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Daycare + Autoit + Sleep = Too many levels!


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It all began a couple of nights ago, it was 2am and I was stuck on Shade. I came to the forums for help and they suggested the Scraggy. I went over there and after several tries beat the Pangoros, my team's strongest member was Drifblim at level 37. I caught Pancham on my way out, lvl24. I was really not in the mood to train these new additions to my team, now being 3am or when I wake up, so I took to Google to find something to help.

I came across autoit which can automate button presses, after another hour of fiddling, forum searching and error boxes I had written a script to run me in a 3x3 square that would be canceled when I press ESC. I set the script up while standing in a Pokecenter, wrote a note to my fiance to let her know how to turn it off when she wakes up, put on some music and went to sleep.

I woke up, went in to the Daycare next door "Hello, your pokemon are doing very well, Scraggy is lvl53 and Pancham is lvl 57." Say again? I can only control >lvl40 Pokemon! It cost about 10,000 monies to bail them out and a further 9,000 for enough Ritalin to make them listen.

Moral of the story: If I do this again, maybe I should turn off auto-run and stick a nice 8 hour stroll instead.

The script for anyone who is interested :)

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")
While 1
Send("{UP DOWN}")
Send("{UP UP}")
Send("{LEFT DOWN}")
Send("{LEFT UP}")
Send("{DOWN DOWN}")
Send("{DOWN UP}")
Send("{RIGHT DOWN}")
Send("{RIGHT UP}")
Func Terminate()
Exit 0
EndFunc ;==>Terminate

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Wow. For the first time ever, the Day Care works TOO well.

My thought exactly, I wasn't expecting that much but I guess it'll be useful at later levels with the learning curve. Gets a bit of the training out of the way so I can enjoy the story.

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Wait what? Where did you put the script xD I'm confuzzled...

There is a program called Autoit, google it :) when you open it copy the script into it, save, find it, right click and run :)

Or you could just put something on one of your movement keys to hold them down... but why easy when you can do it the hard way :D

I thought of that but I'm not sure if that counts, as you are in one spot. Also couldn't find anything heavy but small enough for my arrow keys. Thinking back a rubber band would work as I'm using xpadder to play with a 360 control :)

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Oh.. this is interesting. So does this program allow you to just do something else when the computer just does whatever you ask him to do on Reborn?

Autoit is basically just a a scriptable macro for your computer as well as being a rudimentary programming language(very rudimentary). So you can use it with just about anything on windows.

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Autoit is basically just a a scriptable macro for your computer as well as being a rudimentary programming language(very rudimentary). So you can use it with just about anything on windows.

Oh I see. Thanks for that!

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Autoit is basically just a a scriptable macro for your computer as well as being a rudimentary programming language (very rudimentary). So you can use it with just about anything on windows.

I agree, very basic but can become more complex if you put more work in. I haven't used it before this and the forums weren't that accurate for what the keys were labeled as but in the end it was painfully obvious -.-

Oh.. this is interesting. So does this program allow you to just do something else when the computer just does whatever you ask him to do on Reborn?

I suppose if you figure out the odds and times between encountering pokemon you could make a script to auto fight but it wouldn't be able to run as long without supervision.

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