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Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay Episode 1: Heartland Homicide [AFTER SCHOOL]

Tomas Elliot

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(Important Action.)

Dominic ran as fast as he could, faster than his normal roadwork speed, but the sunshine and thought of bringing this mystery to light gave him extra energy. Finally the square was in sight, and he continued his quick pace without stop, even if he started to feel a little hungry. "This is it!" Dominic entered Heartland Square, and finally slowed to a stop. "This is the day we start our mission!"

Dominic's heart was racing in excitement for multiple reasons, one being that he ran there, and that he loved the city scene for a reason he didn't care to elaborate with himself, just enjoyed the fact that it brought a smile to him whenever he was there. However, this time was different, as a very tragic reason brought him here, but it was this day they would uncover what happened. Hopefully. "I should wait before I start any major investigating. So for now.." Dominic exhaled, and darted toward the area Mr. Tenjo was found to wait.

Upon entering the scene, Dominic felt a slight chill, even in the sunshine. Pulling his jacket forward, Dominic leaned back on the wall of a random building, the hard piece of candy which was long gone by now, left only the stick that Dominic twirled around with his mouth before spitting out and replacing with another piece, "Today feels like it has some strange things in store.." Dominic mused as he pushed off the wall, ending his break, and continued to walk toward somewhere for a quick bite to eat, while still staying in the general area. "Whatever we find, I'm ready to the extreme."

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[[To: Setsuna]]

Will simply smiled at the girl while she attempted to get her point across. "...by a certain teacher." At this comment, he faltered for a split second. The janitor played it off by laughing rather loudly and saying, "Aha, miss, you have no need to be nervous in front of me! I am but a simple janitor! Though... this certain teacher of yours seems to be into everything now huh..." The last sentence Will spoke was nothing more than a mutter to himself, though Setsuna could probably hear it. Not that it mattered much; it was just him thinking aloud.

Now that he had finished commenting on that teacher bit, Will finally got a chance to process the rest of what the girl had said. "Illegal duels? Can't say I've been in the loop about anything like that. Honestly, the whole concept of 'illegal duels' seems silly, doesn't it?" The question was, of course, hypothetical. However, one look into Setsuna's eyes told Will that she was completely serious, and given his knowledge of that particular woman's track record, this girl in front of him might be onto some lead after all.

"Ancient Egypt eh...?" Will's voice trailed off and his gaze went far. "Ah yes, I remember my days in that country. Fascinating place, really. I know all about the myths and legends of ancient Egyptian culture as well. But. How they would tie to these so-called 'illegal duels' I'm not sure."

The man's eyes returned focus on Setsuna and he raised his eyebrows in enthusiasm. "Though I'm sure that doesn't help you at all! Haha, I guess I was mainly talking to myself there." He scratched his head in slight embarrassment as he tended to do. "You should be interested to hear that I actually have heard of them at least. The duels, that is. I heard the same rumor as you---that they were tied to ancient Egyptian mythology. I was surprised to hear that, since I felt like I of all people should know something like that. Nevertheless, I did have an old friend who has traveled all over Egypt like me. He was my father's pupil, but since he was my age, we became fast friends. If anyone would know about this rumor, it'd be him. Conveniently, I got word that he was in town! He was supposed to be staying at the Heart Hotel, which is just across the street from The Bootleg, but I didn't find him when I went to his room. Too bad, I really did want to ask him some questions. Well anyway, if you want to find him, his name's Ike Johnson. Maybe you'll catch him when he's actually at his hotel room, so I'd suggest trying there first just in case." Will sighed a sigh of contentment. He was clearly stuck on reminiscing about his childhood days. There probably wasn't much more anyone could get out of him anymore. Though he did snap back to reality for a moment to address Setsuna once more. "Oh! And, if you happen to find him, tell him Will said hi!"

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Zander pulled out his bejeweled phone, the back being covered in small sapphires. He shot a glare at those around him "Do not judge." He quickly unlocked the phone and began typing something while delivering his thoughts on the scenario. "Well, consider this more of a game of how to get away with murder. Let's think about this for a second. Have there been any more murders that we've yet to hear about? For all we know, this could be a serial killer. And if he plans on striking again, he would want to hide somewhere. So, I'd imagine a place to succeed in that would be to get a hotel room and stake out there." Zander finally succeeded in pulling up a map of the city's center. He turned the screen of his phone to the others and showed them the map. "There's a hotel on the west side of town. We can ask any employees if they know anything. Also, if anyone would want to go to the police station to ask about any other murders in the area, we might be able to solve this faster It's on the northwest side, not too far from the hotel. We can try to rendezvous at Central Square afterwards."

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(Important Action: Ken heads to Takeda's Card Shop)

"Crap, crap, where did I put it... don't tell me I left it in the classroom..." Ken muttered to himself, rummaging around in his bag as he sat on top of his scooter. He was obviously looking for something, but what?

"Found it!" He said victoriously, as he pulled his D-Pad out from his bag and slipped it onto his wrist. The tablet section was a simple white in color, and as he slid it on, the D-Pad extended and folded out to reveal that it looked... completely ordinary. He wanted to upgrade or paint it, but he really just hadn't had the motivation to do so. Too much effort. He'd get around to it eventually.

"Just in case I run into anyone who may want a duel..." Ken said to himself as he made sure it was snugly on as he put on his helmet and headed towards Takeda's Card Shop. He'd hang out with classmates later, but first he had errands to run.

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To Arthur, Arial, Rene, Roy and Zander

Monika was one of the last students to leave the classroom 2-2. Her teacher Anna was still there though, staring at the window and looking at the big crowd out of the school. Once she was out of the school, Monika noticed some of her classmates together; one of them was Arial. She was one of the first people Monika talked to that day, before the conversation was stopped (courtesy of Sidus).

Monika still didn't get to know well all of this people; she couldn't call them friends, so going with them could have been a good idea.

When she got closer, she heard that they were talking about her previous teacher, and that the conversation was aready begun. She noticed Arial's D-Pad, of course, as "everybody would turn around to look at a customized D-Pad, even for a split second", and she already knew that because of personal experience.

She ran towards the group of students and introduced herself before they could depart: "Hi there, I'm Monika... I tought you were going to investigate about Mr. Tenjo's death, so... Can I come with you?", then looked at Arial and whispered: "We were talking before... but the conversation was cut off, so I want to help you now."

As she was talking she noticed that everyone had their D-Pad and decided to pull out hers. It was in her bag with some other cards; it was a new, customized D-Pad, with silver slots and a yellow outline, rectangular screen and white laces.

"So... where are we (or you) going?"

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(Arthur, Arial, Rene, Monika and Zander)

"I can head to the police station." Roy said after Zander said which places they should head too. He then turned to Monika who was asking is she could join and where to go. "There are two places so far, Hotel or Police station. Pick which you want to go with." As he looked around everyone was readying their duel disks. 'Why would they just put them on like that,' He thought to himself, 'Wouldn't it get in the way when they're walking around.'

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{Rene, Zander, Roy, Arthur, and Monika}

In, out, in, out. Arial finally nodded in approval as her duel slots unfurled and curled themselves effortlessly. There were several other features that she would like to test out, but they don't require her immediate attention just yet. For now, Arial will have to get on her motor scooter...

"...It will. If this whole illegal dueling thing is the cause of his death, then where does one begin to prove it? Sometimes I wish we knew where to start..."

Or not! She turned around to find the source of that question and beamed happily once she found several familiar faces. She managed to contain her enthusiasm until after Zander finished proposing his plan "Yooo!! Count me in on the search too!" she practically yelled in her excitement as she jumped into the forming group. "Name's Arial Longshire, for those who didn't know! Glad to meet ya!" She glanced at Rene, Arthur and Roy as she introduced herself. Arial then bounced a little off to the side to allow Monika into the conversation. "And hello once again Monika! I would be honored to have you help out in this investigation! You can come with me if they don't welcome you~" Arial then rubbed her chin with her right hand, pondering on the choices that Zander offered. "Weelll, if we are going to meet up at Central Square anyways, why_not explore the other nearby places too? I'm actually interested in that museum that they have there..."

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((Important action activate!))

After a 15 to 20 minute drive with the bus, Lane finally got off and was dislocated for a minute. He usually didn't hang around this part of the city and initially took the wrong turn. It took him another few minutes to realize that mistake and ending up at the Bootleg. The young rebel admired the front of the pub before heading in. So thirsty...

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((Important Action?/Just Following Lane))

Luna, who was on the same bus as Lane, noticed the bad boy getting off of the bus. She decided it'd be a bit of fun following him and got off the bus as well. Besides, she kind of grew up around this part of the city. What really surprised her is that he made his into the pub. Silently, she followed Lane into the pub, but kept her distance to make sure he didn't notice her.

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  • Support Squad

(Important action)

The two youths arrived at Arclight industries over on the other side of town after a heavy amont of pedaling. Klive reflected that maybe next time an alternative mode of transportation coulf be used, Klive was hardly the fittest person out there. Xe looked around, murmuring almost to themselves, "Now, where to start?"

((Tiniest bit of bunnying to save turbo having to announce his arrival with Klive))

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{Heading to Takeda's Shop, Anyone}

As the bell rung, Paul made his way to his locker, grabbed his pack, and slung it over his shoulder. "Man, long day today." he thought to himself. He decided he really didn't feel up to going home just yet, his parents would be lying in wait to make him feel more depressed. So, instead of going through that, he decided he'd pay Mr. Takeda a visit. He hadn't been to his shop since a few days before Sylvia had disappeared, and he needed to edit his deck anyway, so why wouldn't he?

He left through the front doors of the school, passing by everyone else, and stopped at the bus stop, waiting for the it to arrive.

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So, it's time for the first Recap Post everyone!


You spend some time making sure the house is really empty, and well, turns out it really is. Maybe it's too early to start panicking, but you really are worried... As you start to head back however, you hear a very loud and all-too-familiar noise: it's the engine of a custom motorcycle, and it's coming from the nearby parking lot, right in front of Heart Park! What will you do?

1) "I should head back to school, maybe someone there, be it student or staff, received news from professor Eppes..."

2) "I really don't like where this is going, I should go straight to the police"

3) "Da hell is that noise?"


Central Square has already returned to its normal routine: people walking up and down the street, busy and in a hurry, the tower of the city hall stand right in the middle, with its heart-shaped decoration at the top sparkling in the bright light of the afternoon.

As you make your way in the crowd, you run into two familiar faces: the are agent Adams and lieutenant Flagstarr. You know Adams because he is a very friendly cop who often tries to be helpful to citizens, including students like you: as for Flagstarr, you saw her on the newspaper, they said she's the one in charge of the investigation regarding Tenjo's death... What will you do?

1) "Excuse me, officer, I kinda got lost here, have you seen other students like me stroll nearby?"

2) "Excuse me, are you the one in charge of the investigation regarding the death of my professor, the poor Tenjo?"

3) "Fuck the police! I challenge you to a duel!"


As soon as you walk inside the shop, mister Takeda, the owner, recognizes you, and greets you warmly.

"Oh hi there, Ken! Are you here for my ordination?"

He asks. As you nod, and deposit the stuff on his counter, he reaches for the money in his pocket, and pays you what is due.

"Anything else I can help you with?"

What will you do?

1) "I was looking to improve my deck, do you have any single cards on sale that you would recommend?"

2) "Actually, something has been on my mind lately... My professor, mister Tenjo... His body was found right in this square, right?"

3) "I challenge you to a duel, old man!"

Chimchain and Commander

You walk inside the pub: there appear to be no customers. Adam, the bouncer, keeps an eye on you, but doesn't say a single word. Lane hasn't noticed Luna yet, but Jack, the owner of the Bootleg, is right behind the counter, so he can see both of you.

"Good day, young friend, welcome to the Bootleg. Is that fair girl with you?"

He ask with his cunning, somewhat sarcastic smile on his face, as he uses a cloth to clean a glass. Or rather, to distribute more evenly the dirt on the inside of the glass.

What will you do (Lane)?

1) "Never mind that, I actually need to ask you for information..."

2) "I was just thirsty, can I have a drink? And one for the girl too, it's on me"


What will you do (Luna)?

1) "Uh... Err... Hi Lane... Tee hee..."

2) "Wait no, I was just looking for information on my own, I entered the same pub as him by sheer coincidence!"

3) "I only followed you hoping to overhear any good info you could find. It's not like I like you or anything."

Dobby and Turbo

You are now in front of Arclight Industries' main building. It is a rather anonymous building, like there are many in Heartland's industrial area. The gate is closed, preventing people from walking in, and there is a guard. What will you do?

1) "Good day, we are students of Heartland High School, and we are due a relation on Duel Gazers production for tomorrow. Can we please talk to mister Arclight? His insight would be precious..."

2) " Excuse us, we bought the latest Duel Gazers produced by this company and they were defective, where can we ask for refunds?"

3) "Arclight Industries experiment on kittens! Stop the illegal experiments! SAVE THE KITTENS!"

Note that I wrote the options as if they were actual dialogue options in a videogame, but I did it just for the heck of it, when roleplaying your choice you don't have to actually use the exact words I used...

Also SilverJakler, waiting for the bus to go to the card shop is not an Important Action: the important action will be when you actually arrive at Takeda's :P

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[[To Willem]]

Setsuna watched and listened as the janitor in front of her started to mutter under his breath a lot and run on. In the end, he seemed to dismiss most of what she talked about but was willing to at least direct her to another possible lead.

All of this however led her to possible believe that this entire issue may end up being a wild goose chase since she seemed to be skirting further and further away from the issue.

Still, she noted everything the man said since it would probably be best to follow that lead since he looked like he would be unwilling to talk much further.

"Which hotel room would that be? I would rather not have to ask the receptionist at the hotel for his hotel room if possible."

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(Important Action)

Ken smiled warmly at the old man who he had known since childhood. As he gave Mr.Takeda the cookies that his dad had sent him with, he was about to turn to leave: After all, he liked his deck as it was and didn't need any new cards at the moment. Before he could though, something clicked in his mind. Takeda's shop was close to where the professor was found. It might have been a bit of a long shot, but...

"Actually... I was wondering." Ken said slowly as he set his D-Pad back to non-dueling mode. " You know I'm a part of the late professor Tenjo's class, right?" He asked before continuing on. "Wasn't his body found close to here? Did you happen to see anything funny?" Ken asked curiously. He'd leave the investigating of the body to the police, he wasn't part of some sort of investigation team or anything. But a small part in the back of his mind was just curious about the whole incident, even if he didn't want to actively do anything.

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((Jack and Luna))

Is that girl with me? What girl? Lane wasn't aware he brought someone with him and turned around, only to see his classmate Luna. "Oh hey, what are you doing here?"

So she was the one with him... With him? His brain almost immediately connected the dots in a wrong way. “SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!” the blond suddenly blurted out.

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(Important Action.)

Dominic stepped out of the shop after his quick meal, stretching himself out a bit before heading through the massive crowds that filled the equally massive city square. The sun seemed to become even brighter, and the town seemed to return to normal, going about their busy days. While Dominic had a myriad of places he would've liked to visit, he knew he had his own busy day planned, and headed out into the crowds with an extreme drive in his spirit.

Realizing where he went to eat was a bit far from where he was to wait, Dominic started to run at his standard roadwork pace, throwing a few punches here and there by sheer habit. Dominic was almost back, and stopping at a crosswalk, he looked over his side to see a familiar face at first glance, but with closer inspection, he noticed another person he swore he saw before, in the newspaper before heading out. "She sure is familiar, I am sure she was in the paper.." Snapping his fingers in realization, he ignored the 'walk' sign he was waiting for and walked over to the two of them. "Hey, Adams! Nice seeing you here, and.." While he knew why she was in the paper, when it came to it, her name was no where in his memory, "I believe I saw.. You, in the paper. You're in charge.. Of the investigation of my professor, Mr. Tenjo, right?" Dominic hadn't realized her position fully until he finally said it aloud, and he wasn't sure what to say at that point. "Extreme things today for sure.."

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[[To: Setsuna]]

Will thought for a moment. "Hmm... I believe it was--no wait." He raised his index finger in the air in an "ah-ha!" moment and then proceeded to pull his phone out of his pocket. He tapped on the screen a few times and seemed to be searching intently for something. "Found it. He sent me the information earlier. It just sort of slipped my mind is all. Anyway, his room is 107, so that should be on the first floor, closer to the entrance on the side of The Bootleg." He quickly scribbled down the number on a scrap piece of paper and handed it to her. "Here, in case you forget. Can I help you with anything else?" Will looked at her warmly in inquiry.

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Zander looked to Arial. "Go wherever you please. It's best that we cover more ground to obtain the most information. As for me, I'm going to the Hotel. If anyone else is interested in going to the hotel, I can try and fit you on the back of my scooter."

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{Himself} Important Action

Gawyn spent a few minutes knocking on the door with no response. "Something is definitely wrong...If he's sick he would be here." He thought. "Maybe I should go to the police or some-" His thoughts were abruptly cut off by the sound of a very loud engine running. Turning away from the house, he started running towards the parking lot where he thought the noise was coming from. "So...familiar. Could it be him?"

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{Zander, Arial, Rene}

Arthur pinched the bridge of his nose. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I'm gonna go to the hotel with Pretty Boy over here. Maybe there'll be a ship captain there who knows my dad and will be willing to share a little information. He then cleared his throat. "I'll go to the hotel with Mr. Moped." He then stood next to Zander, waiting to hear where everyone else was going.

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{Important Action}

After Paul stepped off the bus at his stop, he stretched out a bit. He seemed to have nodded off during the bus ride over to the shop, which really wasn't all that surprising since he hadn't been getting much sleep lately. Feeling somewhat refreshed he went to the front door of Mr. Takeda's shop and opened it.

{Takeda, Ken}

"Hey Mister..." Paul hadn't noticed that he was already talking to someone before he walked in. The young man in question just so happened to be in the same class as him, but just like with Klive he couldn't seem to remember his name. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt..." he apologized curtly.

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(To Arial, Zander, Roy, Arthur, Monika)

"Nice to meet all of you...I'm Rene Polaris by the way," Rene said with a smile on his face as he saw Arthur and Monika join up in the group. After listening to everyone's ideas, Rene continues "I agree, we should look at various places around the city to look for clues. Arial, do you mind if I tag along with you too?"

Rene paused for a moment noticing how everyone was genuinely interested in looking into Mr. Tenjo's death. It was good to see several of his classmates thinking along the same lines as Rene and he thought they shared similar feelings. He could be wrong about it entirely, but he wouldn't want to say it just in case. Out of all the places, he was interested the most in the museum. He figured that Zander and Arthur were good going to the hotel. He thought about the police station and Roy, but Rene gets panicky around police officers as he's afraid he might do something wrong to get himself into trouble. As kind as Rene is with his friends, he is very shy around authority figures.

With that he eagerly awaited for Arial's response.

(Will make important action next post.)

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[important Action] (Klive)

After finally getting to the Arclight Industries building, Robert saw the guard standing out front, obviously there to keep the more 'negative visitors' out. They would obviously have to get on the man's good side to get anywhere past him. "Hmm, I've got a simple idea to get in. Let's see if this works."

Putting his bike in a nearby stand, he walked over to the guard with a calm, happy look on his face. "Hello sir, we are students of Heartland High School, and we need to do a project on Duel Gazers production for tomorrow. Can we please talk to mister Arclight? His insight would be precious..." With the white lie spoken, it wasn't like it was too far from their actual reasoning, and it's not like the guard would've taken them seriously if he knew their actual reasoning was researching their teacher's death.

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[[To Willem]]

"No, I think that's it." She took the piece of paper, folded it neatly and put it into her book next to her bookmark. "Thanks for the help."

Well, it seems like I fell into the flow of the conversation again. Some things never change. She turned around while doing that short bit of introspection and quickly waved good-bye with a smile and then headed towards the indoor garden where she would be meeting the gardening club.

Let's just hope this doesn't end up being a wild goose chase that leads to nowhere. I wonder of Dominic is having any luck with his investigation, though.

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