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Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay Episode 1: Heartland Homicide [AFTER SCHOOL]

Tomas Elliot

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As he left Mr. Takeda's shop, and had no idea where Mr. Eppes was at the time, Paul figured he might as well visit to Central Square to kill some more time before heading home. He made his way to the bus stop, all the while checking his deck, Duel Gazer and Duel Disk, making sure all was well in case he got challenged to a duel there..

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[[To Arthur, Message to Dominic]]

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Michitaka," she said as she watched the man heading off.

She let of a sigh. Good thing he didn't question me any further. But still...why did this Ike Johnson guy end up going so far away? My body isn't suited for running all over the place.

The girl took out her D-Pad and started writing a message to inform Dominic of the situation. However, as she was writing her message, she noticed a fairly tall blue-haired boy, who she remembered as Arthur from her homeroom class walking up to her with her hands up like he was approaching the police at a crime scene. Hey, Hey. I'm not a part of the police. You're acting even more suspicious when you do that.

As the boy confirmed his identity and asked if she would not mind him joining up, she finished typing in her message before responding to him.

To: Dominic
Subject: Re: The Lead From The Janitor
I am on my way to the Port. It seems this Ike Johnson character had headed there before I got to the hotel. If you are still in the middle of investigating, continue what you are doing. If you feel like meeting up with me, then head to the Port and meet me there. I have picked up another person from our class who also seems to want to meet this Mr. Johnson and will be taking him with me. Reply whenever you are free to do so but if you are heading to the Port as well, please let me know ASAP.

After she hit send, she started to address the boy in front of her. "We're actually from the same class, though I think my presence lets me go fairly unnoticed, actually. The name is Setsuna Tsukimura. Vice President of the Gardening Club. I'd be glad to take you up on that offer. I'm not the best person for initiating conversation so having someone else would definitely help."

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"About to notify my investigation partner about what I've gathered so far," Turning to Charlotte from Gene he continued, "As this does revolve around Mr. Tenjo." Looking back at his phone he saw Setsuna had messaged him, and upon deciding he would meet up with her, he started another message, quickly typing his confirmation to head to the Ports. Putting his phone away, he looked back up to the others, "I myself am heading to the Ports. Feel free to join if you're just as interested in this mystery."

Dominic checked the time, and realized the bus would arrive soon, and he quickly ran to the nearest stop. While he enjoyed running, he remembers each stop, the buses that arrive and their times due to frequently taking them. "The Ports, then.. I wonder why.." Dominic wondered as he approached the stop, and waited for the bus to soon arrive and take him somewhat near the Ports.

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{Rene, Klive and Robert}

"Damn straight we are!" Arial replied just as jubilantly as she skipped up towards them. It looks like she has some competition when in comes to who could scream the loudest; if she was still eight years old, Arial probably would have challenged xem to a shouting contest right then and there. Alas, there are more important things to worry about now that she is twice that age. "I'm Arial and my partner here is Rene. Nice to meet ya too, Klive and Robert!" She greeted the duo, receiving Robert's outstretched hand with a firm handshake. "So, are you two investigating alone? We have several others with us before, but I guess they aren't finished yet."

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{Important Action}

Zander had confidence that Arthur could get info from Ayatane. So, he leaned in closer to the receptionist and spoke in a hushed voice. "So this Johnson guy, what's he in town for?"

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Klive gave Arial a blank look. "How can we be searching alone when there's two... No, not gonna think too hard about that one." Klive said, more to themselves. "To answer your question, pretty much, yes. We just came from Arclights. We kinda have a bit of a theory to do with the method of Tenjos death but we haven't really confirmed anything yet." Klive decided on refraining from giving the details. It wasn't that xe was against sharing info, it was just that it would be a waste of time to share an unconfirmed idea with even more people and then have to possibly further inform people as to how he theory held up etc. It would just be easier to keep most of it to themselves for now and then actually tell people when the idea was confirmed to be true or false. Klive glanced aside at Robert. Xe wouldn't stop him if the fellow decided to divulge information but xe hoped he was on the same train of thought. "How about you guys? Any ideas?"

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[[To: Red]]

Will awoke in a panicked breath. He felt dizzy and slightly... afraid? Disoriented, he attempted to stand, stumbling a few times before balancing himself and taking in his surroundings. It was the school garden. "What on Earth happened...?" The janitor muttered to himself. There was also another thing; he had this strange thought on "Illusory Fields." Yet he could remember no context in which he would have learned such a thing. And why was he thinking about them now? There was something frustrating about the situation, but Will simply did not know how to react. Then there was a light tap on his shoulder and a small voice behind him. He turned to look at the girl, and took a moment to register that someone had asked him a question.

"Haha," Will laughed to himself in an un-confident voice. "Don't we all have some questions to ask..." He simply shook his head and looked at her. "Well, then. I'm feeling a bit lost myself at the moment. Anyway, some questions? Sure, go ahead." It was more of an automatic response to oblige questions than one that Will had thought out. "You can call me Will, by the way."

Red sighed. Mr. Will probably doesn't know why I'm here but I guess I should ask anyway. "I guess my first question would be would you know any reason why I would be standing in this garden?" Red then looked down at her blank card and thought a moment. She doubted that Will would know anything about the card but it was worth a shot. "And my second question is, have you ever seen a card like this before." Red then handed Will the card. "I kind of just found this....I've never seen anything like this before."

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(To Arial, Klive, and Robert)

"Nice to meet you both, Robert and Klive," Rene said to them cheerfully. Rene paused for a moment listening into Arial's conversation with Robert and Klive. He then continued after hearing what both of them were up to, "Arial and I just took a quick tour of the museum and we found out some interesting info that might have a connection with Mr. Tenjo's death. It's possible he might have been in a Shadow Duel with someone and lost..."

Rene goes onto explain to Klive and Robert all of the information he and Arial learned at the museum: "According to ancient legends, the ancient Egyptians used to paint pictures of several creatures on stone tablets in order to draw forth the soul of the creature to initiate a Shadow Game. They continued doing this in order to create more Shadow Games with more stone tablets. There is also an urban legend going around that some people nowadays may be able to initiate said Shadow Game where the loser's soul is absorbed into a card... I don't know if any of this information might tie into what you may or may not know already, but this could be a lead into what possibly happened to Mr. Tenjo..."

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"Well, there goes my evidence," sighed Luna. She hadn't really gotten a good look at the card so she didn't know exactly what she was looking. The frown quickly turned upside down as she looked back at the pub. "Don't worry though, Inspector Luna is gonna figure this mystery out with or without her sidekick." She then made her way back into the pub ready to talk to Jack again. "Sorry for that little mishap. Your bouncer sure can move fast. Although, I'd count that as a forfeit so would you mind telling us about this suspicious person earlier? Pretty please?"

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[[To: Red]]

Will blinked at her. This girl, too. "Ahhh, about that..." He scratched his head. "Yeah, I am kind of wondering the same thing as you. I just up and appeared here out of the blue. I have no idea how I got here." He chuckled nervously. It really was a weird situation.

The janitor took the card and examined it. It was blank. That was... odd. Odd things and Duel Monsters together made his mind flash to that woman, but he pushed the thought aside upon remembering that he had seen nothing of the sort with regards to his own cards. He handed it back to her after a brief moment. "No... I'm sorry, I can't make anything of it." Will paused to do some thinking. "Maybe, something weird is going on lately. Maybe not. A man can't help but feel a little paranoid if he can't remember anything that happened within a certain recent timeframe. But, you have friends in your class, right? I have noticed some wondering about illegal duels and whatnot. It is a decent chunk into the afternoon, perhaps you should go meet up with them and see if they've encountered anything as strange as us." He suggested.

Will paced for a moment and decided upon his own course of action. "Well, I guess that I'm done with work now that I have appeared in the garden for no discernible reason. I might just go to The Bootleg..." He was talking to himself, but his voice was still as loud as it had been when talking to Red.

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Recap Post time everyone!

Omega and Chimchain

You are both pursuiting Adam, but he seems to be pretty quick on his fit, more so than you expected from a guy that big in fact.

It doesn't take long to him to distance you, and you lose visual contact for a moment when he turns around a corner: upon reaching the corner yourself, you see that the road leads to a fork. It's the overly used cliché situation: two pursuiters, two roads. Who takes the left one, and who takes the right one?

You take a moment to decide: Omega right now doesn't even know why they are pusuiting the big guy, so this could be a good chance to ask Chimchain for more info (just saying). Talking between the two of you won't count as an Important Action. When ready, make a post marked Important Action in which you state which road you take. It would really be appreciated if you could make an effort to actually plan (and roleplay) this one carefully: I am saying this for Omega, who seems to have this tendency to just decide things on his own (and make one-line posts on top of that) without ever paying attention to what others say or do...


The woman looks at you: her mouth is covered by the veil, but you could bet she is smiling.

"Of course I was waiting for you: I am Margaret, the famous fortune teller. I know everything about the past, the present and the future, so of course I knew that you would be coming here today. I can reveal to you what the future has in store for you, if you have the time. And the money, of course."

What will you do?

1) "I guess it wouldn't hurt to know something about the future..."

2) "Sorry but I am in a hurry, I am looking for someone."

3) "Seriously, knock it off Anna!"

By the way, I am sorry things turned out this way. The whole point of your "search for Eppes" thing was that other people were supposed to know about it and get the hint, but nobody took a moment to talk to ou at the beginning of the topic, so now I am trying to come up with something for you to do... :/


The moment he hears you ask about professor Tenjo, Charles' expression changes radically!

"I-I cannot stay here talking. E-excuse me."

He uncerimoniously pushes you aside, enters his house, and slams the door closed! You even hear him lock it from the inside... What now? It's clear that there is something suspicious going on, will you try and find a way to investigate some more, or will you give up?

Cyaloom and Murdoc

Flagstarr seems to be running out of patience.

"Listen girls, what part of 'this is a classified police operation' is not clear enough for you? Do you actually think I would let some random civilian handle the evidence? And even if I wanted to, all the objects Tenjo had on him when his body was found, which includes his D-Pad and Duel Gazer, are being analyzed by the CSI as we speak. This is not some anime in which a four-eyed kid solves murder cases, this is reality: for the last time, let professional handle this."

And having said this, she turns around and walks away!

"L-lieutenant, wait for me!"

Exclaims Adams: he has been left behind, and you know that he is far more approachable than his superior... What will you do?

Talking to him will result in an Important Action, but a bit of psychology would be required (and appreciated) here. Otherwise, you can just meet the others in Central Square, and in this case yours will not be an Important Action next time around.


Jack seems genuinely shocked by the latest events.

"I never expected Adam to react like that... Damn, some seriously creepy things are happening lately. There were these rumors about mysterious cards appearing out of nowhere, but untill now I had never thought they were actually true! Nor would I have expected Adam to be implied somehow, but then again I should have known better: he was the one who seemed the most interested in the nonsense the professor kept spouting, after all..."

Jack sighs.

"And that suspicious guy who came here recently... He was talking about the same business too: you want to know about him, right?"

1) "Yes please, tell me about this suspicious person."

2) "Wait, did you just say a professor was involved in this mess? Adam mentioned a professor too: are you talking about professor Tenjo?"

3) "Actually nevermind, I'll go look for my companions now".

Since I am a sadistic son of a gun, all 3 choices will cause you to acquire a crucial info, that will probably cause you to find a Rogue Number Holder... But if you pick one, the other two are lost forever :P

Jory, Hiss and Zechs

Having decided to go to the port, Jory and Hiss hop on a bus. Please make a post in which your rendezvous with Zechs at the East Heartland bus station, exchange info, and discuss how to proceed with your investigation. The port area includes the Docks and the Heart Beach: which will you investigate first? Will you go together or will you split? Discuss such things: you are free to make any number of non-Important Action posts in which you talk with one another about this. Once ready, make an Important Action post each stating what you have decided to do.


"Ike Johnson? He is an archeologist. He is in town to cure an exhibit at the museum but, if you ask me, he is a pretty weird fellow. He never talks to anyone, he always seem suspicious of something, he constantly turns around while walking, as if he was scared that someone might be following him, and I actually haven't seen him go to the museum, not even once. Even today, he said he had business at the port area..."

Tacos obtained info: "Ike Johnson is behaving suspiciously"!

Tacos obtained info: "Ike Johnson is at the port area"!

What now?

Red and Pixl

Just a clarification: you are the only two people left at school at this point, so yeah, feel free to interact some more and/or leave.

All the people not mentioned in this post are in Central Square, and can continue interacting with one another freely.

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((To Chimchain))

Dean was exhausted from chasing Adam who was unexceptionally fast like a baseball outfielder. He was thinking this" Crap, by now he's nearly untraceable even with our gazers on."

He questioned Lane: What's going on that cause Adam to run away and prior to that?"

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Lane was last to reach the fork road and panted heavily. He placed his hands on his knees and looked from left to right and back. “Damn, what's with the guy? Is he a marathonrunner or something?”

At that moment his attention was drawn by another boy he recognized from class. “You're Dean right? What are you doing here anyway? No wait, it doesn't matter!” Lane said hastily. He almost fell over his words as he tried to explain everything to Dean. “I don't know! We were about to duel when an empty card I had flashed. I don't remember much since it happened so fast but he freaked out and ran. He also mentioned something about a professor. Maybe he's talking about Tenjo so I followed him here. Did you see where he went? We've got to hurry!”

It was a rushed explanation but the best he could do at that moment. The young rebel waited impatiently for Dean's answer while still looking at both roads.

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(Imporant action) {to Chimchain}

"No" He responded. Dean readied his skateboard he has keeping in his manly purse, put on the ground, slide the helmet on and readied his duel disk.

"I'll go left and you go right, that way, we will cover more ground. But if you spot the bouncer, contact me via gazer.Vice versa." Dean gave his gazer number to Lane and speed down to the left way.

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In the garden

Red tried to crack a smile at the janitor as she watch him leave the gardens. (To herself) "Yeah, ask my friends if anything weird happened to do, o that's right you don't have any friends...." As Will left the gardens, Red dragged her feet to the front door and stopped. She wasn't sure which way to go from here. She could go home and start homework. But in the back of Red's head she felt an errey feeling she shouldn't. Then Red heard a rumble and looked down. Apparently, Red's stomach was trying to tell her it was hungry. "I guess I better feed you" Then, Red noticed the blank card was still in her hand. "What the heck do i do with this?" Red sighed and pulled out her deck box from her backpack and placed the card inside. After zipping her backpack back up, Red proceeded to walk towards the center square. "There was to be food their right?!??!"

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Interested in the topic,Charlotte decided to follow Dominic to the bus stop. "I hope you don't mind me coming with you"She said to him as she sat down on the bench waiting for the bus. "By the way,how many people are into this besides you and Gene?"Charlotte asked the blonde. It was better to know if there were a lot of other people than be surprised at the fact that there might be a lot of them.

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{Important Action}

Zander looked back to the door, hoping to have some clue as to how Andrew was doing with Ayatane. I can't guarantee that this guy is going to give Andrew any correct information. An outside source would probably do better.

"Alright. And this Ayatane guy? Anything special about him?"

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((Important Action / Dean))

"Uhh sure, stay in contact? I guess..." Lane mumbled. Even though he didn't want to lose important time, he was taken by surprise by Dean's actions. The blond took a deep breath before sprinting as fast as he could to the right fork.

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{Important Action}
Gawyn sat down and handed "Margaret" a few coins. "You can tell me what's to come?" he said. Maybe a reading could help him make more sense of what's going on. "It can't hurt....although with her I don't know anymore." "Fine. Tell me." he said.

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(Klive, Arial, Rene)

Listening to Rene's explanation of Shadow Duels, Robert's face was a mix of confusion and interest. 'A Shadow Duel? Aren't those things just rumors? Then again, we can't really role out any possibilities. Who knows, as unlikely as it might be, there may be some truth behind it. Might as well keep our minds open.' While still skeptical about the info, there's no telling what can be true without being flat out disproven.

"Hmm, a Shadow Duel? Well, since you shared your info, we might as well share our idea, despite how we haven't exactly got a hold of someone who can help us out with it yet. We're trying to find out if his duel disk was what caused it, either if his duel disk was moddified to hurt him in 'illegal duel'-esque way, or if that would even be able to pull off." For now, Robert left off the possible lead they had of Blair, unsure as to how much Klive would want to divulge into their knowledge.

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[[iMPORTANT ACTION: Arriving at The Bootleg]]

Will moved to his car in the faculty/staff parking lot and got out his keys. he stood still before the door for a moment. And another moment later, he laughed aloud. "So many strange things. All because of that woman. Let's hope it works out. But for now, I need a drink." The janitor opened the door of his car and got in.

He only had to drive for fifteen minutes because he beat the after-work traffic by a bit. He parked in the lot next to it and hopped out of his car.

Will ritually locked his car and approached the door of the pub. He sighed to himself and repeated once more, "I really need a drink."

[[i feel it's a fair representation at time. Though I've had a lot of posts, it's been in conversation most of the time so not much actual time has to have passed. Arriving at the pub by now seems accurate. plus I'm an adult, I can drive.]]

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Central Square

Gen decided to stay behind as he sees both Dominic and Charlotte going away.

"....and and she goes....." he sighted as he looks around and trying to decide where to go next.

"I'm actually out of where to go. Everything seems dangerous for now. I guess this can wait for some other time."

Gen decided to go home as he heads for the bus stop.

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As Red walked through the streets of Heartland, Red tried to remember what happen. Her first memories were still of just standing in the garden. The smell of the flowers, the sun shinning through the trees. Everything was perfect....Too perfect. Why would Red even be out their in the garden? As Red passed a bank, a clock outside flashed five o'clock. Red paused in amazement. "How the heck is it five already? Didn't school get out at three?" It was official. Red couldn't remember two hours of her life. As Red continued to walk down the street, she kept thinking about what happened that day. School had been a bit of a blur with everybody talking about Tenjo's death and Ms. Reinier...As Red said Anna's name she shivered..."Cant say I feel safe around her for some reason..."

As Red walked passed the police station, she did start to remember she did have lunch with somebody and lost a duel. "Rene was his name wasn't it? Now what was his deck...."


In an instance, Red was on the ground. "Ow, what the heck just happened......" As Red looked up she could see had just ran into a light pole. As Red brushed herself off, she realized she was never going to get to the park in one piece if she didn't start looking forward...Red then picked herself up, started to rub her temple and walk down the street again, heading towards the park.

"Ugh, I might need a drink myself after today."

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Important Action

Blair let out a slight huff of frustration. "Figures." As if she was just 'some random civilian.' She turned to Monika. "I'm going to head to the square." With that, she swung her leg over her bike and took off.

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