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Advice on my team to get ready for Ep15.


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Etesian told me to wait till I get 10 badges or more so here I go...

Serperior(Autumn) 75




-Giga Drain

-Nature Power

-Leech Seed

Hariyama(Mako) 69



-Close Combat

-Brick Break

-Heavy Slam

-Knock Off

Gyarados(Poseidon) 70



-Dragon Dance



-Ice Fang

Heliolisk(Estasia) 70




-Volt Switch


-Razor Wind

Granbull(Cupcake) 71






-Fire Fang

Ninetails(Fero) 71




-Confuse Ray



So Yeah, I think I have a pretty good balance on my team and I just finished the Episode so any Ideas on what to change? I feel like something is missing but I don't know what so maybe anyone here could help me out. Thanks in advance!! :)

Edited by DoubleAA14
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Probably the only one to note is Heliolisk. Razor Wind is just not a good move, you're better of with more coverage (grass knot perhaps?).
Surf + Solar Power is also something I would have my doubts on, while some say Volt Switch isn't very useful in Reborn (except when you use Set Battle style).

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I tried Surf + Solar Power in the sun before and it worked well against Charlotte because it still did a lot to her Pokemon and lowering their accuracy while Gyarados was in the air (using bounce). I might consider Grass Knot in place of Razor Wind and also, Volt Switch isn't THAT useful but it did get me out of tight spots but I might consider changing it but to what move though?

Thanks for the advice I really appreciate it.

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I would suggest HP rock/fire/ground instead of leech seed, and wring out instead of nature power. After 2 leaf storm boosts you will be doing insane damage to your opponents with wring out. Keep giga drain, if you are able to get a contrary boost, giga drain will be like a grass type draco meteor + Hp restoring. Do you care about natures? They're sometimes very important, timid or modest are the best natures to serperior. About the Hidden power: Rock can cover every grass type weakness if we remove poison, and ground/fire hiddenpower are for though steel types that you can't touch.

Hariyama is a good fighting type, a REALLY good one, but there are better.

- Toxicroak: Breeding in EP12 can give you bulk up and drain punch, and you can also get EARTHQUAKE if you want (you can't get all the three moves together, just bulk up and EQ, no drain punch, but you can get bulk up, EQ and cross chop) If you want some chains just look down in this comment. It also has a nice special set with nasty plot, sludge wave, vacuum wave (move tutor)/HP fighting, dark pulse/shadow ball.

I honestly prefer the physical set.

- Mienshao: EP12 can give you stone edge, poison jab, acrobatics, swords dance, knock off, and everything mienfoo can learn via TM via smeargle breeding, again, chains in the end of this. I used to run swords dance, poison jab, knock off and high jump kick with RECKLESS (Reckless HJK wrecking lifes and +2). But you know what's crazy? This thing also has a special set with calm mind/aura sphere/hidden power ice/grass knot!! The physical is way better anyways.

- Conkeldurr: This thing is a knight without a sword without knock off and elemental punches, which is really unfortunately. BUT you can get drain punch + mach punch via breeding (no need to be EP12). Bulk up and stone edge are the best options for the last moves, really, Ame we need more tutors. Just make sure it has iron fist ability.

- Scrafty: It can get whatever you want in EP12, again. Poison jab, rock slide, stone edge, bulk up, dragon dance, elemental punches, etc. But it needs moxie to be a sweeper, after 2 ddances you will be ready to sweep. I used to run HJK/Crunch/DDance/Ice punch, but you can use whatever you want.

- Lucario: It's a lucario, do I need to say anything else?

Chesnaught, gallade, breloom, etc.

ORAS moveset changed and now this thing can get crunch to replace Ice fang, but keep in mind that this thing has enough bulk to use substitute instead of bounce, you really don't need an inaccurate move in a sweeper, but if you are able to get a sub, the gym leader will say gg and then use /forfeit, really. I remember that you posted a topic about thunder wave wigglypuff stopping your gyarados against Noel, substitute was the way to go (You can also get lefties if you go back to EP9 so you won't care about sub damage)

Surf in a thing that uses the sun to sweep, really? First, volt switch is a waste of a moveslot, thunderbolt is more powerful, and voltswitch is only used in competitive so you can keep offensive momentum with the switch advantage, but all this stuff doesn't exist in-game (a trainer will hardly ever switch his pokemon in a battle). And razor wind is really bad, this thing doesn't have the bulk to use a 2-turn attack. HPIce/Dark Pulse/Grass Knot can replace everything aside from thunderbolt.

Another thing that is not that great, it has intimidate, which can make it a physical tank, but it's not worth it, there are way better fairies.

- Gardevoir: It can get will-o-wisp or thunderbolt in EP12

- Azumarill: I don't know if you are a competitive player, but you probably should know about the bellydrum/aqua jet/huge power azumarill, this thing is so scary that you can't give it a opportunity to set up, otherwise you'll get wrecked. REALLY wrecked.

- Sylveon: Moonblast, shadow ball, HP ground, wish, protect (EP12), trump card (it's strong, really, SO strong at the last PP use), you can use it as a cleric or as an attacker.

Energy ball is worth it, hidden power ground too, it will give you perfect coverage. And nasty plot is also really great since this thing doesn't have THAT high special attack. You don't need WoW, Extrasensory or confuse ray.

Some chains:

EQ, Bulk UP and cross chop to toxicroak: Smeargle -> Riolu -> Croagunk

Bulk Up and drain punch to toxicroak: Timburr -> Mienfoo -> Croagunk

Acrobatics, poison jab, knock off and swords dance to mienshao: Farfetch'd -> Mienfoo

Lots of moves to Mienshao: Smeargle -> Mienfoo

Drain Punch and Mach punch to conkeldurr: Hitmonchan -> Timburr + Mienfoo -> Timburr with mach punch

Dragon Dance and Ice punch to scrafty: Altaria -> Scraggy + Hitmonchan -> Buneary -> Scraggy with dragon dance

Lots of moves to scraggy: Smeargle -> Scraggy

Thunderbolt to gardevoir: Stunfisk -> Ralts

Will-O-Wisp to gardevoir: Shuppet -> Ralts

Bellyjet azumarill: Poliwag -> Marill + Buizel -> Marill with belly drum

Wish Protect sylveon: Smeargle -> Eevee

Energy ball to ninetales: Deerling -> Vulpix

Hope you find something useful.

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Holy..well I'm not THAT much of a competitive player and breeding isn't my thing but I'm gonna make a 2nd team with the Mons you suggested so I can have rotations. Thanks :)

Also, where do I get Episode 12 because it seems like I'm gonna have to do some episode maneuvering...

Edited by DoubleAA14
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Your team seems mostly fine to me, but a few things.

-You will need to have an ability capsule or 2 on standby for heliolisk as the water gym is very soon, so dry skin will be a must. Particularly if its an underwater battle. Please also get rid of razorwind for grass knot as well.

-I'd have a pokemon on standby to sub in for ninetales too, who is useless underwater.

After that, you have nothing you need to change really. Only breed if you need to, and I honestly don't think you need to yet, unless you're sick of hariyama, who is pretty good despite what is said about it.

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Your team seems mostly fine to me, but a few things.

-You will need to have an ability capsule or 2 on standby for heliolisk as the water gym is very soon, so dry skin will be a must. Particularly if its an underwater battle. Please also get rid of razorwind for grass knot as well.

-I'd have a pokemon on standby to sub in for ninetales too, who is useless underwater.

After that, you have nothing you need to change really. Only breed if you need to, and I honestly don't think you need to yet, unless you're sick of hariyama, who is pretty good despite what is said about it.

I'm pretty sure the battle against Amaria will be in the water surface field

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