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Part Twelve: Thug Lyfe 2: The Electric(e) Boogaloo

When we last left off our heros had entered the Lapis Ward only to find a dead body, a new gym leader, team meteor and a ghost. Now the story continues.

So because I'll be joining a gang soon, I thought the roughest, toughest, meanest thing I could do is Beat up Shelly Help a lady find her kid... Wait I already found your kid? Then why isn't he here? Ugggghhhh he got lost? Great. Well let's go find the little guy. I make the long run from Lapis back to Jasper and hunt the kid down. No sight of him. Wait. O shit bugs! I get into a battle with the swarm leading with TeePee. We hit the first Venipede with Icy Wind and it's looking like a clean 2HKO, but then the Venipede crit poison tails me while poisoning me. Screw you hax. The next Venipede comes out, but it is slightly bulkier then the last. Luckily it only goes for agility. I'm able to bring Scoops in and KO it with another Icy Wind. This causes TeePee to grow to level 32 and learn Protect over Leer. Not bad at all. Then the leader came out. A big ass Scolipede weighing in at level 36. Scoops gets KO'd by bug bite. This looks like a job for God. God comes in and gets hit by Bug Bite, but it isn't very effective. However after using Aerial Ace he got poisoned. This is good though. God used Facade afterwards and won us the battle while growing to level 34. Oh hey look it's that little kid. Go run home to your mom. Oh yeah give me your sticker too k thx :]

I explore this new floor of the department Store with items galore, but exiting the door I see this won't help my core. The items just aren't of any value for ice types. What a shame. As I walk back to Lapis it starts to rain. You know this would be the perfect time to do a thing. I take a slight detour in North Obsidia and head right instead of left. Exploring the area I actually find an ability capsule that I never knew was there before. Did this get moved from another area really close by? Or is that one still there? It doesn't matter all too much. I fight Street Rat Waldon and his weird selection of pokemon. Shroomish, Hippopotas and Skorupi... Has this man been to the desert? Scoops sweeps his whole team and I enter an alleyway just north of this street rat. People decorated in red are hanging out here. Time to put on my thug face. Ayyyyy waz poppin tho, I hearz chu lookin for a new gang member. Sign me up. Oh god wait no not a battle shoot!

Nihil and Kriz step up to battle me and send out Numel and Vulpix. Hardly a fair fight if you have all fire types. Luckily for me the rain came pouring in. I start with Icy Wind spam as Vulpix uses Flame Burst on TeePee. It does quite a bit. Luckily Numel only spams curse. TeePee uses Protect and evades an Extrasensory while God Aerial Ace's. Numel stays alive and keeps going for Curse. Icy Wind and Aerial Ace kill all of the things and Houndour comes out. Aerial Ace and Icy Wind plus another Aerial Ace kills it. God and TeePee are in the yellow. Vulpix is still alive. We knock out a Fennekin with Aerial Ace and Bit and now it's a 2v1. We double team the Vulpix and Slugma comes out. We Aerial Ace and Bite again. Luckily it had Weak Armor so it went down no problem. Finally the last mon came out. Houndour number 2. Aerial Ace and Bite spam kills it and with that we join the magma gang... With our ice types. Not bad at all. I introduce myself to the locals and then speak with the leader Maxwell. You call yourself Robin Hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor... But you are the poor. So isn't that just stealing? Wait there was another gang? The aqua one hmmm. I bet it will be easier to beat than you guys. Maybe that's why I chose to fight you guys and join you over them *hint hint* Our first mission is tonight? How bout no. I'll call the shots, we'll do that when I feel like it.

With all of that jazz done, I hit the legs and get out of the cramped alleyway. I finally return to Lapis and enter the library. Making my way up the stairs (foreshadowing) I see Victoria and Shelly. Victoria tells me what happened. She was about to battle Shelly when Corey's dead body fell right outside near the building. She's only 12? Dayum, they just give the gym leader title to anyone here don't they? That's right Victoria. Something is going on. Team Meteor is definitely up to something. Come on, let's go check it out! To the Grand Stairway! Take care Shelly. Don't beat yourself up or anything ok? What? Don't worry about me. I'll be fine and you will be too. I make my way down the flight of stairs (foreshadowing) and run to the Grand Stairway. I finally see the destruction. A giant hole now sits here on the Grand Stairway. I make my way up this long stairway (foreshadowed!) and then climb down a conveniently placed ladder (foreshadowed!). Wait... Gosh darn it Victoria you got caught already? Ugh. Guess I'll have to chase you down and save you.

I begin the chase, running away from all the ground types that try to slaughter me in this cave. It doesn't take long for me to, wait shiny thing on rock spotted!!! I run over to this rock and pick up a Focus Sash. Neato. This may come in handy some day (FORESHADOWING) I make my way to the deepest part of the cavern. There is no sound. Everything is quiet as I move down more steps. I turn the corner and see a man standing in front of a giant door. What's that sir? No I had no idea this existed down here. In fact I had no idea any of this place existed. What's that? People are oblivious? To what exactly? What's beyond that door? *Gasp* The heart of the Reborn region. Sacred power lies behind it... So why would the people build this region around this very core? You think Reborn is insolent? You should see those Team Meteor schmucks. They're complete dicks. Four seals... What are you saying? Ruby, the seal of pain. Sapphire, the seal of love. Emerald, the seal of faith. Amethyst, the seal of beyond... What does it all mean? (HUGE FORESHADOWING HERE AMIRITE?!?) They're all apart of this key that will unlock Reborn's power... You say you can restore the beauty... Why are you telling me this? Everyone needs to know? Well you have a point there... Wait you're letting me go free? I was captive? Wait. You're a part of Team Meteor aren't you?!? Yeah you better run. Next time I see you, you'll be frozen with fear.

I approach Aster and Eclipse and we begin to battle with Victoria joining me as well. Solrock and Lunatone lead. Not the best start for ice types. Oh well. Scoops goes for Mirror Shot on Solrock as Pignite goes for Heat Crash on it. Lunatone goes for Rock Polish and Solrock uses Fire Spin on Pignite. Wat? I mirror shot Solrock again only to miss as Pignite gets Psywave'd and Fire spun. Guys stop. The duo uses a super potion on Solrock as Mirror Shot finally connects. Pignite goes for Arm Thrust on Solrock. The duo then proceeds to spam Rock Slide and KOs all of the things. I restart the battle. This time goes much better. Scoops goes down, but we got them to waste their super potions on Solrock while Victoria got off a Rollout combo. TeePee comes in and uses protect as Pignite KO's Lunatone with Rollout. Solrock goes for Fire Spin but I'm protected :] Electabuzz comes out and falls to the power of Rollout. TeePee grows to level 33 and Solrock misses Rock Slide as it gets hit by Bite. I protect again while Pignite hits the final Rollout, KO'ing Solrock and leaving just Magmar. Magmar KO's Pignite but then falls flat as it misses 3 Fire Spins and dies to Scraggy and TeePee. TeePee grows to level 34 and the battle ends. Just because we beat you doesn't mean we won? No it kind of does. Shut up :]

Victoria tells me all about what happened. All they did was have their boss talk to her about that gate. It's so strange. I wonder what the secret behind it could be (MASSIVE FORESHADOWING!!!) It might be better if this people knew about this place... I might not. Only time can tell really. Yep I agree. Let's go check on Shelly. I exit the depths and meet a weird man who gives me Rock Smash. Noice. I finally leave the cave and go back to Lapis. I stand in front of the library and ponder what will happen next...

That's all folks. Here's the squad:


God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No Item

Level: 34

-Aerial Ace

-Icy Wind




TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 34

-Icy Wind

-Ice Fang




Scoops: Hardy Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 32

-Icy Wind


-Mirror Shot


That's all for now guys. Until next time, stay cool :]

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I can record the gym leader battles now which is nice so you guys can see my battle with them :D and don't worry I'll still be going into detail on what I do in the video just in case people don't want to sit and watch it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part Thirteen: This totally wasn't put on hiatus do to E15. Don't be ridiculous.

In all seriousness this was delayed because I didn't want to spoil E15 content. Anyway I make my way out of the Grand Stairway but before I leave I make sure to grab Embargo. I finally exit and make my way back to Shelly's gym and meet up with Victoria. Shelly only seems to be getting worse. She recommends I talk to a local psychiatrist named Doctor Connal. She seems so worried about Shelly and she isn't holding up too well... Alright. I'll do it for Shelly. Let's go team.

We arrive at the orphanage soon enough only to see a lovely pink haired girl exit. Her hair is almost as fabulous as mine *hair flip* She leaves immediately saying she can finally go now... Weird. Is there a problem in there? Only one way to find out now. I enter the orphanage to be greeted by this, "Hi!" Was this little girl just waiting for me? Weird. So that girl who just left was Laura. Ok cool... Wait I'm glowing? I don't remember falling in any radioactive waste. It must be the crystals from below the stairway. Of course. Oh so her name is Anna... But who is that boy? Oh ok you can just drag me in here and introduce me to everyone. Cool. So your doll is a Jirachi named Nostra. Cute. And she talks. How nice. That's your twin brother Noel? Oh he has a doll too. That's nice... He says they are just dolls and yet his says hi as well... What's going on in this loony bin?

Anna proceeds to say too much. It seems like she is going to say they aren't just dolls... and yet she stops herself... My attention is then diverted as Anna introduces Charlotte, a spunky looking pink haired girl. She is kind of pretty... Wait what burn scars? I don't see anything like that. Yeah she and Noel both agree she has no scars either. Anyway Charlotte starts to talk and tells me that Laura is her sister. She also informs me that Laura is in the elite four. That's pretty darn awesome. Noel chimes in and says Anna is something before being cut off by Anna herself. Anna tells me that Noel and Charlotte are both gym leaders... Strange. I wonder why Anna would want to hide her position. Maybe she's a higher up. Oh well.

Laura just left because she turned 18 today. So no one decided to adopt her or any of you guys? Is this region corrupt or something? Why do I even ask? Wait you mean you guys can't even be let out? You have to wait until you're adults. That's rather cruel. Wait. He uses electric types in therapy? That's messed up man. Anna believes his past patients have died because she hears voices around him. However Charlotte quickly denies this as she has never heard any voices around him. Yeah anyway a friend of mine needs help. Wait I shouldn't bring them here? Why? Wait. The doctor himself is coming? Great. Maybe I can ask him formally what kind of hellhole he thinks he is running.

So his name is Sigmund... Interesting. Nah I think I'll call you Sigmund, not doctor. How can you help me? Well-- Oh ok Anna, just speak for me then. Wait Anna that isn't why I'm here. What are you playing here? Why yes Sigmund I do have confidence in my skill... Oh that means I need to fight your ordely? Well bring it then. I'm not afraid of a challenge. Right off the bat this orderly leads with a magnemite. FML. What can Ice types do to this thing. Scoops comes in first and I decide to just brace for impact as I avalanche. He goes for Metal Sound which lowers my special defense and avalanche doesn't even dent the thing. Shit. Fearing the steel move I switch to TeePeein the hopes i can bite this thing. It goes for mirror shot and leaves me at 3 HP. gdi all. I use bite and the darn thing still isn't in yellow. Screw Corey, this is the hardest battle yet :[ Scoops falls to a mirror shot after bringing the magnemite into the red and God finishes it. K I can still wi- nope Eelektrik I'm boned.

Needless to say I lost that match. I need a new game plan. I lead with TeePee this time and spam Icy Wind. Luckily magnemite missed a mirror shot so I got it down to red health. Scoops KO's magnemite and brings Eelektrik down to red. It's just God now. Lets make the most of him. He ko's Eelektrik and out comes Magneton. Welp I'm boned. I lose once again. This is hard. Maybe I should do some training. I go under the grand stairway and train Scoops to level 35 and he learns Ice Beam! Finally a great offensive move. That's not all though. Scoops evolves into a Vanillish! That's great as now I have a better chance to survive and beat this orderly.

TeePee gets Magnemite to red again and dies. Vanillish KO's both magnemite and Eelektrik and leaves the magneton at 1/3 HP. God ko's Magneton but is left at 41 HP. Slowpoke goes in and I set up a substitute which activates an oran berry i was holding. I ko the slowpoke with 3 Aerial Aces. GG you jerk. Get out of my face, the power of Ice Beam is OP. Sigmund tells me I'm not allowed to fight these gym leaders and they can't leave either. They are volatile and unstable. I could kind of tell >>. Anna has me rush out the door but gives me advice to tell Shelly. I leave and the door locks behind me. cri.

Well this part was rather annoying and there weren't too many battles I know, but a lot of team development happened. Next time, we fight Shelly! Also Common Candies will be used. Lots of Common Candies.

The Steel killer squad:


God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No Item

Level: 35

-Aerial Ace

-Icy Wind




TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 34

-Icy Wind



-Ice Fang


Scoops: Hardy Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 35

-Ice Beam


-Mirror Shot


Until next time, stay cool guys.

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Part Fourteen: The Blue Shell(y) of Death

I enter Shelly's gym for like, the fourth time today and told her exactly what Anna said. After getting to know Shelly, I was afraid she wouldn't take this too well, but to my surprise she did. She said that she should be worrying about Heather and not herself. There ya go Shelly. Ready to rumble and tumble with anyone who gets in the way of you making Heather happy? Oh um... Speaking of rumbling. Yea can we fight? Oh. Really? Great! Shelly leaves to get ready, but Victoria doesn't seem all too well. Oh no, you guys already know what this means right? Just for safety, I put God up in front and common candy him and Scoops. Just as predicted, Victoria wants to fight... But she wants me to fight Shelly... But she doesn't... Gosh darn it what do you want from me woman?


Last minute, I put Scoops out in front so that God wouldn't get hurt by intimidate. Scraggy kills Scoops with a High Jump Kick, but we get it down to 1/3 HP. Time for Victoria to waste all of her healing items. God comes in and Aerial Ace's as she heals Scraggy over and over. Alright it goes down. Pignite comes out and Heat Crashes everything dead... Yeah I'll be right back. OH MY GOD THAT BATTLE WAS FUCKING HELL. So Scoops took the lead so that he could KO Scarggy without dying consistently, but Pignite would always come out and kill me with Heat Crash spam right? Well Scoops froze it for 3 turns as God came in and killed the fucker with Aerial Ace. Hariyama got taken down by three aerial aces and God fell to Kirlia, but at this point it didn't matter. Scoops killed the thing with a Steel Gem boosted Mirror Shot. Fuck you Victoria I'm fighting Shelly now so I can get more ice types.

Fuck your books Shelly, Fuck you trainers, fuck this stupid forest field, and most importantly, fuck Victoria. Shelly fite me nao >:[


K THIS TOOK A LOT OF ATTEMPTS AND I WON BY HAX AGAIN BUT GOD DAMN WAS MY BLOOD PUMPING! Ok so here's how it started. Shelly leads with Illumise and Masquerain vs Scoops and God. Intimidate happens, but God's White Herb stops it dead in its tracks. Illumise lives an Aerial Ace at red health and Masquerain lives an Ice beam in red health and she uses Dazzling Gleam with Illumise and Bubblebeam with Masquerain onto Delibird. Next turn she uses both of her ultra potions and an Aerial Ace gets Illumise down to red once more while Ice Beam kills Masquerain this time. Anorith comes out and falls to an An Icy Wind and Ice Beam combo. This leaves Illumis barely alive as it confuse rays Scoops. Scoops snaps out of it thanks to his Persim Berry. So far so good right? No. Yanmega comes out and is ready to tear shit apart. I switch God out fearing the ancientpower as Shelly uses Giga Drain on Scoops instead. Cri. Luckily Ice Beam One shots it as Illumise uses Confuse Ray on TeePees slot. Persim Berry OP \o/ Then death itself came out.

Wormadam-Trash. This thing had ended so many of my attempts do to resisting all of my shit and mirror shoting me down. However this time was different. I froze it with Ice Beam! This allowed me to kill Illumise with Scoops Icy Wind as well and this was the farthest I had ever come into this match so far. The horror approaches. Bugsy appears. I notice that it's male. Time to unveil my secret weapon. I knew this thing could be a monster so what did I do? While Scoops Ice Beamed Wormadam once more, Bugsy the Volbeat set up Tail Glow. At this point it would seem like I'm screwed right? Think again. My secret weapon unveils itself as TeePee unleashes attract upon Volbeat. Ice Beam and Icy Wind spam cause massive damage and KO Wormadam and leave Volbeat at 1/2 HP and -2 Speed. Then it happened. Volbeat got off a Dazzling Gleam. I thought I would be toast here because if TeePee died attract would fade and idk if God could take a +3 Dazzling Gleam on his lonesome. Scoops falls. It seems like the end...

But what's this! TeePee lives with just a sliver of health. And by sliver I mean 4 HP. 4. Had it gone for Struggle Bug where it would get STAB, I would have been toast. God comes out and Aerial Ace's as TeePee finishes it with Bite. It's finally over. The long struggle of having just three team members is done. More Ice types here I come! Oh and we also got a badge and TM. Yeeeeeeeeee ^w^

Some pics:



The MLG Squadron full a da goons:


God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No Item

Level: 36

-Aerial Ace

-Icy Wind




TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 35

-Icy Wind





Scoops: Hardy Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 35

-Ice Beam


-Mirror Shot


Until next time guys, stay cool. We are going to be chilling with some pretty cool team mates next episode B]

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Part Fifteen: I Have a Reservation.

As I exit Shelly's gym she approaches me stating that in Reborn each gym leader has a reserve leader, in case something happens to the main leader. That's good to hear. I won't have to worry about not getting a badge. All I need to do is inform Ame. To the Grand Hall we go. But first, I make my way back under the grand stairway with my trusty rock smashing Bidoof. However on my way down there, I spot some weird people advertising their new product, the Link Stone. Yeah well I'm pretty sure there are almost no ice types that evolve by trade, so I'm going to have to pass on this. Besides I can bet you I'll find more on my way. I go back underground and find a weird hiker mining rocks. He gives me a spare mining kit of his and now I can mine too. Sweet! I waste some time mining rocks, and by wasting time, I mean I reset around 16 times until I found the key to getting another team member in the distant future. A helix fossil. I explore the cave some more with rock smash and grab myself a rare candy. Noice. I then make my way towards my real goal. Citrine mountain.

I run all the way back to Beryl and head across the bridge, memories of Corey flooding my mind. I disregard it all as I enter the frigid cave. After mining a few rocks I ended up with 3 heart scales. This is good. I continue to walk around and pick up an Ability Capsule. Suddenly I am jumped by a new ally. Swinub. Swinub seems to be strong and I can tell. If I can catch it, I'll finally have a good offense against Steel types. However I was hoping for one with Thick Fat and If it didn't have it, it would be boxed. However to my surprise, this little piggy was easily caught and had Thick Fat and also a Lonely nature, boosting its attack. Not to mention it was one level away from evolving, just sitting at level 32. YAAAAAASSSSSSS. I leave the cave and train it in the grand hall and it becomes a powerful Piloswine. I make my way back to the cave, but I take a detour to Corey's gym and pick up a silver ring. I re-enter the cave and show it to a shivering croagunk who decides to come with me. It may not be an ice type, but I can't let it freeze here. I put it back into my PC and trudge through the cave.

I hear a faint roaring from deeper inside the cave. I investigate and find a Smoochum being attacked by a Beartic. Seeing my chance I try to pick up the Smoochum, but Beartic blocks my escape. This could be bad... Or not. Scoops Mirror Shot it and lowered its accuracy twice which was enough to make it miss over and over again. Scoops wins and grows to level 36. The Smoochum approaches me and hops into my arms afterwards. I decide to take it with me, dubbing it with the name of Iggy. I leave the den and I am about to exit, but something within me tells me not to. I search around and find a small Cubchoo. The poor thing must have been the cub of that Beartic. TeePee whittles it down with Bite revealing to me it has Rattled as its ability. Interesting. I'll keep that in my mind... I go back to the pokemon center nearby and it reveals to me that this new Cubchoo, entitled Yogi, had a Quiet nature. While not the best nature, I don't need to worry all too much as there is something I can do for this later on. This also leads me to check Iggy's nature and ability. Iggy has Gentle nature which I'm fine with, but she also had Oblivious, which could be much better. So I used my Ability Capsule on her and got Hydration. Also something to be noted here is that Iggy had Nasty Plot, a move it doesn't get by level up. Thanks to E15 it came with an egg move. Yaaaaaay.

I finally head back to the Grand Hall, new teammates in tow and see the asshole himself standing right there. Fern. I go up to talk to Ame, but Fern butts in like a dick. He's talking about the reserve leader as well. Ame says she'll call her now and then leaves me alone with the douchenozzle. He says I look more confused than usual. Yea I'll certainly be more confused when you actually compliment me for once in my life. Wait you're the back-up for Flobot? HAH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OOOooohhhh my god. Ha. That's funny. Anyway it is good to know Corey has a replacement. So he's been replaced by a girl named Aya who lives in the Wasteland. Cool I'll go fight her now. Wait I need a key... Awww man. Tell me where you got yours then Fern. Hey don't make fun of Shelly you jerk. She's been through a lot. Hey don't leave. If I beat you I get to know where you got that key. Bring it Bitch >:]


Fern leads with Ferroseed and I lead with Scoops. Ice Beam 2HKO's it, but Scoops is left with 37 HP after a Gyro Ball. Yikes. Fern breaks out his ace already, Roserade. It uses HP Fire and knocks Scoops right out. God comes in and Icy Winds the Roserade. He eats a HP Fire like a champ and kills Roserade. Servine comes out and God Aerial Aces twice, only to fall to two Leaf Tornados. TeePee comes in and KOs with Icy Wind. Ludicolo comes in and is lowered down to about 1/3 of its HP by Icy Wind spam and Bite. TeePee falls to Nature Power. Finally Piloswine comes in and KO's with a well placed critical hit Ice Shard to the nerds face. Ha. Fern tells me that Cain has the key and runs off crying to his mama. Afterwards I train some more and Iggy evolves into Garbage Jynx. I also realized that Piloswine didn't have a name yet, so I went to the name rater and dubbed him Manny after a mammoth I like. Next time, we try to get a key from Cain, but something goes wrong.

Here's the squad:


God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No Item

Level: 37

-Aerial Ace

-Icy Wind




TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 36

-Icy Wind





Scoops: Hardy Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 37

-Ice Beam


-Mirror Shot



Manny: Lonely Nature

Thick Fat

No Item

Level: 34

-Mud Bomb

-Icy Wind

-Ice Shard

-Take Down


Iggy: Gentle Nature

Dry Skin

No Item

Level: 31

-Powder Snow



-Nasty Plot


Yogi: Quiet Nature


No Item

Level: 32

-Fury Swipes




Until next time guys, stay cool.

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Jynx hasn't been able to get lovely kiss yet. I need the move relearner I think :[

Also I can't mine sail fossils. You need to give the Order of the Helix a helix fossil and they will give you a sail fossil in return.

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Jynx hasn't been able to get lovely kiss yet. I need the move relearner I think :[

Also I can't mine sail fossils. You need to give the Order of the Helix a helix fossil and they will give you a sail fossil in return.

ya, but you would still add the dino to the team right :3 ?

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Part Sixteen: The Part in Which I had no Good Title Ideas

I swear to... Ugh. Anyway as soon as I step out of the Grand Hall, BAM! It's sunny as a mother fucker. *sigh* I mean at least there won't be any fire types this episode but I would have preferred Wind in all honesty. With that little note aside, I make my way to the Beryl Cemetary and find Cain. Hey Cain what's up? Ah. He's here because of Corey. Oooo yeah his daughter ran away alright. Awww that's so sweet of you Cain. Wanting to help her out when she's alone. Anyway Cain I came up here t- No not to ask you out. Cain stop it. Yes that's right I came for the key. Wait you don't like Aya? I thought poison type users shared common interests... like poison. Wait you want me to beat you? Ummm... That's a little- Oh you mean a battle of course. I totally wasn't going to... You know what lets just fight.


He leads with Dewott and I lead with Iggy. Well remember how I said it was sunny? Yeah I put the thing to sleep but the sun hurt me a lot thanks to dry skin. Screw you to sun ;~;. Nidoking comes out and wrecks Iggy. Poor girl. You will be avenged. I send out Manny and opt for Icy Wind over Ice Shard. Why? Because on the Mountain field Icy Wind gets a boost. Noice. Cains Nidoking gets way too close to KO'ing Manny, but he hangs in there and defeats it, growing to level 35 in the process. Venomoth comes out next. This is honestly the biggest threat on his team. Why? Silver Wind on the mountain field. Not only does it get a power buff, but it may increase all of its stats too. Manny gets off an Ice Shard before falling and I send in Yogi, then immediately switch to God. Even though Silver Wind is not very effective on him, it brings him down to 1/3 of his health. Jesus Cain. I bring out TeePee in the hopes of hitting an Icy Wind. Nope I missed. TeePee falls as well and it's up to Scoops to save this battle. He hits a boosted Avalanche but barely hangs on after a Gust and Silver Wind combo from Venomoth. He finishes it with an Ice Beam and down goes Venomoth. Finally Cain's last pokemon comes out. Grimer. I Ice Beam it and it falls to 1/4 of its HP and KO's Scoops with Sludge Bomb. Yogi comes out and finishes it off with Brine. Jeez, that was harder than I thought it would be.

Thas right Cain give me your key please. Wait who are you talking to? *le gasp* Heather? Why does Cain know you? Your father jumped off of a bridge, pretty much everyone knows your name now. Listen Heather, Cain only wants to help you, not put you down like your father did. No Heather you can't live on your own, it doesn't work that way. We just want to help you is all. Yeah Cain you tell her. She does need a friend. Wait she already... That's right! Shelly mentioned being friends with Heather. Wait no don't fly away... Wait she's only going to the Lapis Ward. Alright then lets move Cain... Oh um can I have the key fir- NO! GIVE IT TO ME! NO NO NO! Ughhhhh. I just want to beat Fern to Aya :[

On my way towards Lapis Yogi grows to level 33 and learns Slash over Fury Swipes. That's nice. However while heading through North Obsidia, a magma gang member called me to the alleyway. Something important is going on. We're finally going to launch our attack on the Aqua gang... at night. Yea I think I can camp out... and by that I mean change the time like a scrub. I meet them at the advised destination and they fill me in on what's going on. Apparently the Aqua gang is going to steal a pokemon from a rich lady in town and we have to stop them from doing so. That way we can has all of the treasure >:] So who is this lady in question. Mrs. Craudburry. Who just so happens to be a real asshole. Can't be as bad as Fern. Alright I'll meet you guys at the house.

I enter said house in question and see Darm my man holding this old lady back. You show her Darm. So the aqua's are already here? Good. Now I get to show them my moves. I enter the back room and encounter a goon named Pierce. He leads with Carvahna and falls to God. Clauncher comes out and I bring in Iggy, who almost kills it, but gets demolished by a swords dance red HP flail. Yogi comes in and finishes the job. Azumarill is the last one and it falls to the strength of Manny and Yogis charm spam. I heal up and fight a grunt named DeFacto next. He leads with Slowpoke and I lead with TeePee, who KO's it in a matter of seconds with Bite. Up next is Staryu. He defeats TeePee, but this allows me to bring in Iggy and spam nasty plot as he goes for Gyro Ball with a fast pokemon... Yeah ok game. Iggy KO's with confusion and then KO's Carvahna with Powder Snow. I steal a water stone and a buizel and make my way out. Now that that is over, buizel goes in the box and the magma gang celebrates. Yaaay. Now time to go deal with Heather.

As I make my way back through Lapis, I hear more commotion from Craudburry's home. I know I shouldn't go back to the crime scene, but I hear a familiar voice. I decide to go in and investigate. It's a police officer from Jasper. How are you doing old friend? Craudburry almost gets me caught, but the police officer believes I did nothing wrong. I knew saving him would pay off in the end :] I exit the house and the officer gives me bike voucher that he was going to give to his daughter... But she... Nevermind. I grab my bike at the shop below and the man is stunned that I have the voucher. I finally have a bike and I finally go to Shelly's gym and check up on Heather. I hear voices upstairs and make my way to them.

Heather immediately shouts at us asking why we keep following her. We're just trying to help you. See even Shelly agrees with us. Hey! Don't get mad at her. She has done nothing wrong to you. Cain knows how you feel apparently. Quit shoving people aside. Listen, you say Shelly is your friend... but I don't really believe you. You seem to be bossing her around way too much. Wait we aren't ganging up on you. Don't leave. Also best Cain quote right here. "Aaaaghsjdhbjhwfejdshbd." I love that line. Quick after her! We make our way outside and find a sight like no other. Sigmund has found Heather. Uh-oh. You tell him Cain. You need to back off. Heather laughs and Cain brags about it. Heather's parents? Don't let him know, don't let him know, don't let him kno- Shelly no! Stop. You can't take her away. Oh so I can't do anything because I'll be a criminal? Bitch I just stole a womans pokemon do you know who I am? Yeah ok I will have a good day... Dickter Sigmund... Cain then says another one of my favorite quotes, "What's he got up his butt?" Oml Cain stop. Shelly runs off and Cain follows...

Next time we find a way to save Heather from the Orphanage. Here's the team so far:


God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No Item

Level: 37

-Aerial Ace

-Icy Wind




TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 36


-Icy Wind




Scoops: Hardy Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 37

-Ice Beam


-Mirror Shot



Manny: Lonely Nature

Thick Fat

No Item

Level: 35

-Icy Wind

-Ice Shard

-Mud Bomb

-Take Down


Iggy: Gentle Nature

Dry Skin

No Item

Level: 33

-Powder Snow


-Nasty Plot



Yogi: Quiet Nature


No Item

Level: 33





Until next time guys, stay cool :]

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Part Seventeen: Jailbreak! Jailbreak! WOOT WOOT WOOT!

I make my way back to Shelly's gym only to find her beating herself up over Sigmund taking Heather. Come on Shelly it wasn't your fault. What the good dickter does is his own thing. It's not your fault either Cain. Don't worry guys, we can get her out of this. Shelly you aren't a bad friend. All that matters is that you tried to help her... Well sometimes that isn't all that matters, but still. Cain proceeds to start singing and it's rather nice actually. He says something about us being a team and Shelly questions it. Cain is right. We can't just sit here and let the Dickter do things to her. The two are willing to break the law if it means saving Heather. Don't worry guys, I'm with the police force. Trust me you will be ok. Meanwhile through the storm that is going on outside, an ear-piercing scream comes to our attention. That sounded like Heather. We have to move. Now!

Damnit. The door is locked. Wait guys. I have people on the inside. They'll help us I just know it... Suddenly I noise is heard from the inside and we are able to enter the orphanage. Anna stands there with Noel and Charlotte close behind. She welcomes me once more and says she saw me glowing from behind the wall so she unlocked it... Hm. Anna is weird. But thanks to her, we're in. Cain introduces himself to the group and notices Anna's peppiness to which Noel replies with that she is always peppy even in the worst of times. However Anna thinks that that is when her energy is most needed. Charlotte finally speaks, asking why we are here. She can already tell it's for Heather. We tell her we're going to take her back and ask if the group wants to join. Charlotte says she'll leave with any chance she gets... But the orderlies will find us soon. We are out-numbered. They don't have their pokemon. Charlotte is planning something and says if we don't come back for her, we're dead. Charlotte then creates a diversion and gets attention away from us... only some of it at least. She does it amazingly well though. Now it isn't as bad. A 3 v 3 here we go!

Orderly Timothy leads with Klink as I lead with Manny. Mud Bomb OHKO's it easily. Slowpoke comes out and TeePee takes care of it with Bite spam. Elgyem comes out and suffers the same fate. The orderlies run off and try to lock us out. While warning Sigmund. Anna immediately asks Shelly if she wants to be friends and Shelly is as nervous as ever. Anna then states that Shelly has lots of friends to which she replies with no she doesn't. Anna then tells Shelly that she has sooo many strings around her. She says everytime a friendship is formed, invisible strings connect them. She says Shelly has a ton. Noel finally speaks up saying the Orderlies with Charlotte will be back soon and orders Cain to take a defensive position in the doorway. Cain says Noel is pretty smart and Noel is all like, yeah you know it bitch :] Just as suddenly as the first three came, two more orderlies rush us and take Noel upstairs. Let's go Shelly. After them!

We head upstairs only to be greeted by more Orderlies. They lead with Magnemite and Elgyem while I lead with Manny and Shelly sends out Yanmega. Dayum Shelly. Anyway, I miss mud bomb twice and die to Mirror Shot while Shelly uses Giga Drain on Elgyem and then Struggle Bug. Thanks. I bring out Iggy as the orderly brings out a Tynamo. Iggy goes down to a Spark and Mirror Shot as Shelly uses Air Cutter. Come on Girl really? Yogi comes in and KO's Magnemite with Brine as Yanmega KO's Tynamo with Struggle Bug. Venomoth and Slowpoke are sent out to which I reply with a Slash on Venomoth. Unfortunately Yanmega falls and Yogi is hurt. I bring out TeePee and Shelly sends out Anorith. She uses rock slide and nearly KO's both of the orderlies pokemon. The Venomoth uses Psybeam on TeePee and Slowpoke uses Water Pulse on TeePee. I use protect as Shelly Rock Slides again. She takes out Venomoth. Kadabra comes in. I use Bite on Slowpoke and KO it while eating a Psycho Cut. Shelly KO's Kadabra with a Knock Off. TeePee grows to level 37 and learns Frost Breath over Icy Wind. The battle has been won.

We then fight two more Orderlies and Manny KO's a Klink right off the bat. Shelly helps us KO a Clefairy as well when the other sends out a Blitzle. I KO it with Mud Bomb and Shelly kills the Clefairy. Golett comes in and dies to Yanmegas giga drain while I Mud Bomb a Klang nearly killing it. It kills Manny with Gear Grind, but at least he grew to level 36. Meanwhile Yogi comes out and uses Scoops as the sacrificial lamb for a level up. Another Golett dies. The Klang instead goes for Yanmega and we KO it. The battle ends and we get locked out of the next floor. UUUUGGGHHH. There is an override program in the lab and so we enter, but a machine there connects to Ame and she says that we can battle here, but Sigmund won't let us fight. Strange.

We fight more orderlies. Nothing to note really. Iggy grows to level 34, Yogi grows to level 35. I pick up a data chip and unlock the gate and speak with Noel on an upper floor. We have to go upstairs and disengage the lock. We go upstairs and fight, wouldn't you know it, more oderlies. Again nothing much of note, Iggy grows to level 35 and Manny grows to level 37. These battles aren't worth typing out seeing as just one takes its own entire paragraph >>. I disengage the lock and free Noel from his cage and go back downstairs to meet up with Anna. We need a key to get a key to save Heather. Cain has pushed the orderlies back and we enter the room he is now in. We rescues Charlotte from her prison and she implies that she doubted we could do it. We are told the storage room is right down there and of course it's guarded by more Orderlies.

More stuff happens. We fight and Yogi grows to level 36, Iggy grows to 36 and god grows to 38. Only one fight left and that's to unlock the final gate. Who is it guarded by? More fucking Orderlies. We defeat them and something of note here is Shelly finally showed off her Illumise in battle with me. Cool. We unlocked the top floor gate and there is a freaking brawl going on up here. We finally see Heather and Charlotte diagnoses Sigmund with a case of Royally Fucked. You're dead now bitch. Sigmund plays it off as if this is a normal thing that happens. He's outnumbered and knows it. He then asks if this is really the best thing for Heather. It's better than turning her into a open fire that's for sure. Charlotte creeps up to Sigmund and burns him with her cigarette. DAYUM. She said she's always wanted to do that too. Sigmund releases Heather and informs us that the authorities are already heading our way. Darn. Lets run guys! Anna tells us we are all going to meet under Opal bridge.

That's all this time folks. Next time we keep running for our lives. Here's the squad:


God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No Item

Level: 38

-Aerial Ace

-Icy Wind




TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 37

-Frost Breath





Scoops: Hardy Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 37

-Ice Beam


-Mirror Shot



Manny: Lonely Nature

Thick Fat

No Item

Level: 37

-Icy Wind

-Ice Shard

-Mud Bomb

-Take Down


Iggy: Gentle Nature

Dry Skin

No Item

Level: 36


-Powder Snow


-Nasty Plot


Yogi: Quiet Nature


No Item

Level: 36





Until next time guys. Stay cool.

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Part Eighteen: FOURshadowing

I make my way down under and end up at the Opal bridge. Anna is calling out to me telling me I need to hurry. I make my way down under the next bridge and meet up with the gang. Charlotte walks up to me and speaks. She says we need a plan as the police will be blocking off all exits, but she knows of an exit right through this tunnel. Only problem is, we need rock smash. Don't worry guys I got this! I smash the rock and we move on...

*Sudden Segue to things we don't see*

Sigmund is atop the bridge and knows we are already in the railnet. However, Sirius walks up to Sigmund telling him just how much of a fan he is. Sirius is now requesting something from Sigmund... but what? (Foreshadowing). We are now arriving at the gate Charlotte was talking about, but a graveller appears and Yogi takes it out and grows to level 37. *Gasp* He's evolving :]]] Yogi turns into a Beartic and learns Icicle Crash over Endure. Schweet. Anyway I talk to everyone and learn what they are thinking. Cain sees another obstacle in our path. Shelly just wants Heather to speak to her, but she's gone silent. Anna talks about Cain and how nice and pretty he is. Oh and his pitch-black eyes. Noel disregards this, but Anna calls them black holes into his soul. Noel believes this will be quite the bothersome journey. Charlotte is getting mad at a machine because it won't open the door that we need to open. Greeeaaatttt. Shelly says it's the door of the old Yureyu building that was destroyed during the great earthquakes of Reborn. Those earthquakes shut down the whole city until Ame restored it. How awful. Noel says it won't open because it's hooked up to the old power plant. Anna then says that Mr. Shadow lives there, a.k.a. Shade. She says if someone asked him he would open it. However Shelly doesn't even know if he is human or not. Anna says he's super nice, but Noel says he never talks. It turns out that Shade is also a gym leader, so it's up to us to open the door and fight him. Anna says she'll tell Nostra to open up the door real quick... Strange, can Nostra speak to Shade? (Foreshadowing).

Anyway something I wanted to point out here: http://prntscr.com/7ed70a Yeah. Anyway, as I arrive at the abandoned power plant, I see an Absol atop a nearby cliff... Strange. I enter the building and the first thing I notice is that it is dark as hell. I stumble along through the gym and find a monitor which I activate. It's a video of Corey jumping off the bridge. Oh god why. Everything goes dark once more. I keep stumbling along and end of coming across yet another monitor. This time I see a pink haired girl who get mauled by a Garchomp. Oh God why, what is going on in this demented place. I turn around and see a ghostly figure standing near another monitor, but when I get close to him he vanishes. I'm scared to operate this monitor. I turn it on anyway. The screen flickers on and guess who I see... Amaria. Oh god no. Please no. Suddenly a red haired girl shoves her it looks like and all goes black again. Get me out of here! I see the ghostly figure again and give chase, but he lazily just floats away from me. He disappears shortly after and I fall. As I get up I see one last monitor. Untouched. Fear in my heart, I turn this one on as well. It's a green haired girl, crazy hair. Suddenly a bright light emits from her and she falls into pieces. HELP. ME! I try to run for the exit only to find that it seems to have disappeared. No. I turn around from where I thought it was and see him. The ghostly entity himself. Shade. Let me out you creep! I speak with him and the lights come back on. He floats off the ground, and his eyes appear. He smiles at me.


Before I know what's going on he has already sent out his Gengar entitled with the name of Corey... Could that really be... No. I lead with Yogi and proceed to spam Icicle Crash. Yogi eats up all the hits and 2HKO's Gengar as Shade wastes 1 ultra potion and leaves me with 14 HP. Doublade comes out next and I use Charm. Yogi falls to a Brick Break. Your sacrifice shall not be forgotten. TeePee comes in and uses Attract and starts to spam Bite. Shade lands no hits and Doublade is at 1/2 of its HP. Shade switches into Trevenant as I land a crit hit Bite on it. TeePee ends up outspeeding it and kills it with Frost Breath. Great job. Doublade comes back in and I start to use the Attract and Bite strategy again, but fall to one Brick Break, leaving Doublade at around 1/3 of its health. I bring out Manny and Mud Bomb, which actually KO's. Noice. Banette comes in and I switch to God. He takes a Shadow Sneak and hits with Icy Wind, but falls to a Shadow Claw. Scoops comes out and Ice Beams. Cursed Body disabled Ice Beam. Crap. Knock Off hits me pretty hard, but I can live another. I use Avalanche and get a crit and kill. Noice. Then the Rotom comes out and uses Discharge. At this point the match would be lost, but Iggy stands tall and proud despite being trash in the eyes of many and sings. Ofc Rotom falls asleep on her, so she uses Nasty Plot twice and goes for Confusion. Rotom wakes up and uses Shadow Ball, but Iggy lives. Iggy KO's Rotom and Chandelure comes out. Iggy you can do it. I believe in you... YES! Iggy gets a crit hit confusion and wins the battle. Who would have thought my psychic type would kill the ghosts? Iggy grows to level 37.

Shade gives me the Omen Badge and raises the level cap to 45, while also enabling Flash. He then gives me Shadow Claw as a gift and finally turns the power on. He tells me to watch the screen behind him. It's my friends all standing in the tunnel waiting. There must be a hidden camera there. The gate opens and I hear Anna cheer. Just then, Sirius bursts through. Oh no. No no no. I have to get back there and save them. Just as I try to leave, I see more meteor grunts come through and take everyone hostage except for Cain who gets away and separates himself from them with Earthquake. It's too late though. I turn and start running from the door when I hear Shade say some final parting words. "So dying souls offer the keys to your gain...Let not them suffer to the poison in Vain..." He disappears and I exit, pondering those last words.

Here are some pics and the MLG squad:




God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No Item

Level: 38

-Aerial Ace

-Icy Wind




TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 37

-Frost Breath





Scoops: Hardy Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 37

-Ice Beam


-Mirror Shot



Manny: Lonely Nature

Thick Fat

No Item

Level: 37

-Icy Wind

-Ice Shard

-Mud Bomb

-Take Down


Iggy: Gentle Nature

Dry Skin

No Item

Level: 37


-Powder Snow

-Nasty Plot



Yogi: Quiet Nature

Swift Swim

No Item

Level: 37

-Icicle Crash




That's all for now folks. I'll see you again soon. Until then, stay cool.

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  • 2 months later...

Part Nineteen: It's Ice to Meet you Again

What better way to restart this than right after a DDoS and a long ass hiatus. The show must go on though. I intend to get some stuff done before school starts.

We exit the factory having just fought Shade in all his evilness and head to Opal Bridge, where we saw most of our friends kidnapped. Luckily Cain escaped. Hopefully he's waiting for us. Hmm. Nope. Darn... Well now we have no leads on where to go... Oh wait, Victoria! I didn't see you over there. Ok. So Cain is off to get strength and a badge from apophyll island, but we need the wasteland key so that we can get the badge to use it. We need to catch up to Cain and get that key. Thanks Victoria. On our way, we fight more trainers in the Opal Ward causing Manny and Yogi to grow to level 38. Nice. We continue on towards Cain. Will we catch up?

...Probably not considering I take a slight detour to the daycare. Aww yea, we gonna get some cool babies up in here. The only reason I'm doing this is because I want a Glalie and a Froslass. Doing this sidequest also takes me right into the Coral Ward which is where I need to be. We save an old couple, check a storage house with a grunt in it and then talk to Cain. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Key ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ No wait, Cain plz don't leave without me. You aren't stronk or Dank enough. No plz. Cain. NO. Come back. Cri ;~; Oh well... Guess we'll have to wait for our prince to return... No wait, who's that?

It's Amaria! Hey gurl, long time no see. Huh? Yea I need to cross dat lake. The poison is just too much tho... Wait, you know where it's coming from? Take me there! I will stop this pollution and cross the lake and be the hero and be cool and be MLG. Blacksteam Factory in Peridot, eh? That's where the asshat Fern was when we first met him. I'll see you there soon Amaria. First I need to do something. It'll be quick I swear.

*2 months and 3 days later*

Finally. I got something beautiful. After walking and breeding way too much with TeePee and Scoops, I got the god himself, Gretsky:


Aww yea, look at this monster. He's gonna be a fucking beast... That is, after we beat Kiki... And it only took 4 eggs to get. ty based God (Who may or my not be getting replaced soon, sorry not sorry). We take TeePee and Scoops out of the daycare and they've both grown to level 38, leaving Iggy as the only level 37 mon on our team. That's to be expected of trash of course (shots fired, your move iggy). With that we move out to the factory and see Amaria again. Hey. Sorry I made you wait 2 months to do this. Alright, let's make an entrance. Holy- Your Lapras is cool. I want one. We scale the staircase Amaria made and enter the factory, only to find two measly grunts. Alright Amaria, I'll help you out. Don't fall behind thou-

Yea, Amaria kind of carries the team with her level 80 Lapras. At least Iggy grew to level 38 becoming slightly less trash than she already is. Amaria presses on into the factory, and we follow close behind... Only to be surrounded by 10 grunts. Do I trust you Amaria? Well, seeing as you carried the team last battle, yes I do. Ayy an opening. Shit shit shit Run! K we made it... Now to press on- WAIT MORE GRUNTS, AHHHH RUN! RUN BITCH! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! We evade the wrath of the grunts only to come to a dead end. I walk onto a strange looking tile in an isolated room... Why the hell would this be in a team meteor base? This is random beyond belief? A person steps out from the shadows. It's the old dude from the bottom of the grand stairway. Good-bye? But I just got he- OH SHI-

Damn... Locked up in a prison cell with a bunch of pokemon... The only thing that could make this worse is...

Ending the part abruptly. Sorry guys, but I'm tired. Here's the MLG Squad


God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No Item

Level: 38


-Aerial Ace

-Icy Wind



TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

Oran Berry

Level: 38

-Frost Breath





Scoops: Hardy Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 38


-Mirror Shot


-Ice Beam


Manny: Lonely Nature

Thick Fat

No Item

Level: 38

-Mud Bomb

-Icy Wind

-Ice Shard

-Take Down


Iggy: Gentle Nature

Dry Skin

No Item

Level: 38

-Powder Snow


-Nasty Plot



Yogi: Quiet Nature

Swift Swim


Level: 38

-Icicle Crash




In Box:


Gretsky: Impish Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 1

-Powder Snow



Until next time guys, stay cool B)

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Part Twenty: Straight Outta Meteor's HQ

Welp, this is it. Fell down a hole and now I'm trapped with a bunch of pokemon. The grunt taunts me from behind the bars. I swear to God if I were over there I would Wreck you. Hmmm. There's gotta be some way out of here... Ah ha! I walk over to a loudred sitting in a nearby cage and cause it to scream. My hearing is gone and the Abra nearby wakes up. Good. I bond with the abra and it proceeds to teleport the pokemon from cage to cage. I notice a lonely lickitung and teleport it to the cage with a ditto. The Ditto transforms and lickitung isn't so lonely anymore. He gives me a Rare Candy that he was holding onto. Next I teleport a Makuhita into the Dittos cage. Ditto busts out of the cage and joins me. Welcome my breeding slave >:] Anyway, I shuffle about and do more teleporting. First I deafen myself using Loudred, have Jigglypuff sing, Have Loudred wake Abra up, but not the guard and then have Cyndaquil shoot the iron bars with Flamethrower. Next I teleport a Vanillite who uses Ice Beam on the bars, and finally, I have a Roggenrola use Rock Blast on the bars. HA HA! Success. I'm outta here...

Not really tho. I venture into the basement below and shuffle about the dark room. I eventually find the TM for Psych Up. Cool. I will never use this move :] Moving about a biit more, I find some Magnet Powder and a strange door with an X pattern on it. Weird. Anyway, I finally make my way up to the next floor and fight some goons. We fight a scientist with a Zorua and Lampent. The Lampent was rather troublesome, but Manny is a champ who tanks fire type moves. I then fight a meteor grunt named Devin who falls to God... Or at least his Croagunk did. His Graveler came out and owned God. Oops. I then meet a scientist who is unwilling to fight, and only wants to learn more about Team Meteor. Strange. I fight a Meteor Grunt named Kenan. Iggy destroys his whole team... Except for the Darumaka which Flare Blitz Iggy into oblivion. It's ok though. After beating him, I open up the main entrance and move my butt to a pokemon center. Aww yea. After healing, I run back in and Metal Gear my way around another grunt and open one lock to some main room. Darn. I need to find the other one. There's always more than one lock... *sigh*

I fight Meteor Dame Diana and win with ease. Piloswine ko's the Electrike and Iggy cleans up the rest. We defeat a grunt named Steven and God reaches level 39. Cool. After fighting more grunts, TeePee and Iggy both reach level 39. I deactivate lock two and heal my team. Time for an intense battle right? Nope, Dialogue comes first. We see ZEL again, which is always cool, but we also see the mean old dude. He's actually pretty cool. He lets us see what he's working on and tells us how it is and then tries to kill us. Lovely. Thank the lord Amaria is there to save us with the best type ever. Ice. Ice Beam more specifically. She asks why Team Meteor is doing all of this. It's to make the people of Reborn leave... Well newsflash guy. You kind of blew up the Train Station, which is one of the only ways out of here. And by poisoning the water, getting out by boat is pretty much impossible... So you're either going to have to find another way out or just kill everyone. Guess you intend on doing that. Amaria fights the old man and he tells ZEL to protect the PULSE. Time to fight!


ZEL leads with Glaceon and I lead with Yogi. Yogi tries his best as he slashes and brines his way forth, but falls to a well timed mirror coat and icy wind spam. At least ZEL used both ultra potions. Iggy comes in and nasty plots twice, then KO's the Glaceon. Muk comes out. Iggy goes for confusion, but the Muk gets PULSE-ified and doesn't even take half damage. Iggy falls to it's wrath. TeePee comes in and Frost Breaths the thing, but also falls to it. Finally Manny comes out. The thing tries to use Muddy Water, but the attack picks up electricity and doesn't even tough Manny. Manny proceeds to obliterate the Muk. Espeon comes out and Manny goes for one last suicide Ice Shard before biting the dust. Psychic is sooper strong. God comes in and Icy Winds twice after tanking a Psychic. Espeon then destroys God and it's all up to Scoops. He KO's Espeon and out comes Umbreon. Scoops goes for Ice Beam as Umbreon uses Confuse Ray. Scoops takes a Feint Attack and retaliates with Avalanche. This happens twice and then Scoops uses Ice Beam one last time while breaking out of confusion. Critical Hit, RKO, from outta nowhere! ZEL is defeated.

ZEL cries out the old mans name in apology. Solaris... He calls our efforts useless and decides to retreat, but not before having his Tyranitar use Superpower... On Amaria! They leave and Amaria sits there. She says she's fine, just winded. She says the water won't be polluted any longer... but I'm not too sure. Amaria says that the water treatment center will clean it all up. I guess that's good. Amaria tries to walk off, but her injuries catch up to her. She really is hurt. She walks up to me and gives me the key to her boat. She says we can use it to cross the lake. Thank you Amaria. You really are the best. Amaria decides to leave and says that Tania may be waiting for her. She lives up north in the Aventurine region of Reborn. She wants me to visit sometime. Cool. With that, she's gone.

I think that's a good place to stop. Next time, we cross the lake and try to get Strength. Here's the squad, now in a handy dandy spoiler so as not to clutter up the page:


God: Hardy Nature

Vital Spirit

No Item

Level: 39


-Aerial Ace

-Icy Wind



TeePee: Naive Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 39

-Frost Breath





Scoops: Hardy Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 38

-Ice Beam


-Mirror Shot



Manny: Lonely Nature

Thick Fat

No Item

Level: 38

-Icy Wind

-Mud Bomb

-Ice Shard

-Take Down


Iggy: Gentle Nature

Dry Skin

No Item

Level: 39


-Powder Snow

-Nasty Plot



Yogi: Quiet Nature

Swift Swim


Level: 38

-Icicle Crash




In Box:


Gretsky: Impish Nature

Ice Body

No Item

Level: 1



-Powder Snow

That's all for now guys. Until next time, stay cool B)

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