. This just shows you that you should never give up when hope seems lost. Because a lord will come to you and assist you in a time of need. And he will beat the shit out of anyone trying to hurt you!

After the terror that was Julia, here's some pictures for you and the Squad :)




God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No item

Level 19



-Powder Snow



TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No item

Level 18

-Icy Wind


-Double Team

-Ice Shard


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Part Four: One Big Scoop of Trouble!

After turning into the Hax Queen and proving that God should never be forgotten, I got the first gym badge, and with this comes a little move update for God, just so he doesn't fall behind. He leanred Quick Attack, Swift and Icy Wind and kept Peck. Now that that's out of he way, the story continues.

Victoria is outside losing her shit because when she became one with nature she accidentally destroyed the Obsidia Ward with plants. Oops. Not really tho. She still needs to chill out however. She says she needs my help and I'm like, "really?" Because I'm pretty sure I'm all that's needed. Not Victoria, not Amaria, not Florinia, just me. Ice types. Yeah I know that's cold, but what do you expect? So we start to make our way to Obsidia when all of a sudden.

Random Cassanova Trainer: "So you got a gym badge huh? Well aren't you fancy."

... First off look at who you are talking too. I am one of Reborn's finest, most stylish citizens, and even a gym leader and Hax Queen, but then you come over here like, durrrr anyone can get a gym badge. Bitch you best know your place before I bring the wrath of God down upon you. Raaaaaaa!!! *Hax ensues and I win... Easily I might add* And speaking of Hax, did you know Serra could manipulate the weather? Neither did I but she can. She uses the power of God to bring a fierce drought upon the people of Reborn. A young lady sees an opportunity and opens up her ice cream shop. I buy out the whole damn thing... Well not really. I get 1 Vanilla Ice Cream. That's it really. I then said farewell to the sun as I made it disappear, ruining he ice cream lady's business and forcing her to live on the streets with no money. Welcome to reality baby. Cold and harsh.

I entered Obsidia talking to Florinia the whole way through. God she is going to get it when I come through with my ice types. Although Cradily may be slightly problematic... hmmmm. Oh well. I just keep moving. Making my way downtown. Walking fast, faces pass and I'm homebound... Wait no I'm not. I enter the sweet kiss candy shop and sit down at a nearby table, pulling my Ice Cream cone out of my bag when I hear a small child banging his fists on a vending machine. I scope out the scene from a distance. It seems he doesn't have any money for an ice cream cone. Being the wonderful and stylish model that I am, I give him my Ice Cream out of the kindness of my heart... That and I can just buy another one right... 1000 Dollars?!? Jesus, for one cone. Oh well. I pay the money due and I get a chill up my spine. The ice cream is...looking at me! Nope. Nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope. It turns out it's a pokemon and our new team member! Meet Scoops!


Of course, I wouldn't end this part without one important battle right? It's time to fight Victoria! So starting the battle we have our lead of Scoops V Ralts. Not too bad right? That is until Ralts starts to spam Double Team. I'm the Hax Queen here got it? I proceed to hit every attack and get hit by a Disarming Voice. Ralts goes down no sweat. good job Scoops. Incoming Makuhita!! This thing was just a big fat monster. luckily based on the damage I was doing with icy wind with Scoops, I knew it wasn't thick fat. TeePee comes out in the hopes of double teaming so that it can spam leer on Pignite. Well it turns out I deleted double team for Bite. Oops. It didn't matter. I used Icy Wind and managed to KO Makuhita surviving a 3 hit Arm Thrust. Out came Pignite. I outsped and used leer. It chose to use Arm Thrust over Flame Charge. I knew I would win this now. God came out and used Peck. Over half damage. Pignite uses Arm Thrust again. Hits twice. With one final Peck, God kills the treacherous swine gaining 666 exp and securing my victory... could God here be a... false prophet?

Next time we go into the Slums... Oh god so many fighting types. Here's the squad:


God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No item

Level: 20


-Icy Wind

-Quick Attack



TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No item

Level: 19

-Icy Wind



-Ice Shard


Scoops: Hardy Nature

Weak Armor (may use the ability capsule for ice body)

No item

Level: 15


-Icy Wind



Until next time guys, stay cool.

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Part Five: #ThugLife

Oh boy. The slums. You know what that means. Fighting types! Fighting types everywhere! Victoria was just a warning of what was to come. This will probably be the first area that gives me trouble. Let's do it!

So first off I changed Scoops ability to Ice Body using the ability capsule you can get before you blow up the Meteor Base. Now it's time to storm the slums... Literally the second trainer has a mankey, FML. Luckily God is able to take Karate Chop's like no ones business and hits back hard with Peck. Out comes a Chingling and TeePee deals with it in one nice clean Bite. mmmmm delicious bells.

Street Rat Rafe: "You's got a pretty face."

I know right... um please don't touch me. I don't know you! No fighting types? no. Worse. A Pansear. Fire... Greeeeaaat. Global Warming is kicking me in the ass over here and I kind of just have to take it. Luckily it didn't even use a fire move and Scoops got it. Mime Jr. comes out and suffers to Icy Winds. Meanwhile I learn about doing Light Shards and Boxes. Box... Y U DO DIS? This guy has a Patrat. No big deal amirite? Then comes Pancham. Gdi stop with the fighting types please. I just want to fight some grass types in the park Q~Q. It goes down, not too much trouble actually and from what I remember there is a guy with a Dunsparce up ahead. Free exp for Scoops isn't sounding too bad right now as he is pretty weak at the moment. I hop around on the ledges and encounter Box. Box... How could U? Box runs away knowing it's in the presence of a god. I grab a nearby moon stone... Not that it would be good for anything.

I was correct. There was the guy with the Dunsparce. It went down easily to Scoops and brought him up to Level 17. Not bad at all. I hit the halfway marker of the Slums and encounter Box again. Go away Box. You aren't wanted here right now. It moves into a hole in the wall. I follow it and find the TM for Quash. Useless. I fight a guy with a creepy as hell Espurr. Like really, the sprite for Espurr in this game is nyahh. It's eyes are just Errrrrrr and the way it just stands there is creepy. Scoops tries to take it on by himself but drops down to red health compared to Espurr who is still at half health. Abort mission! Abort mission! I bring in TeePee and use Bite. It doesn't kill. Oh it flinched. Hax Queen strikes once more. All seems well and good... Until the techie popped in.

He pulls out a magnemite. Keep in mind that in a mono-ice your options for dealing with steel types are very limited and here is no exception. My only pokemon that can do neutral damage are Scoops with Astonish and TeePee with Bite. This is awful. Scoops goes hax mode however and crit flinches the magnemite with Astonish and then crits it with Astonish again, then dies to a thunder shock. You did good scoops. TeePee comes in and finishes the job with Bite and is now Fighting a Joltik. I go for Icy Wind knowing I may die here, but Joltik instead decides to just screech. Fine by me. One annoying trainer down and a terrible fight ahead. I decide to the leave the slums entirely so that Scoops can get some more training before a vicious gang fight of Ice V Fighting. I go back in and see box. Wait. Something is climbing into Box. A pokemon? Wow, I want one gimme. Oh wait it's probably not ice. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Wait... Box just growled. YOU'RE NOT BOX!!! Box runs away, scared by my shouting. Wait come back!

I fight some more hobos for their cash and exp and find a locked door. Probably nothing special, but to be noted. Wait! Is that the pokemon that went into Box? Get back here! Wait. That scientist mentioned gang activity. I should heal and save. I don't want to run back to the pokemon cent- OOOOOO LIGHT SHARD! *Snnnnooooorrrrrtttt* Ahhhhhh much better. Alright. Save the game and walk into a trap. Scraggy's and a Scrafty. Time for a gang fight huh? Ice V Fighting. Time to throw some Fisticuffs. Both Scraggy's immediately target Scoops with Low Kick and don't even do half. Holy shit Scoops. Icy Wind Spam comes through and destroys everything in it's path. Thank you mono ice. This is probably the only good thing that's come from you so far... Aside from Hax Queen Serra of course. The two Scarggy's get REKT and the gang leader shows his face along with one other goon. Everyone still targetting Scoops, they KO him with Headbutt, but he still got off an Icy Wind so now one Scraggy is at red health while Scrafty is at 2/3 health. Time for God to be God. Him and TeePee end up KO'ing both the Scarggy and Scrafty due to a crit Icy Wind from TeePee. Not bad. I thought that would actually be a nightmare, but it wasn't. Finally we get out of the slums and make our way down to the Coral Ward. The toughest area in the game so far has been completed.

Next Time we meet another Gym Leader, Fight Cain again and Rescue the Park... but who are we rescuing it from? The squad:


God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No item

Level: 21


-Icy Wind

-Quick Attack



TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No item

Level: 20

-Icy Wind



-Ice Shard


Scoops: Hardy Nature

Ice Body

No item

Level: 18

-Icy Wind




Until next time, stay cool everyone.

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Part Six: You Have to go the Otter Way.

Yea that title tho. It's no longer just Ice puns. Nothing is safe now. Nothing. So first off here in the Coral Ward we have some good hidden items. An Ultra Potion and some Chewing Gum. Is Serra the kind of person who would chew gum? Because she kicks ass too, so I'm wondering if she kicks ass and chews bubble gum. That would give me an excuse to make a reference... Oh wait I just did oops. Anyway we approach a fisherman fishing in the toxic water and resist the urge to push him into the highly toxic water... I really want to push him in. This feeling is just so, entoxicating. Oh well, we fight. He has Magikarps and Grimers. Yeah not very interesting, but what is interesting is the field effect or Mist. It's interesting to say the least, but I can't really go into too much detail here seeing as it's not that big of a factor in battle... That is what I would've said until I realized the mist gives Icy Wind a boost. Time to teach something Misty Terrain... Nothing can learn it. Damn.

Anyway, I encounter a strange Blue haired girl staring at an Otter across the poison water. How the hell did it get over there if the water is poisoned? Did it just go over there, decide that would be it's home forever and just sleep there until the lake was poisoned? Logic. Something Otters don't have. How do we save the darn thing? Um... OOooooo. God give me a gift that will save this otter... What? Oh look it's Cain! Maybe he can do something. Thanks God... http://i.imgur.com/GaEWkBu.png

So Cain decides to put his own grimer into the poison to go swim after the Otter. I don't understand this? Does it just kind of float on the water? If it does, how in the heck can Oshawott hang onto it? The thing is made of sludge, would it not slide off or be hurt by that either? Wait wait wait I just noticed the lighthouse over there... Could it be that Oshawott got there from the lighthouse? Wouldn't that mean the lighthouse would have to be connected to some other place? Or did this Oshawott just camp out on the top floor. What the hell is going on? How did this Otter even get over there? Amethyst please answer me, This is one of the most important questions that has ever been asked in Reborn. I want to understand how the hell this could have happe- Oh Cain wants to fight with the baby otter now. Cool.


So are you going to lead with the otter. I mean it doesn't have a pok- Or just lead with Grimer ok then. WTH is wrong with this whole Otter part. Like I don't even understand anymore xD. Anyway Scoops takes out the Grimer taking no damage btw and wasting some of Cain's potions and gaining a level. Not bad. But that's not all that happened. Scoops wanted to learn Avalanche. An Avalanche of Ice cream.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Delicious. I put Avalance over Uproar as Uproar didn't cause to much of an Uproar for our opponents so I went and Uproared... No more Uproar. Cain immediately brings out his main, his Nidorino. Oshit.jpg. This is no good. What do I do... O wait Avalanche! He goes for Double Kick, Scoops lives with 7 Hp and hits the Avalanche... and doesn't even do half health's worth of damage. gdi Scoops. I switch to God hoping he has an answer, when Cain uses Focus Energy. Fine by me, I'll just attack now. Icy Wind just barely doesn't kill. The Nidorino goes for Fury Attack. Uh-oh, up to 5 chances to get a crit. Brace yourse- Oh wait it missed. Not bad. God kills Cain's Ace with ease afterwards. TeePee ends the Venonat and grows to level 21. Finally the Otter comes out. Where the hell have you been this whole battle? Cain says obligatory sexual innuendo and TeePee ends that otters life. Never make me question this ever again.

Wait? Amaria thought Cain was going to win that battle? HA! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Wow. You crack me up girl. I'm a Hax Queen what did you expect? So Cain says he's going to go see his sister in the wasteland... Foreshadowing? I don't really care, I just want to move and get back to Obsidia. This guy is asking if I have any rare candies. If I did, I would've used that already... or maybe I wouldn't have. Level Cap and all. Beat him and Scoops is about 100 exp away from a level up. Come on man. Well whatever. Lets just get Cut and... Wait... I have nothing that learns Cut... MOTHER FU---- *Goes out and catches a Mankey* Great all bett- MANKEY CAN'T LEARN IT EITHER WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT!!!! *Goes out and catches a Meowth from Opal Ward* God damn. I would have flipped if Meowth couldn't learn cut.

I enter the park that is much bigger than it is supposed to be. I mean it, this game and logic sometimes don't go hand in hand, I don't care how Florinia tries to explain it. This is all just so-- Wait no Amaria I wanted to go with you. Fuuuuuu, now I have to go the other way. Well at least I still have the Flob- Wait don't you leave me too! God I want to go that way to. Let me go that way stupid Vine. ugggggh. Whatever, just gotta find out the source of all of this. Its a park however and that means, GRASS TYPES! Wheeeee! Finally something I'm good against. No wait Team Meteor. They use rock types. Crap. Well so much for my fun. Wait why is Florinia dying over the- OMG A SHINY VENONAT!!! LET ME CATCH Y--- *out of pokeballs from catching Mankey and Meowth* ... This day has been one big pile of Dunsparce. This game is just cold. The cold never really bothered me anyway. So what's this item over here then. *Poke Ball*......................

Hey look a creepy person and a Tangrowth. Lets go talk to strangers kids. Wait but my pokemon aren't healed after that battle with the grunt with two Bonsly. I don't want to run back to the pokemon cen- OOOO LIGHT SHARD! *Snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttttttttt* HOLY CRAP that stuff is good. I feel like I could take on any stranger in the woods right now. Wooooooooo Party!!!! Yeah... Uh-huh Team Meteor stuff don't care, Light Shards are awesome, Glow stick Party, Rave Time Gogogogogogogogo! Ice Tangrowth Bruh. It's really Ice to mee- wait Pulse? What the he---- OH GOD THAT THING IS A MONSTROSITY! KILL IT WITH ICE CREAM! Oh nope you're just gonna kill it that's fine. Let's just see how God feels about yo- *God Fainted* NOOOOOOOOOOOO! How could you you monster. TeePee shield him and finish that thing. Oh no... Why you? Why now? TeePee grows to level 22. The forest is cleared, but at what cost. Our lord has fallen to the tree monster. Can he ever b--- Wait no he's alive. He just passed out. *phew* What a way to end that.

Man wasn't that intense. Next time, Learning about Stickers and launching a raid on a school... But first some Arcade Games... Just one more... Just one more... The squad:


God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No item

Level: 22


-Icy Wind


-Quick Attack


TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No item

Level: 22


-Icy Wind


-Ice Shard


Scoops: Hardy Nature

Ice Body

No item

Level: 20

-Icy Wind




Stay tuned for the next part coming your way tomorrow. Until then stay cool... WAIT ONE MORE THING!

Fanart would greatly be appreciated. I was thinking we need at least one of God the Delibird being shielded by his TeePee and another picture of Serra snorting Light Shard, as that's probably going to be a running joke. Don't be shy about submitting. You can send me a pic if you want and if you don't want it posted that's fine. This is all for fun. Post some fan art here if you want to. :D

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Part Seven: SchoolHouse Ro-- Ice...

After going to the pokemon center to make sure God was OK from the park incident we continue onward to Florinia's gym, but not before one slight detour. That's right it's time for one of the most annoying, but most rewarding sidequests in all of Reborn. What could it be? Stickers!!! I love stickers and all, but the stuff you have to do for them in this game is ridiculous. Luckily you get your first one just for learning about stickers. Ayyyy. Let's check out what we can buy on the other floors with the help of the other guide lady. So we have: Low-Tier General Needs, Berries, Niche items and prolonging items, Consumable items and Special (oooo), Mid tier needs and Vitamins, Type Berries, Type Gems, Friendship Berries and Niche items 2, Evolution Stones and Special 2, Top tier needs and evolution items, Utility Items and Rare Berries and finally the Penthouse which supposedly has some of the rarest and best items in the game. If you couldn't tell, this place is amazing and you should go out of your way to collect stickers, the payoff is well worth it. The only real annoying sticker to get that I can think of is... Well we'll get to that if I even make it there.

We leave the shop after buying a few healing items and learn about a new product from Silph Co. called the Link Stone. This item won't be extremely important for a mono-ice but for all of you not playing this type, this item is very important for evolving pokemon that need to be traded later on. That means you could have things like Golems, Machamps, Slurpuffs, Scizors, Polit- Wait I'm getting ahead of myself. You actually need their pre-evolutions first before you can do that and some need to be holding an item as well. Dang. Anyway, we fight a trainer and Scoops grows to level 21. We also pick up a Genius Wing and a Purple Shard, both of which may be useful later. Afterwards we make our way into the Onyx Ward, home to the Onyx Trainer School. Alright time to fight some Scrubs. Wait is that an arcade? Time to go gambling. Wait. We don't have a coin case. Noooooo. Well I guess we'll just have to destroy some noobs first.

Some of these students aren't to tough, but one had a Ponyta. Luckily after the drought that had blessed me ice cream passed, a storm was making its way to Reborn. Weakening fire attacks with weather is awesome. Meanwhile we find a girl looking for the key to her house. You can search the whole ward and Obsidia if you want, but you aren't going to find this thing. Don't worry, you can find it later, just not now. We beat some more scrubs, pick up a Carbos and enter the school. Hey, it's our best friend Fern. How are you doing Fern? Wait what? I don't deserve to challenge your sister? Bitch I saved the Obsidia Ward, do you know who you are talking to? Oh I'm not good enough? Says the scrub who got his butt handed to him earlier by me. Oh you're gonna stop me? Just try. I doubt you can eve-- Oh... An iron gate. Probably should've tried to get over there instead of talking to you. Welp, guess I'm going to have to find another way through the school. We beat up the kid guarding the entrance, take his lunch money and enter the school. Shit it's cold in here. Do they have the AC up to maximum overdrive. I'm gonna have to help Serra here. I'm gonna polar out of there....... Wow that joke was just bad even for me.

Scoops beats another trainer and grows to level 22 and wants to learn Taunt. I replace Harden because I never use it anyway. Taunt should be useful against some opponents. God beats up some kids dogs and grows to level 23. Some of my pokemon are getting pretty close to being over Flobots Cap. I have a plan however. Move upstairs and a room. Lets break and enter, steal everything in th--- hey guy. Didn' know there was someone in here. Ummm, oh hey you're giving me your coin case? Yay, Arcade time. *rushes back to arcade* There are some amazing rewards here at the arcade, including some TM's and pokemon. No ice types however. Also there is a lottery, if you win it you can get an Exp Share, but the odds of winning are very low. Anyway you can get Psyduck, Shinx and Trapinch here. For TM's you can get Substitute, Facade and Attract. Facade may actually be very useful so I'm going to grind for coins and get that. Hell I might just get Substitute while I'm at it. May as well get Attract too! *1 hour later*

I never want to play Voltorb Flip again. That was just horrendous. I gave God Facade in place of Quick Attack and may give my other team members some of these move if needed. Back to storming the school! Wait what the hell is wrong with that computer. Well whatever. I continue to beat up not just students, but elders too. Wow I am just cold. Like holy crap that's not even cool. Not to mention I'm stealing all of their money while I'm at it. This isn't even funny anymore. I run around and open up the central hall gate. I now have a shortcut back to the pokemon center. Nice. Scoops grows to level 23 and then... Wait. The quiz machines. Noooooo. Guess I'm going to have to go read some books and study up to answer these questions... Sigh, I'll do that later today.

Next Time: We read some books, Fight ScrubLord Fern and take on his Sister. Here's the Squad:


God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No item

Level: 23




-Icy Wind


TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No item

Level: 22

-Icy Wind


-Ice Shard



Scoops: Hardy Nature

Ice Body

No item

Level: 23



-Icy Wind


Until next time (Which will hopefully be around 5 today) stay cool.

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Part Eight: Freeze Scrub!

Well it's time to study up and pass this quiz. It should be easy right... What's this? The personal diary of Julia? Should I really read this... ummmmm. Is no one else in here? Good! ...Oof. Amaria gave up cheer captain just for Julia? That's rough for her, but... Good for Julia I guess. Amaria and Titania were in their room? Wasn't Titania the one who changed Florinia? Hmmm. The diary of Florinia? Maybe I can get some answers here? No emotions? It hurts work efforts? What is this all about? Emotions are fun. They're what keep you happy or peppy and those good things. I guess this explains why she's the Flobot now... What's this book next to her diary. "Fairy Tales?" Women and weakness? Weakness sells? Be a strong woman? Is this Titania's? Did Florinia read this and lose her will to have emotions? Or did Titania say these things to her as well? Diary of Titania? Time to find out....... Oh... Well then, now I feel bad for reading these diaries. How the heck did she know? Yeah I don't know if I'd like to talk to you either from what I've heard of you. Amaria's diary? Can I get answers here? Oh god... I think I'l just... leave now.

Questions about field effects? I guess it's good that we fought Julia before this and know about these now. What level does Cubchoo evolve at? That's an ice type! I know all about those. 37. ayyyyyyyyy. Well now that I've beaten all of the trainers and answered all of the quiz questions correctly, it's time to beat the shit out of that jerk Fern. It's not your friends fault that I'm good. Wait I'm a loser? You're the one who locked me out instead of fighting me. Now you expect me to thank you? You're going down punk. Also: http://prntscr.com/6jaj2m. Let's pwn some scrubs!

Leading with Lombre huh? Get him God. Peck him into submission. Oof Red HP already. That's fine you can.. Wait Super Potion? I don't even have those yet. Ugggh. Whatever. Wait why are you using Absorb instead of Tri Attack now. Whatever You're dead now. Or just another Super Potion. That's fine too. Uggh. I can't believe God fell to this thing. At least it will go down in one more hit for real now. TeePee is at level 24. Don't go over that level cap mate. Servine huh? Ice Fang Go! Good Thing TeePee learned that earlier. I replaced Ice Shard. Was it worth it? Icy Wind, Ice Fang is all I need. Ayyy crit Icy Wind. They call me the Hax queen for a reason Jerk. A crit Ice Fang too! Holy crap. Not bad TeePee. You are going to be a powerful Froslass after all. Hax Queen TeePee going in. Roselia huh? Level 25! That's higher leveled than Flobot's Cradily. Wao game, r00d. TeePee goes down, but gets it to half health with Ice Fang. Scoops, finish it with Avalanche. BAM! it's gone and over with. GG Fern. Who's the loser now? What's that? Yeah I know I'm cool. I know I'm doing this gym leader thing. Deal with it scrub. Oh you think you can beat the league before me? Ha. I'm about to beat your sister so just try. I have to heal first... Wait who is this kid? Super Potions?!? Gimme alla dat. I mean... I can't use them in battle but whatever.

I run back to the department store and grab some Oran Berries for my team when I see entering a building. He's letting me train on the top floor? Nice. I get everyone up to level 24 and it's time to begin. Alright Flobot. Here I come!!! We got some interesting people in the crowd. A scientist, some students and... Some guy decked out in blue with spiky hair? Ummm Team Aqua called, they want their style back. Give me a break man. What's that? The battle with Flobot? Oh yeah right. Everyone has an Oran Berry lets do this! Expected outcome Failure huh? You have no idea what you're getting into!


Lead of Maractus huh? What does this thing do again? Pin Missile. Not too bad. Scoops is using Avalanche after al- Wait the desert strengthend it? 4 times?!? a Crit too? God dayum... Um... Could I try this again. Avalanche OHKO's Good. Breloom huh. Oh ok. You can just. Oh spore. Ok then... Leech Seed... Alright... Mach Punch too, I hate you Breloom. Scoops goes down, but God cleans it up with Peck. Unfortunately he got Leech Seeded and Mach Punched. It can't be that bad ri-- Cradily. Gosh damn it no. I'm dead. TeePee hax it up. No Stockpile Please!! Super Potion! God damn it no TeePee please crit it. The crit didn't even kill. It's at stockpile 2, has Sand up and is spamming Recover. Shit this is a failed run isn't it? Now I know I need to keep Scoops alive to taunt it then. Wait what the hell? She got to Stockpile 3 and then Switched? Am I still in this? Nope. Cradily comes back out after Grotle dies. Back to the Drawing board I guess. Starting the rematch strong. God comes out first and eats a Needle Arm and wastes Florinias Super Potion this is good.

Wait Cradily is back! Not good Not good Not good. Switch to Scoops. It sets up a sandstorm. Doesn't matter just taunt it! YES! You can't spam any moves anymore. Now if I can live one Smack Down and hit you with Avalanche... Not even half... Oh boy. Scoops goes down. TeePee uses leer. TeePee lives a Smack Down. I can do this now. Just gotta kill with these Ice Fangs. IT'S DEAD!!! YES. And because God is still Alive I can KO the Breloom. I can do this. Wait... Crit hit? NOOO! I need to fight her again... Ughh I'll be back when I make actual progress. Starting with a crit hit on Maractus to KO, Cradily comes out. Scoops comes out Stockpile Already. Spam Icy Wind after Taunt Go! Wait nope even more Failure.... Yep I'll be back shortly.

Wait... What is this? Maractus uses Nature Power turns into Sand Tomb and Delibird Gets by first turn no damage? Holy shit! Cradily is back oh no. Scoops don't die to a first turn Smack Down please... It used Stockpile. Go for Taunt. It can't Stockpile again. OMG this is looking good so far. Get hit by Smack Down use Avalanche. Good amount. Use Icy wind before you... Wait she's switching to Breloom? Critcal hit Icy Wind red health. She heals it with the super potion. Icy Wind it into Yellow. Incoming Mach Pu- SHE SWITCHED TO GROTLE?!?! Crit Icy Wind again holy crap!! Super Potions Grotle. She's out of Super Potions Icy Wind leaves it in Yellow health. KO it with Ic- SHE SWITCHED TO BRELOOM AGAIN AND IT DIED WHAT THE HELL IS THIS RUN?!?! She brings Grotle back out and it dies. What the hell is going on right now? What is she doing? Cradily is back out. Taunt. Shit it smack downed. Oh well. TeePee Spam Ice Fang. She's out of Potions and Can't recover, this could be it!!! Live a Smack Down, Oran Berry heal, KO with two Ice Fangs!!! She's down to her last two! This is the run I know it! Ferroseed. Use Icy Wind! looking like a 4HKO. Pin Missile. Oh no. 2 hits yes use Icy Wind again. I can do this!!! OMG Leech Seed I live with 1 HP use Icy Wind again this is too Good. WTH? It uses Sandstorm. God KO's it with Icy Wind. Last one. This is it!!! Cacnea... Fuck Sand Veil Hax no! Uses Leech Seed I use Icy Wind. If I can just hit one more I win no matter what. Can I hit it? ...

I DID IT!!!!! HOLY SHIT WAT WAS THAT RUN OMG!!!! Yeah you give me that badge and TM, I friggin earned that shit after 6 losses. What an intense battle... Wait what's that? You want me to head up to Jasper Ward? I don't see why not. Let's go!

Here's the squad and some pics after that intense - and rather stupid - Battle:




God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

Oran Berry

Level: 25



-Icy Wind



TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No item

Level: 25

-Icy Wind


-Ice Fang



Scoops: Hardy Nature

Ice Body

No item

Level: 24



-Icy Wind


For those wondering, all of my pokemon were level 24 before the battle and got to level 25 in battle. I never said I couldn't go over the gym leaders cap in battle because that would be hard to determine if I could do that or not. Also Delibird will be getting Aerial Ace in the next part and that is it. No new ice moves or anything. Until next time, stay cool.

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...What about when you fight Serra?
I prefer Ice Shard to Ice Fang but eh

Also important to note is that you can get those Strengthened Icy Winds with Mist, not just Misty Terrain. And I'm pretty sure Scoops will learn that at some point.

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Part Nine: Berd Vs. God

After the horrendous battle that was Florinia, I think it's time for something a little more relaxed. A nice trip to the Jasper Ward, with more plants inbound. How is this nice you ask? Don't you mean how is this ice? I regret not naming my Vanillite Vanilla Ice. Oh well, it could be helped but I'd rather just continue on in the game. After a very calm walk back to the Peridot Ward we find the entrance to the Jasper Ward in western Peridot. A security guard? Hey can you move please?0 I have to get in. Oh you actually moved. Thanks. Now lets check out the dama-- Wow! This place is absolutely destroyed. What the heck happened? Heading to the right of the huge police station in front of me, I spot a Team Meteor grunt. That's what happened here. Fight me you punk! A carnivine? Pfft, no match for God. Use your new attack Aerial Ace! Ayyy 2HKO. Easy win, Grimer goes down as well. Hey police officer can you tell me what's going on? What you want to battle? Fine, you're gonna get beat. Two Growlithes? That's cheating and you know it. Thank you rain for helping me in that battle. God went down however. He is nearing level 26 which is nice.

I enter the police station hoping to find some answers only to realize that the place is near empty. What's going on in this town? The chief answers my question. Police have been sent out only to not return. Time to go find them! I rush out of the door and my mission starts. Perhaps there are some lost in that forest over there? Only one way to find out. First lets go heal. No wait a trainer. K then. If you don't know what to do then don't battle me k fren? A Spewpa and a Metapod? Did you really think you'd come out of this battle as a winner? On a side note TeePee grows to level 26. Good for her. Now can I heal? I also need to get someone with cut. Welcome back Meowth. I exit and have to make my way through a building to get to the forest. This guy says everything he has is ruined... This is all so cold.

God reaches level 26 and we find another Team Meteor Grunt. Time to put her in her place. Tara huh? A Venipede? Time to bring out Scoops. Bring it on. Ha, get Avalanched... Oh a Golbat. That may not seem like a problem, but I reckon it will give me trouble. Eww confuse ray, get your hax away from me. Don't you know you can't hax a Hax Queen? Scoops then gets Critical hit by Air Cutter and hurts himself. So much for not being haxed. TeePee finishes the job, and after healing Scoops, I enter the forest of doom. Malchous Forest. Doesn't really slide off the tongue back ok. Lets go west first... Hmm a dead end and an item. What's the item? An X speed. Considering I can't use items in battle unless they are put on my pokemon, this is useless to me. I can sell it I guess. Making my way through the forest I decide to go Northwest deeper into the forest rather than exiting the forest. Dealing with the threat comes first. Another Meteor Grunt? This shouldn't be too bad. Venonat is fodder for my Ice Cream. An avalanche and an Icy Wind and it's gone. A zubat too? Icy Wind and it's gone. Not bad. A Light Shard? Ummm, I don't really need it yet. Maybe if I take more damage fighting this next grunt.

I walk past that addicting, glittering, glowy Light and fight a grunt. Another Venipede huh? It goes down easily. You guys aren't really that tou- Crap a Lunatone. Umm, Ok just Icy Wind it. Yeah now I have an excuse to use that Light Shard. Wait this thing is faster?!? Scoops is down. Oh crap no. TeePee get out there and finish it! Icy Wind+Bite combo go. It's down and TeePee is very close to level 27. I decide to fight one pokemon just to level up. Great! TeePee is level 27 and now I can use that Light Shard. *Snoooooorrrt* Ahhhh that stuff only gets better each time I use it. Now lets go stop some bad guys. Oooooo another grunt, get over here and let me fite you. A Skitty? Why don't you just Skit Scat on out of here K? Don't use attract on Scoops! Uggghhhh. Ok good it's dead. Geodude? Get Hit. Flaffy? Get hi- Oh you don't die in one hit... Avalanche Go! Scoops grows to Level 26 and wants to learn Mirror Shot. I replace Astonish because I never even use it, whereas Taunt still has a purpose. What is this? A Big Root? I will never use this... I think? Better keep it just in case.

Ooooh Another Light Shard, Gimme. Wait no a grunt! It was a trap! A Beedrill? God OHKO's it with Aerial Ace. Ha take that you scru- A Solrock, come on. Ugh. Just Icy Wind it and hope you don't die. Oh wow. He just used Embargo and Psywave... Ok then. God grows to level 27. Not bad. Now for that Light Shard. *Snooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt* Ahhhhh, WHEW! I'm pumped! Let's go kick some butt! OOooo Another creepy stranger in the woods... Wait! Last time I fought one of those they had a creepy Plant monster that took Down God. Forget my partying, I gotta have my A-Game on. Alright stranger, who are you and why are you hurting this place? Wait. You knew I was coming? So your name is Taka? Wait how do you know my name? And why are you using this Tangrowth and this... machine? Wait a PULSE? What's that? Pokemon-Ultimation-Link-System-Exaggerata? I don't understand? It makes them stronger but nearly kills them? Why would you do such an awful thing? Time to put you in your place.


Leading with a Lileep? That's the lower form of a Cradily! I'm going to destroy you for all the pain your friend caused me! Two Icy Wind crits and it's down. Ha! That's what you get for being so rude when you evolve. Another plant monster? This one is going down whether you like it or not. Scoops use Icy Wind. Ouch! Those Acid Sprays hurt! Quit it! Scoops goes down and TeePee takes his place. You're going down son. Leer into Ice Fang let's go. Owwww. Quit using Acid Spray you jerk. Fudge. God finish it off with some aerial aces. You're using Growth again? Gosh dang it stop. No! No super potions! Aerial Ace kills it but Delibird is left with a small amount of health, just a little over half. Luckily he grows to level 28. But now it's time to fight Berd. I hate Berd so much. I use Icy Wind and get a crit which ends up killing it. Wow, the Hax Queen strikes again. I saved Jasper Ward... Wait there's another one of these things in the Beryl Ward? Noooooooo!

Exiting the forest I see a small pink haired girl. What am I doing? What are you doing? Surely you're too young to stop these people on your own. Your dad was right telling you you shouldn't go out and fight the- DID YOU JUST PULL OUT A SALAMENCE AND FLY AWAY ON IT, WTH?!? What is this?!? Whatever. I go and heal my pokemon and finally go to the northeastern part of the forest. There are two buildings I can enter. Lets go in this one. *Gasp* A cop. Let's save him. Back off you Meteor Goon. Just a Raticate? You're going down! Two Avalanches and it's gone. Hey there copper, I just saved your life. Now get on back to the station. Good. Time to go into the other building. Jeez! This place has been destroyed. There's an elevator? It's still operational! Let's check the upper floors for survivors. Aha! Here's one. What's that? Don't bother you? I just came up this elevator to save your life. You should thank me... Oh wait you did. Thanks. I go up towards Beryl Ward and realize there is another cop in a small alcove between some buildings. You should get back to the station too. Glad I could help... Speaking of which, where did that girl I just saved go? Back to Peridot? Let's go see.

Hello! You seem to be doing alright now. What's that? You want to give me a reward? No no that won't be necessary. I'm not as cold-hearted as to ask for a reward. What's that? You insist? Oh sure why not. What could it even b- HOLY WOWSY A STICKER WOWOWOWOWOWOW. *Serra runs all the way to the department store at lightning speed to see what she can buy now.* Nothing too good here really. I will take a Metronome and an Icy Rock however. Now it's time to go save the Berly Ward!

Next time: The Beryl Ward, Police officers, shocking revelations and a Gym Battle! Here's the squad:


God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No item

Level: 28

-Icy Wind

-Aerial Ace




TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No item

Level: 27

-Icy Wind


-Ice Fang



Scoops: Hardy Nature

Ice Body

No item

Level: 26


-Mirror Shot

-Icy Wind


Until tomorrow guys, stay cool!

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Part Ten: No Antidote for Family Issues

Entering the Beryl ward, we find that the place is just as worse as Jasper. However some of the city still looks ok. We can't get to there however, the plants are blocking the way. We have to go around again. Yet another forest lies ahead of us... but this isn't just a small forest. No. It's an entire jungle! Welcome to Rhodocrine Jungle, a rather confusing area to me just because it's annoying to go back and check if you got everything in this area. It's good that it's the morning because this place is pretty dark and hard to see at night, not to mention a thunderstorm makes it worse. Moving along there seems to be an item. Let's go grab it! Wait.... Waaaaahhhhhh! Ugh. A pitfall trap? Huh? What's going on, who's grabbing me? Stop!

Ugh. Trapped in a cage by stupid Nuzleaf. If I had anyone of my team members out they'd all be gone... Guess I'm stuck here then... Man. Is no one going to save me? Wait! Footsteps! Hey help me, please. I need you to he- Ick Fern. What are you doing here loser? You're looking for the gym leader too? Ha! You're going to have to get through this jungle first. Man I hope Team Meteor gets you. You already have two badges huh? Well you didn't have to fight Team Meteor, go through the Slums or beat up a whole school. You're going to let me out? Thanks... Wait... I'm not getting on my knees. You know what, I would rather rot in here than beg for you... Wait... Now I'm trapped here. Ugh. Someone help me! *sigh* Wow. I guess I am stuck in here until I die. Wait. What is that? *Gasp* It's Berd. But wasn't that... Taka's? Why would this berd want to release me? Wait! I'm free. Time to get moving and save the city. Going south we have two caves. The one on the left has... A police officer! Hey man come on. You gotta get back to the station. The cave to the right has... A lever? Better pull it and see what it does... Nothing noticeable. Let's continue and see if we can find something else.

Moving to the northeast of the jungle, a trap comes into view. It seems to be a 3 part trap and one piece has already been deactivated. So that's what the lever did. Guess that means there's two more. Time to go on the hunt! There's a lever up on that hill. How to get up there though? Hmmmmmmm. Oh wait, the way up is right there for me. Neat. Lever 2 found. Now lets find that third one. I exit the jungle through another area in the east finding a Team Meteor Grunt, another building, and a library. Let's check out that library first for survivors. Alright you Meteor Goon, come at me! A Mothim? Scoops OHKO's it with one Avalanche and grows to level 27. I enter the library and right away I notice a survivor who wants to heal my pokemon. Thank you. However, we've got to check this whole place, so let's get moving. I enter a back room and see a pokeball that I just can't reach. We'll have to stop these plants first. Exiting the backroom, I notice another room besides it and hear a strange barking. I'm going to have to get there from the other side. Time to move to the top floor. I run around and make it to the other room to find a Growlithe barking at a hole. What's wrong with this thing? What's down the-- Oh god... Oh no... I have to go. The Growlithe runs ahead of me. I hope he knows how to get back to the police station.

As I go back around on the upper floor of the library, I notice another staircase to yet another floor above. Lets check it out. What's this? Field effects? This could be pretty useful to me. Let me just study up a bit here... Wow! Some of these are just crazy. I'll have to keep all of these in mind whenever I encounter them. Field effects play a huge role in battle. Forgetting what they do could lead to disaster. I exit the library and move into the other building, fighting another Meteor Grunt who has a Roggenrola. I hate Rock types. Get that out of here. Eek! Critical hit Smack Down KO's TeePee. Gosh darn it, Scoops finish this thing. Scoops takes care of the Roggenrola and the Carnivine that follows after it. Exiting the building from the other side I find the third and final lever. I run back and heal in the library and press on!

Exiting the jungle from the northeast I spot another Meteor Grunt. His Zubat goes down easily, but his Aron is a different case. It spams Iron Head, KOing TeePee again, and nearly KOing Scoops. Gosh darn this is annoying. Hang in there TeePee. As soon as I we get a Dusk Stone you'll be a powerful Staraptor... I mean Froslass. The question is, where can I find a Dusk Stone? Oh well. I run back and heal again, and then head into a building. The last police officer! I just need to stop this grunt. Hey, you leave him alone you big nerd! Your Mightyena is no match for TeePee. Hahahaha- Oh come on a Growlithe too? Everyone has things that are good against me. *Sigh* lets just kill it and be done. God eats a Fire Fang and 2HKO's with Aerial Ace. Not bad. Alright, you're the last officer out here. Get back to the station and tell the chief to get everyone down here as quickly as possible. Alright. I fight another grunt down south and kill her Grimer that tried to set up with Minimize. That's what you get for being like that. Only I can use evasion hax. She then sends out a Boldore and then I miss with Icy Wind. What the heck? Whatever. Vanillite KO it with Mirror Shot... Nope it's not dead. Crap it's just God. Please kill it with Icy Wind. Oh thank God. Speaking of God, he grows to level 29. Now I can use this Light Shard. Should probably just leave it for my pokemon and not have any of it...... Even though I want it so bad. It's time to fight the ring leader of this whole operation. Here goes!

ZEL and Taka are here and there supposed leader. A 3v1? That hardly seems fair. Oh wait! It's that pink haired girl again. She's going to help me out. Wait it's me versus Taka and ZEL? No! Gosh darn it. Lileep and Glaceon versus TeePee and Scoops. You already know what time it is. Icy Wind Spam! Lileep goes down and Glaceon barely does anything. Tangrowth comes out. This is where things get intense. More Icy Wind spam! Wait... Acid Spray Spam and Icy Winds killed me. Rematch! This time goes a little differently. We get rid of the Tangrowth, but with some trouble. Scoops still has a lot of health, but God and TeePee are at very low health. God is taken out by and Ice Fang by Glaceon, but lowers Chatots speed and health with Icy Wind. TeePee goes down to a Chatter. It's just Scoops Now in what's about to be a 1v1. Even then ZEL still has 3 pokemon. I doubt this will be a victory. Yep. I lost. Let's try this differently this time.

This time around I start with Icy Wind from TeePee and Taunt on Lileep. Taka switches to Chatot after this and I destroy the damn thing with dual Icy Winds. Tangrowth comes out and Ice Fang + Avalanche crit KO's it. Lileep comes back out and dies. Scoops takes out Glaceon with Mirror Shot while TeePee helps by biting it. Espeon comes out and gets bit while psybeaming Scoops. Delibird comes out, Eats a Psybeam and Aerial Ace + Bite kills it. Finally Umbreon comes out. It spams sand attack on Delibird while Delibird spams Aerial Ace. TeePee spams Icy Wind to slow it down and that's the game. TeePee grew to level 29 and Scoops grew to level 28. That felt good after 20 minutes of pain. Now to find out who this agent really is thanks to all the cops we saved. *GASP* Heather's father Corey is a member of Team Meteor! and he's a gym leader too?!? This isn't good. Heather no don't run! Wait... Where did Corey go? How did he get away? Time to go catch him at his gym I guess.

I enter the gym and talk to the chief. The other officers have all been hypnotized! After defeating them and making them snap out of it I entered the battle room only to find that Corey wasn't there. Where could he be? The pillars in the main room were different colors. I walked to the front of each of them and noticed a button on each that changed the color. Of course! I changed all of them to the same color and I heard a door open. I made my way around the pillars and entered the room. Corey was there! I approached him warily in case he tried to attack me as well. Yeah sorry for barging in, but you're a bad person. You can't just be left alone to potentially hurt others as well. It's time you let the cops take you away... What's that? You want to battle? Fine then. If I win you give me your badge and give yourself up to the cops. Got it? Good. I exit the room and train up my team to level 30... Well just God. I equip God with the Metronome and teach him Substitute over Swift because I don't use Swift and Substitute may be better for a faster pokemon. Alright Corey let's g--- Wait, You're blaming your family issues on me? Stop that, this isn't my fault, this is yours. Quit trying to shift the blame. Ugggh, lets just battle!


I lead with God as Corey leads with Skrelp. The first thing I do is go for Substitute. Why? The corrosive Mist can't poison me behind substitute and he can't spam venom drench or Smokescreen on me! Not bad at all... Skuntank... The thing swept me. OK plan B, I'll be right back... *Hours later* I EV trained... I EV trained so that I could outspeed the Skuntank and hit harder. Everyone is now at level 30. I'm going to beat the shit out of Corey this time... Nope I lost again. Badly. *Sigh* so much EV training *Another Hour later* Finally everyone has a crap ton of EV training. ty Common Candies for keeping me below the cap and still letting me train. Let's try this again now shall we. *After around 80 more soft resets*

HOLY SHIT THE RNG HELL IS OVER!!! Putting so many restrictions on yourself for a battle makes this kind of shit happen. I finally did i though. I had to change Delibirds item to an Oran Berry because the Metronome is broken and doesn't actually power up your moves over time, as I could tell from using Aerial Ace five times in a row with God. Let me detail what had to happen in this RNG Hell called Hard Mode Corey Mono Ice. Leading with Delibird V Skrelp I had to set up Substitute and beat Skrelp with the Substitute still up. Sounds easy right? NO! If he got a max damage Acid my sub would fade. If he used Bubble, my sub would fade. I had to hope he either got minimum damage acid or just never used any attacks at all. What made this even more difficult? I had to make sure he used the Super Potion on Skrelp, otherwise he would use it on Skuntank and I'd lose. Skrelp dies with all Conditions met. Next Skuntank comes out. Here I had to go for Icy Wind, then he would break my sub. After my sub goes down, I get poisoned and use Facade. He has about 1/5 of his health left. He either needs to go for Pursuit or Smokescreen here if I want to win. If he goes for any other move I lose. He uses Smokescreen. Great, now I need to hope another Icy Wind hits and gets max damage. Why not Facade or Aerial Ace? Because Aftermath would KO me. It goes down to my surprise. Croagunk goes out and my Oran Berry hasn't been triggered yet. I have 33 HP. He goes for Sucker Punch which is ok. It crits. Here I thought the run was over again, but Delibird OHKO'd with Aerial Ace, healed with the Oran Berry and after poison had 1 HP again. Nidorina comes out and gets hit by Aerial Ace. What helped however? I got a critical hit! This put it in range to be killed by TeePee's Icy Wind. TeePee is faster and KO's it. It gets poisoned, but my pecha berry saves me from that. Grimer comes out and I spam Icy Wind. TeePee goes down when Grimer is at red health. At this point I thought the run was lost because so many factors go into the Crobat. Scoops KO's Grimer and his Pecha Berry heals his poison. Crobat comes out ready to murder me once more. How does RNG play here? If Crobat Venoshocks I lose. If he Nasty Plots I lose. If he Crits with Air Cutter I lose. If I miss Icy Wind I lose. I use Avalanche and he uses Air Cutter. I'm left with 43 HP. Poison comes back and leaves me at 34. If he lands a venoshock, max damage air cutter or I miss Icy Wind, it's all over. He uses Air Cutter and Scoops lives with 3 HP. He uses Icy Wind. Does it hit? YES!!! OF COURSE IT DID!!! Scoops did it and won us the day. I'm just so happy now. Corey tells us to meet him at Beryl Bridge. No give me my badge you jerk >:[

Next time we check out the Bridge, go into a new ward and enter a gang. Plus the Grand Stairway. I feel bad for this part taking so long, so we will do that too.

The MVP Squad everyone!


God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No item

Level: 31

-Aerial Ace

-Icy Wind




TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No item

Level: 30

-Icy Wind

-Ice Fang




Scoops: Hardy Nature

Ice Body

No item

Level: 30

-Mirror Shot


-Icy Wind


Until next time guys, Stay cool.

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Nice I feel only ever manage to beat corey due to RNG, his field is strong af, and I never seem to run any pokemon that counters his.

Are you fighting him on the Corrosive field or the Corrosive mist field? If you're fighting him in the mist, you can blow it away with gust or twister or ignite it with flame burst (the latter knocks you out, though).

Anyway, that sounds like you had a heckuva time, Pyrrhon. Kudos to you - you deserve it! B)

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  • 1 month later...

Part Eleven: The Lap-Ice Ward

Holy crap I bet you guys never thought this run would return after my long hiatus, but nope, here it is, dreams don't die that easily.

So breaking the Ice again with that intro, where we last left off, we had just defeated Corey in an RNG hell hole that was a "battle." However we were not rewarded with a badge and TM and we were instead told to go to Beryl Bridge. Ugggghhh. Just give me something please. You're team was awful to me :[ ... wait speaking of your team why are you releasing it? Hey don't throw your pokeballs over the ledge! Oh my gosh you are a train wreck. Not to mention now you have no companions. What's that? You joined Team Meteor to protect your wifes ring? That's so selfish of you to not even tell your daughter! Wait what? She's going to be hunted for that ring and you want me to protect her? Why are you pinning this all on me? Why can't you do it yourse- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*sniff* He just... threw himself right off the bridge... *sniff* ! My asshole radar is going off the charts! Ferrrrrrrrrrnnn! What do you want from me now Grasshole? Wasn't it enough that you left me to die in the jungle? Hey quit laughing at Corey. The man literally just died in front of you and you're ok with it. What's wrong with you? No that's not natural selection you idiot -_- You know what. I will go check on him down there in Lapis. Just tell me how to get the- *BOOOOOOOOOM* What the hell was that? An explosion? Oh god *Proceeds to have war flashbacks of the train and Julia* OSAMA BIN LADEN!!! Out of the way grasshole this is something way out of your league.

Proceeding to head north from Opal I fight some more trainers and destroy them. The only one of note had a Porygon 2 which gave out some nice experience. Teepee grew to level 31 and so did Scoops. We finally reach Lapis Ward which has a um... Ahem colorful cast of people to say the least. We fight one Lady Lenore who decides she can just throw Edgar Allan Poe references at us and some other people. Gosh this place is just so- oof! Oh I'm sorry m'lady. I did not see you occupying that space in front of me. Pardon my terrible manners madame. What's that? It's who's birthday? Am I invited? Wait... Escaping? Is this a jailbreak? Count me out, last time I had to be saved by a Chatot. Vengeance? For what? Is this about me bumping into you? Listen I'm sorry ok- Wait. You didn't even notice me? Wow rude ;~;

I move along my way fighting more trainers when a pesky one wiith an Azumarill shows up and nearly wipes the floor with me. Luckily for me God had other plans and REKT the thing. I then fought a guy who lead with Quilava. Luckily I came prepared and God REKT him too. I missed you Delibird ;~; This causes God to grow to level 32. We then fight a trainer with a Staravia causing Scoops to grow to level 32. In 3 more levels I'll have a nice and powerful Staraptor- I mean Vanillish. Anyway I continue to make my way downtown. I'm walking fast, faces pass and I'm home bound. I fight one more trainer named Anastasia who helps me get God up to level 33 with Teepee nearly hitting level 32, but still sitting at the edge waiting for it to come. Finally I see the sight I had been dreading. A purple haired girl stands and weeps alongside Victoria as I gaze at the bloody mess that is now Corey's dead body.

I walk up next to the two and look with them when suddenly the purple haired girl starts to cry. Victoria runs over and comforts her. Her name is Shelly huh? Interesting. She cries even more and her breathing comes out in sharp pitches. She recognizes it as Heather's dad. Suddenly a noise hits my ear. I look around and see two other assholes on a nearby building rooftop. Team Meteor. Just the dicks I wanted to see. I assume Fern is around too? They say Agent Beryl is down... If he is an agent and that was one ward... Could there be more than one person like Corey in team meteor? Another powerful person with hax and a field effect? Nah, there can't be... right? Wait, why should we stay out of this? You guys are the reason this whole ordeal has even started. Wait... The stairway? *GASSSSSSSSPPPP* No way. Team Meteor, the group that blew up a train station, also blew up a staircase? Why am I not surprised? Wait what's under the staircase? I don't even know what's going on anymore just leave you idiots.

I glance back over my shoulder to see that a ghostly figure is floating above Corey's body. Shade? Wait you know him Shelly? Well can you explain what he's doing here? Ohhhhh he wants the body. That makes more sense. Hmmm, and just like that he's gone... How strange. Speaking of gone, Victoria and Shelly leave me to enter the library. Guess I'm always being left behind huh? *sigh*

Well that's the end of this one guys. Next time we go to the Grand Stairway, beat up some bad guys and join a gang. Here's the squad:


God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No Item

Level: 33

-Aerial Ace

-Icy Wind




TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 31


-Ice Fang

-Icy Wind



Scoops: Hardy Nature

Ice Body

No item

Level: 32

-Mirror Shot


-Icy Wind


Until next time guys, stay cool.

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