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Hello and good afternoon.

My name is Nate, that shouldn't be much of a surprise. I'm new here, mainly because I picked up Pokemon Rejuvenation several weeks ago and tracked it back to this site. I will try to play Reborn at some point, just awfully busy. I first played Pokemon Blue (Google that kids) 15 years ago, when I was lying in hospital with shattered legs and an old school friend with a popped knee cap was in the bed next to me passed me his Gameboy (Google that one again) and said, I have to play this. For I didn't know what I was missing out on. From that moment on, it went on to watching the animated show of Pokemon in that same hospital to playing the different versions sporadically down the years. I still get that tingle of excitement whenever I play a new version for the very first time.

So that's that. My interests are extremely broad, from the usual benign things such as music (literally every genre and language except reggaeton) and the occasional gaming, to literature, performing arts, country walks and travel. I'd be here for the rest of my life trying to list everything so just drop me a line if you want to know more.



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Hey Nate, welcome to the asylum Reborn Forums! Please feed you sanity to the Snorlax at the door.. You can find the community rules here.. Also read the FAQs page.. You can ask any questions that you may have to the Mods, Staff, Ace members or even me! If you like competitive battling come check out the Showdown Server.. For all your music needs we have our very own Reborn Radio with the amazing DJs Arkhidon, Cowtao, me and a whole bunch of others.. Check out the creative writing and role playing sections.. There is always something interesting going on in there.. For a whole bunch of nonsense head on down to the wasteland..


P.S. Pokemon Red is better than Blue.. But Yellow is the best..

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Neat, a new member!

Welcome to our ranks! Check the column on your left. You'll find anything you need to get started.

Reju can be considered Reborn's little brother, so you have a long way of joy playing both of these. Stay tuned for the newest changes in Reborn.

If you like, you can chat with us, learn from the community, and play competitively on showdown. Link up left to get to our showdown server.

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Thank you for all your warm welcomes.

Hey Nate, welcome to the asylum Reborn Forums! Please feed you sanity to the Snorlax at the door.. You can find the community rules here.. Also read the FAQs page.. You can ask any questions that you may have to the Mods, Staff, Ace members or even me! If you like competitive battling come check out the Showdown Server.. For all your music needs we have our very own Reborn Radio with the amazing DJs Arkhidon, Cowtao, me and a whole bunch of others.. Check out the creative writing and role playing sections.. There is always something interesting going on in there.. For a whole bunch of nonsense head on down to the wasteland..


P.S. Pokemon Red is better than Blue.. But Yellow is the best..

I agree with you Yash. My kid brother owned Red but the first version I ever owned outright was Yellow. Played that with my new GBC. Damn, were those good days. Oh and for my sanity? That has dissipated long ago.

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