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No Trouble so Far


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I wasn't sure where else to put this, so I thought it should go here. Anyway, after my old laptop completely died, I got a new one, which means I had to started over my Reborn save files (Though I did find an older version of one of my save files on the forums, but didn't bother to continue)

So far, everything has just been a BREEZE. Normally, in my other save files, some gym leaders and boss battles would give me trouble, but not this time surprisingly.

I currently have to go help Saphira take out Team Meteor in Tanzan Mountain and basically, all my pokemon are level 50, the level cap currently being 55. For once my pokemon are actually close to the limit, haha. Anyway, I can't remember much of the gym battles, but this is my team so far:

Infernape lv 51 - Iron Fist

Adamant Nature

-Mach Punch

-Close Combat

-Flame Wheel (To be replaced with Fire Punch)

-Torment (To be replaced with Thunder Punch)

Diggersby lv 52 - Huge Power

Sassy Nature (To be changed later)



-Mud Shot


James (Ampharos) lv 51 - Static

Quiet Nature


-Power Gem

-Cotton Guard

-Signal Beam

Slurpuff lv 50 - Unburden

Sassy Nature (To be changed later)

-Energy Ball

-Play Rough


-Cotton Guard

Meowstic lv 50 - Competitive

Bashful Nature (To be changed later)




-Light Screen

Kricketune lv 41 - Technician (May swap out later for Escavalier)

Mild Nature


-X-Scissor (Should have kept fury cutter)

-Rock Smash


And that's my current team. My most memorable gym battle had to be Kiki, cause Slurpuff basically swept her hole team. Sent her out first against her Machamp and put in 2 Cotton guards, then started the rampage. Only switched out for her Lucario with my Infernape, though I doubt I needed to. But that was easy peezy 1 try.

Aya now, sent out Diggersby and Ampharos. Had Ampharos spam Discharge and Diggersby with Dig. Only had to restart once and it went sooo smoothly. Can't wait to see how I handle Noel. Lemme know what you think of my current team~

Update: Alright, so Noel's Clefable is being a little (bad word) with the field effect, leftovers and soft-boiled sooo, I'm gonna go get me that Escavalier now.

Edited by Gashimon
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