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Having trouble finding the boulder in Byxbysion wasteland need help?



So most of the videos and guides I've searched throughout Google, Youtube, and the forums have been outdated since recent patches have been implemented in the game.

I'm trying to find the boulder that's supposed to be moved using strength in the wasteland but I keep running into a regular rock, the cave entrance behind the small house is what i'm referring to. Am I going to the wrong place? Am I missing a piece of the puzzle?

I'd appreciate something straight forward.


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When you go into the wasteland, you have to go through a building to advance. Coming out of this building, you are in a spot with two slides, one leading left and one right. In that place, one of the ledges on the upper side is jumpable. It's only one square long so it's tough to see it, but test all the ledges to the up direction and you'll find it.

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you have to find the entrance above that hall first. that one will have the boulder in it, which is pushed to fall into the hall you're in right now and crush that rock. i haven't been in byxbysion wasteland for a while however, so i can't give you a perfect walkthrough to it. sorry. i do remember that the way to it should be at a hilltop that has several of the metal slides on both sides and a grave or two. it'll be at the very back, i think?

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There's another part to it that you may have missed - if you just go to the upper section where the boulder is supposed to be before doing anything else, the boulder won't be there. Before you go there you need to read Kiki's gravestone in the wastelands (it's outside the building with the big flight of stairs iirc, but I don't remember that clearly). You might have already read the gravestone when you went through the wastelands the first time, but if you can't find the strength boulder in the upper area it's because you haven't read that gravestone.

Edited by Kithros
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