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New Field Idea


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So, with the new episode in development, I thought of a new field that might be cool to have, and gives Flying-types some love (like they really need it).

So here it is:

Windy Field

Gale Warning.

· Started by Tailwind

· All Flying-types gain a Speed boost

· No Ground-type moves can be used

· All damaging Rock-type moves are picked up by the wind before being thrown at the target, dealing between x0.8 to x2 damage

· Whirlwind hits for type-scaling Flying damage

· Gust and Twister deal additional Flying-type damage and lower the accuracy of all pokemon on the field

· Gale Wings gives +2 priority instead of +1

· Hurricane always hits

· Sound based moves have a chance to fail, and a chance to be returned to the user for half damage.

· Camouflage change user’s type to Flying

· Nature Power becomes Air Slash

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I like this idea. Good job!

Blizzard should technically be strengthened by this field too (imo), and also attacks like Silver Wind/Fairy Wind/Icy Wind/Heat Wave etc.

As for terminating this field... yeah I don't have a clue.

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I don't think tailwind should start the field, as a real tailwind doesn't need to be anywhere near gale force. If anything Id think hurricane would cause it(and possibly windy days?)

But yes, a field to benefit flying types would be nice and I wouldnt be surprised if ame already has one in development.

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-This field effect is summoned by:

Delta Stream, using Tailwind while a Tailwind is already active.

-The following moves always fail (the powder disappears in the wind):

Spore, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Poison Powder.

- The following moves are executed in 1 turn:

Sky Attack, Fly, Razor Wind

- The following moves gain a 1,3 increase in power:

Heat Wave, Razor Wind, Special Flying type attacks

- The following moves gain a 1,5 increase in power:

Silver Wind, Fairy Wind, Icy Wind, Omnious Wind.

- The following moves become Flying type and gain 2x increase in power:

Weather Ball

-Entry hazard moves become attacking moves instead, not applying the hazard but instead dealing 75BP damage to all opposing enemies, with one additional effect:

Stealth Rock: Rock type damage, high crit rate.

Spikes: Steel type damage, lowers Defense by 1

Toxic Spikes: Poison type damage, may cause posioning.

Sticky Web: Bug type damage, lowers Speed and Accuracy by 1 each

-Pokémon with the following abilities take half damage from all boosted attacks (see above lists):

Steadfast, Sturdy, Suction Cups

-The following moves terminate the Field Effect:

Defog, Gravity, Sandstorm, Sand Stream (because of sandstorm, the wind will only pick up sand instead, losing all prior Field Effect functions.)

Edited by Nova
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So, with the new episode in development, I thought of a new field that might be cool to have, and gives Flying-types some love (like they really need it).

So here it is: Windy Field

Gale Warning.

· Started by Tailwind

· All Flying-types gain a Speed boost

· No Ground-type moves can be used

· All damaging Rock-type moves are picked up by the wind before being thrown at the target, dealing between x0.8 to x2 damage

· Whirlwind hits for type-scaling Flying damage

· Gust and Twister deal additional Flying-type damage and lower the accuracy of all pokemon on the field

· Gale Wings gives +2 priority instead of +1

· Hurricane always hits

· Sound based moves have a chance to fail, and a chance to be returned to the user for half damage.

· Camouflage change user’s type to Flying

· Nature Power becomes Air Slash


-This field effect is summoned by:

Delta Stream, using Tailwind while a Tailwind is already active.

-The following moves always fail (the powder disappears in the wind):

Spore, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Poison Powder.

- The following moves are executed in 1 turn:

Sky Attack, Fly, Razor Wind

- The following moves gain a 1,3 increase in power:

Heat Wave, Razor Wind, Special Flying type attacks

- The following moves gain a 1,5 increase in power:

Silver Wind, Fairy Wind, Icy Wind, Omnious Wind.

- The following moves become Flying type and gain 2x increase in power:

Weather Ball

-Entry hazard moves become attacking moves instead, not applying the hazard but instead dealing 75BP damage to all opposing enemies, with one additional effect:

Stealth Rock: Rock type damage, high crit rate.

Spikes: Steel type damage, lowers Defense by 1

Toxic Spikes: Poison type damage, may cause posioning.

Sticky Web: Bug type damage, lowers Speed and Accuracy by 1 each

-Pokémon with the following abilities take half damage from all boosted attacks (see above lists):

Steadfast, Sturdy, Suction Cups

-The following moves terminate the Field Effect:

Defog, Gravity, Sandstorm, Sand Stream (because of sandstorm, the wind will only pick up sand instead, losing all prior Field Effect functions.)

That sounds good!!
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Intense Gravity and/or Smack Down could possibly stop it.

Depends on if the battle takes place in just a generally windy area or if it's actually in the sky.

I think Smack Down should be one of those field terminating moves since it's knocks down pokemon with flying-type and levitate. To be honest I would love to see a flying field like this in the game.. but yeah if the battles are sky only then there should be the same rules like in the sky battles in X/Y... it would be stupid to be honest if pokemon like Aggron could fight in a sky field.

But what if the field effect makes every pokemon with no flying-type or levitate faint when they're send out (if the field is going to be like sky battles).

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Most of the suggestions for the filed look great, apart from the idea of ALL rock type moves being picked up as opposed to specific ones as I don't see a strong gale picking up a Head Smash and throwing it

LOL, I can imagine that happening. Maybe make it the following moves?

-Rock Throw, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Rock Blast, Rock Wrecker, Magnet Bomb. Maybe some other bomb moves too?

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Yeah, I forgot about certain Rock type moves... that list seems fine (except maybe Rock Tomb turning the field into a Cave?) but I think gas moves should have the same chance to fail as sound moves.

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Additionally, I think smog and clear smog could turn the field into a corrosive mist field, as you'd be flooding the field with smog from your strong winds carrying the gas all over. Perhaps also increase the accuracy drop of smokescreen.

Mist would also need to change the field, becoming misty terrain. Blizzard and Heat Wave (Lava Plume too?) should get increased power due to convection. Maybe tailwind again to stop the field, too?

I don't think Bomb-moves should get a power-up, only a decrease in accuracy. Also, I think pokemon with Sniper shouldn't experience decrease in accuracy (perhaps for every field?).

Also, you could make an additional Storm Weather-field by using Rain Dance on it, giving additional power to Thunder, water-moves and Hurricane, while decreasing fire-type moves, make Fly (and Bounce, maybe Sky Attack too, but maybe the latter should gain a boost from this weather) fail, just like all move that require throwing things at the opponent (like Rock Blast and Seed Bomb). Terminate it by other weather-moves, Tailwind petering out, or Heat Wave.

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Hail, Icy Wind, and Glaciate should terminate the field and turn it to a Hailstorm (perhaps).

The same goes for Sandstorm, to just terminate it.

Also +1 on the thought, that pokemon with sniper shouldn't get reduced accuracy.

The following moves never miss: Thunder, Blizzard, Hurricane

Any stat reducing moves will always fail.

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