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That funny and epic moments


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When I was still playing tf2, I pulled off a back cap in dustbowl. I was rofling after that.

And my most recent (ygo nerdness alert) I was playing dn with my chaos dragons deck. My opponent misread my comment and gave me a extra turn, guess what?

Whipped out a nasty combo. Tributed my set plaguespreader to summon my lightpulsar, banished my plaquespreader and espilcse wyvern( which linked with red-eyes metal darkness) to summon chaos sorcerer AND special summon red eyes. My opponent was shocked and said wow.

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Ah yes, I remember being part of the Dueling Network. Those were good times, although most of the time unpleasant due to the amount of rage against my Six Samurais deck.

One of my moments is a mix of both epic and funny. Me and quite a few friends played one of Halos custom game mode, Cops and Robbers. There was a glitch in the balancing the teams when a few friends logged off at the same time where the game made me both a cop and a robber. I started running around one shotting everyone on both teams with just a pistol.

Another one is a custom zombie game mode where we all get on vehicles and try to reach the checkpoint before the really fast zombies try to kill us. I was the only one left alive, therefore giving me the survivor bonus. Apparently the game mode's survivor bonus gave me SO much health that I literally just walk all the way to the checkpoint while my zombified friends tried to kill me. I nearly died of laughter.

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That leroy jenkins moment when you charge a whole team of 5 players huddled in a titan's bubble and you Storm fist into it and kill them all.

Go post this in http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9555&hl=leroy but then again topic is practically dead

Edited by OmegaRa1der
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