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Hey guys, just a quick question that I didn't find anywhere, but if you know where to look tell me and I'll look. But my question was, what is an episode and what does "I'm settin up for episode 15" mean? Is it like updates or is it like a part in the story I have to get to?

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Think of it as part of a series (each episode has one gym battle...as of right now). Basically, Julia giving you the first badge was the end of Episode 1, Flobot giving you one in Episode 2 so on and so on. Episode 15 will be when a new chunk of the game is released which will have a new leader and bosses that people are grinding to prepare for (I don't do it actually).

The other thing is that some of the newer episodes change a few things from the older episodes. The biggest change is giving leaders field effects as they originally didn't exist until XI. Some leaders got nerfed, Pokemon were removed or moved back, and a couple little add ins. Pretty much that's what people will talk about when mentioning older episodes.

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