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How to build this into a team?


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Hello, I have trained many pokemons to be rotated in and out of my team, but since it takes so much time and effort. Id like to limit this to 6 max 7 pokes. Ill list what I have.

I hope some help to build this team because to be honest im a terrible team builder and thats why I tend to keep so many pokemons leveled. Also I got enough ability capsules(8) and hearth scales(20) to make the current ability and moveset not madder just dont wait for me to breed anything. Also I wont start resetting evs but Im up to ev training the ones that I have resetted before or havent used yet. Also all tm, hm and hold items that are obtainable in the game are usable (outcluding the ones that needs lottery luck, pickup luck or thief usage), just be ready to tell me where to find them. All of these are over level 60 so dont worry about the levels either. I have finished the current episode 14.

T:L:D:R Help me build a team with these pokemon without breeding and only using items, tms, hms etc that are obtainable in game.

Pawniard - (can be ev trained)

Gastrodon - (evs mostly in hp(90) and defense(120))

Victreebell - (evs all around, mostly in speed)

Lucario - (ev trained in speed(180), rest mostly in attack(100))

Rotom - (currently wash, evs mostly in sp attack and sp defense(90+), some in speed and hp(50+))

Bronzong - (evs mostly in defense and hp)

Mamoswine - (ev trained in attack(180) some in hp(60) or speed(80) rest unused, also knows icicle crash as a breeded move)

Charizard - (evs all around)

Gardevoir - (evs all around but mostly in special attack)

Porygon2 - (can be ev trained, are there an eviolite in game yet?)

Flygon - (evs mostly in attack(120) and speed(170), but some all around)

Togekiss - (evs all around)

Gengar - (ev trained in speed(180), rest mostly in special attack(120) rest all around)

Eevee - (can be ev trained and I got most stones, only lvl 52 so I prefer not to choose it for this but its an option)

So who would you choose, with what movesets and why?

Edited by Pallokone
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-Gastrodon(storm drain): surf/groundstab/recover/filler

-Jolteon(volt absorb): discharge/charge beam/shadowball/hp ice(You can get a breeding parent from the trade forum)

-Charizard(solar power): flamethrower/air slash/sunnyday/dragon pulse(egg move)

-Victreebell(chlorophyll):leaf blade/k off/growth/weather ball(combo with charizard)

-Lucario(whatever): cc/sd/crunch/espeed

-mamoswine(thick fat): iciclecrash/iceshard/earthquake/rockslide.

This is a decent team imo. And no, theres no eviolite

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I would go with something like this


leaf blade or power whip

then choose 3 out of these five:

weather ball


sleep powder

sunny day

knock off

Vaporeon(water absorb)

Charizard(blaze or solar powered)

Togekiss(serene grace)



as for the movesets for the others, just make sure you have the good STAB moves (air slash for togekiss, surf for vaporeon, flamethrower/air slash for charizard etc.) then fill out with whatever extras you feel like.

make sure to have at least one pokemon with sunny day though, to help the victreebel/charizard

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if you're not willing to breed any of these pokemon, you're going to have a rough time building a decent team, and that's a certainty. if you're sure you don't want to breed, then you have limited options in terms of actual power. flygon can still be useful though, for instance, and i've heard some good things about sylveon's trump card-pixilate combo.

Edited by phoenix_fire
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You can get a maximum of 510 EV points. 252 + 252 + 4 or however you wish to distribute them. 4 EVs for 1 stat point.
You'll probably want to breed. Bisharp isn't going to learn Sucker Punch without breeding.

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Honestly....I love it when we get so many options to make a team. Let's get 2 work.

1. Charizard:

Hopefully you'll be able to get the Charzardite-Y in the future, so let him/her be a special attacker. Flamethrower Air Slash etc. e have to hope shell give us Solarbeam ( we cant breed solar onto charmander :^( by tm eventually, and maybe even Focus Blast. Max Speed and Special Attack with a Timid Nature

2. Gardevoir (Malts) :

Psychic/Psyshock (Breed from Solosis Line) Shadow Ball Moonblast Calm Mind Max Speed and Special Attack with a Modest Nature

3. Lucario

Crunch CLose Combat Extremespeed Swords Dance ( If we get the Lucarionite then go CC Bullet Punch Crunch and SWords DAnce.) Max Speed and Attack with a Jolly Nature

4. Gengar:

Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb( Bred from Grimer/Weezing Line to Gengar) Thunderbolt (Grimer Weezing Line 2 Stunfisk to Gengar) and Destiny Bond. Max Special Attack and Speed with a Modest or Timid Nature... it's up to you really.

5. FLYgon:

Earthquake Dragon Claw Rock SLide Flamethrower (Amazing Coverage.) Max Attack and Speed with an Naughthi Nature?

Pawniard :

You could breed for Sucker Punch va Croagunk, (http://prntscr.com/6nomhz) But you don't really need to, BUT YOU SHOULD OMG. Night Slash( KNock Off is better imo but we can't breed that :^() Iron Head and Swords Dance is some of the best coverage in the game. Definitely Adamant with Max Attack and Speed.

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hmm... i myself HATE breeding. unless its a need. so.. yea, lets work it out. im jsut giving you the pokes and atacks really. should be pretty straightforward.


shadow ball

sluge wave/sluge bomb [go for wave if you can.]

focus blast

substitute/taunt [really depends on you. both are good id say.]

life orb. life orb all the way.

nature: timid/modest if you can choose.

pretty much a sp. sweeper here. not much to say. hit hard, taunt can mess up stuffs trying to set up, since gengar is fast, and substitute gives you bulk.


thunder wave/body slam

air slash

aura sphere/Dazzling Gleam

free slot! [be creative!]

ability: serene grace.


nature: id run either bold/calm, depends on you really.

you problaby saw this before, if not, this is how it works: stall. stall all the way with paraliz+air slash. this thing is a demon.

but then, the free slot... i really dont know, you can put lots of things there. wana do more damage? go for a nasty plot. wana stay alive longer? try substitute. really, its your pick.


outrage/dragon claw [dragon claw just in case you dont like to be lcked i outrage, but really, go for outrage.]



return(?)/stone edge/power up punch(?!?)/defog/whatever-you-want.

item:choise scarf

nature: either adamant or jolly if you can pick.

flygon is there for one reason other than being your mandatory dragon: hit fast. very very fast and harder it can. got ride of fairy/steel pokemons? outrage time. other than that, switch on it, hit, run. repeat as needed.


sleep powder

sword dance

leaf blade

knock off/sucker punch

ability: Chlorophyll

EV: try maxing out atk and speed if you can.

item: focus sash

ok, this here is gona be your sweeper that isnt special. put your foes to sleep, sword dance, if you wasnt hit yet, either sword dance again or attack. sucker punch/knock off... id really go for sucker punch. but choose is yours. in case youre not getting overspeeded so often you can run knock off.







rocky helment/leftovers [im trying not to repeat items,and even if i prefer rocky helment here, leftovers is an option.]

nature: either carefull or impish

EV: max HP and sp def.

so.. im giving you two umbreon options. why? because i luv umbreon, thats why <3 first one is curseon. what you do here is try to stack as many curses as you can, incressin your defense and atack, and makign your speed get lower, what will make sure you move last, making payback hit harder. toxic is in case you end up agains any thing oyu .. need to poison. swagger might give you some extra turns to buff yourself, but its a lucky shoot really. and yawn... you.. can make your oponent sleep? another time you wish you could use five move slots to abuse protect+wish+yawn....





heal bell

foul play

items are the same, altrough here leftovers is prefered.

nature & EVs: really depends, you can invest either on def or sp def, so choise the nature acordingly i supose...?

clericeon oes exactly what it seems to do.. it heals your team up. and can hit stuffs with foul play. the problem here is that you cant get both sp ef and def high, if you compare it to curseon. still, this guy shoul act lik a chancey/blissey for you.

and for the final pokemon we haaaaveeee....

honestly... you got me :v id tell you to run either rotom-W or mamoswine, both are good. still, if i had to pick one id pick this..

MacOs wine [such a bad joke..... ugh. peoples using MacBooks should get it.]

ice shard

stealth rock

icicle crash


item:focus sash [yea, again, im out of ideas. dont blame me.]

so... the reason i picked mamoswine over rotom-W is pretty much because of the fact it can set up stealth rock. and then, come back latter to hit hard with ice shard. FS will make sure you at less set up the rocks and follow by an ice shard in case youre slower. not much to say, its entry hazard.

well thats it. hope you apreciate this, and hope i helped xD

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Lots of text

You are suggesting a ton of things that is not possible to do, TM moves that aren't in game, move tutor moves that aren't in game and so on.

I'm not sure if a single one of the movesets you posted are actually possible in the current version

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