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I am an amateur countdown artist and YoutubePoop creator(if you don't know what that is, you don't wanna know). Anyway, I would like you all to vote for my first countdown, Top Ten Worst Bosses in Gaming.


1.No sub-bosses

2.I will only accept one per franchise

3.No final bosses(post game bosses are exempt from this rule)

4.Only votes posted in the next 7 days will be accepted

Get voting!

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I am more annoyed with the Joker/Killer Croc fights... however, you said "no final bosses" So I will go with Croc.

1. Fighting a Giant Crocodile man as batman sounds epic.

2. They hyped the holy crap out of the fight

and in the end... it was... lame...

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The bosses were better in Arkham City. Mr. Freeze and Ra' Al Ghul come to mind.

Unpopular opinion: I hated the final boss of Okami. I was expecting a fight with some kind of DMC style villain. Instead it was a fight with a Bakugan (remember those short-lived marble monsters?) controlled by Bob the Killer Goldfish. Seriously, the weakspot is him.

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Hmm. Literally any boss who's only power is being absurdly bulking and healing midfight. These are the bane of any player since boss fights are supposed to be intense fights of skill and wits while these bosses are litterally just a DPS/DPT check.

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Are you looking for anti-climatic or more of just concepts. If it's the latter I'd have to go with Cathedral from Xenosaga II. For a semi-final boss, with the final boss being okay, you'd expect something a little cooler (especially with all the hell you have to go through just to get there). I mean it's weird enough you're fighting a building, but a building that will either completely destroy you or you completely destroy it kind of isn't the best idea. Did I mention it literally is an actual Cathedral.

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I wouldn't label them the worst or anticlimactic, just overwinded and generic.

Also @general guy

Yami is okami's final boss.

Also, thought of a couple others;

Deathshake from No More Heroes and General Scales from Star Fox Adventures.

Both boss fights are similar, the games builds them up as being supreme bad asses and as soon as you get to fight them, you take 2 steps forward an outside force interrupts you and kill steals >=(

At least in NMH2 you get to rematch Deathshake's robot, but as for General Scales, that was way worse. Starfox Adventures is an infamously bad game. However, when I played it I was actually looking forward to the big boss fight with general scales at the end. However when you finally get the chance to face him you get thrown into an arena with everything you need to fight him and get interupted with a cutscene that "reveals" the game's real villian! Andross!

which was super fucking lame

Also, can we add the Elder Were Wolves from The Order: 1886?

3 words; Quick Time Sequences

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@Zagan, I know that, I was still incredibly disappointed with it.

Other bad bosses: Chaos (I believe form 6) from Sonic Adventure... You know, the boss you have to fight with Big the Cat.

(If this counts) General Sheppard from MW2. It's almost a 20 second Quick Time Event, but with slightly more action.

GlaDos (Portal). GlaDos was an amazing villain throughout the story, taunting you every chance she got. However, her boss fight was just so lousy.

Polygon Man from Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale. (Personally love this game) Instead of a fight against him like there is with Master Hand in Smash Bros, this guy creates opponents of characters that you have to kill the way you kill in a regular match. After disposing of them, PM will then slam down onto the stage, giving you ample time to thrash him. The head slam doesn't even hurt you since you don't take damage in this game. And after thrashing him, he'll fly back to the background and summon more minions. Rinse and repeat 2 more times. And what does he do while you're taking out the minions? He forms hazards from the other stages in the game and attacks the stage. But again, they really can't hurt you.

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The fight with Polygon man could have been better, but the way he transformed into various enemies and villians from the Playstation universe was cool.

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Look up the Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix and 358/2 Days (I personally hate the battle against Sephiroth in KH 1). Also the classic Megaman games (I'm looking at you... Quick Man and Yellow Devil). Whitney is a common trend, though I don't think her battle is that bullcrap. Some bosses from the Final Fantasy and Seiken Densetsu series have a f*ckload amount of HP. No More Heroes 1 and 2 and the Metal Gear Solid franchise got some of the most akward and some of the most awesome boss fights. The final boss (Third Form) from FF XIII is just...




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