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lv 75 abra


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what is the best method of dropping sabrina's love child? i know it becomes metal/psychic but the speed and strength just hits everything i got.

also, if this has been asked i am sorry in advance.

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I remember this battle... This was the most difficult battle in the game for me, I had to actually grind all my pokes to lvl 54 to have a chance, but know that destiny bond it's working you can do it with less difficulties, perish song can work too, you just need a Pokemon that will make Abra use Hyper Beam and then you use the attack, there might me easier ways but those are the ones that come to my mind right now.

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Uh, I only needed to paralize it with my ampharos (then electro ball did a lot of damage) and Gengar finished it, to be honest, having Destiniy Bond on it helped me to beat every pulse/super high level pokemon, except for that stupid garchomp.

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Wait, it's level 75 now? Back in my day, it was level 100! Kids these days...

You don't know the pain that thing is... I would have preferred the lvl 100 one than the actual lvl 75 PULSE one, at least the older one would only spam Hyper Beam and the new only mostly Dark Pulse, which either way 1KO all of my pokemon the first time I tried.

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Wait, it's level 75 now? Back in my day, it was level 100! Kids these days...

It has a 'mega evolution' now though so it has higher base stats (and a psychic/steel typing instead of pure psychic). I don't think it's overall changed in difficulty much if at all.

Anyway, you should try to get him to use hyper beam on your special attackers and then switch to your physical attackers to hit it hard while it's recharging (Abra has much higher special defense than defense - you probably won't do much damage to it with your special attackers anyway so use them as fodder for the hyper beams). Like all of the overleveled pokemon, having pokemon with sturdy or a way to paralyze them helps a lot too, but don't bother trying to use leech seed/curse/poison etc. because it has magic guard.

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what is the best method of dropping sabrina's love child? i know it becomes metal/psychic but the speed and strength just hits everything i got.

also, if this has been asked i am sorry in advance.

I used a golem with sturdy and earthquake, something like that or prankster/priority status moves would be your best bet.

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