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3 answers to this question

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In the Obsidia Slums, you'll need to get the dull key in the railnet. It can open the entrance of the Slums to start the Scraggy Event. Help the Scraggy's clean their Trap of the trash, (Beat tHe Pangoros) and one of the Scraggys will want to get w/u :]

shout out to ya booi ShatteredSkys for the help!!

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there are a whole ton of threads that mention where you can find scraggy; try searching up your question in the search bar next time. also, there's this thread (i'm always puzzled about how people miss it since it's pinned right at the top of the subforum), which lists every known location of every available pokemon. try looking there next time too.

but to answer your question, you can find scraggy as soon as you're capable of using rock smash outside of battle (make sure you do this asap, since a short time later it'll be blocked off by boulders and you'll have to wait until you can use strength, several gym badges later). go down into the underground railnet and far to the bottom-right of the first area, by the exit/entrance to obsidia ward. there'll be a key you can take to the obsidia slums, where there's a room with a locked gate right by the exit/entrance to the far east of obsidia ward. following me so far? you can use that key you grabbed from the railnet to unlock this gate, where a sidequest then follows in which you solve another hop-puzzle, battle three lvl 40-50 or so pangoros (correct me if i'm wrong?), and receive your scraggy. :] (for a tip, you can quick-save in between text boxes in case you want to spam that f12 for preferred gender/nature/ivs, things like that.)

whoops, Sonikku beat me to it while i was typing, haha. i'll post this anyway, since it's in more detail.

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