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How to IV breed?


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To begin with that, you have to understand how inheriting IVs work.
Normally, 3 stats are passed down. From which parent each stat comes from is random, so you can get 3 IVs from the father, or 2s from the mother and one from the father, for example. All the other stats are randomized (if not episode 14.1.1).
There are items that influence this by giving them to the pokemon you put together for some sweet times:
-Destiny knot changes the number of stats passed down from 3 to 5.
-Giving a parent a power item assures that a certain stat (the one it gives you EVs for when battling) from that parent will be passed down.
(-everstone passes down the nature of the holder btw)
So, given that in account, you can understand how you can breed those IVs. WARNING!: If you have episode 14.1.1, there are exploitable glitches in breeding that make it easier to get 6 perfect IV's. For this, check threads like: "IV breeding wonky". In that episode, some things work better, and some things can crash the game if you're not careful.

This part will explain it for a fixed breeding system. (If you also want to breed a good nature on it, it will be slower, since you have to give an everstone to the parent with the right one)
You need for all stats a pokemon which has a perfect IV of it, and make them breed (!they only breed if they're from the same egg-group, check bulbapedia or serebii for more info about those).
First, you need to have some pokemons with at least one perfect IV, but each for different stats. Give them both the respective power item, then the child will have both of those IVs. Breed further with the best child(ren) and other pokemon that have the other desired IVs
If the parents have in totat 4 or more different perfect IVs, give one of them a destiny knot, so the child gets 5 IV's from its parents (6 if you give the other a power item, if I'm correct). If both parents have perfect IV for the same stat, the child will have a perfect IV in that stat, if it's inherited.
IV-breeding takes time, especially if you're breeding a pokemon with a more skewed gender rate, so expect to put in a few hours before you have your first one.
Good luck!

Edited by laggless01
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According to Bulbapedia, 5 is the maximum you can inherit. When using the combo of destiny knot and power item, destiny knot works for 4 stats, the 5th being the power item's stat.

Destiny Knot passes down 5 Ivs to the egg Pokemon from its parents. It's worth noting that the Destiny Knot does not work is the latest episode of Reborn. Not for me anyway. Breeding a Pokemon with perfect Ivs is pretty simple thanks to 6th gen breeding mechanics.

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Destiny Knot passes down 5 Ivs to the egg Pokemon from its parents. It's worth noting that the Destiny Knot does not work is the latest episode of Reborn. Not for me anyway. Breeding a Pokemon with perfect Ivs is pretty simple thanks to 6th gen breeding mechanics.

Ummmm I'm just breeding only with Destiny Knot and at last 4 IVs are passing down fine on the offsprings

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Ummmm I'm just breeding only with Destiny Knot and at last 4 IVs are passing down fine on the offsprings

Destiny Knot has never worked for me. Not in Reborn. I don't care that it doesn't. I find IV breeding pretty quick and simple. Especially at this point where I have multiple egg groups with perfect IVs. If I decide I want to use a certain Pokemon, chances are I have a different Pokemon in the same egg group with perfect IVs.

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Destiny Knot is working perfectly fine for me.. Infact I think there is a bug.. If you use Destiny Knot and a power Item there are very high chances of getting all 6 IVs passed down.. I literally have 14 males of different natures in the field group and a bunch of females and males with repeating natures..

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