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  On 4/29/2015 at 8:53 PM, Sinikuro013 said:

Yash, Ill -eventually- evolve it into a sylveon (y'know, nice fairy coverage on my team) Also do you need me to sent you my save again? and thanks for he eevee and the beldum really appreciate it:D

Sure, I'll get it, though you will have to wait a little bit since I have to breed it.. I would need your file since I don't know where the old one is.. Beldum is just a regular one since I can't really breed it for IVs very easily and haven't spent time breeding it much.. Will give you more details on that later..

  On 4/29/2015 at 9:48 PM, Vlado Vladimir said:

May I get a 5 IVs( 0 Attack) Timid Litwick or Mismagius? I don't have any of the starters you said but I can offer perfect IVs Ralts, Noibat, Corphish, Archen, Mudkip, Torchic, Bunnelby, Mareep and Horsea, aswell as a shiny not that bad IVs Foongus, Torchic or Totodile and other bad IVs shinies that might interest you(? Thanks! :]

I can't assure you what IV's the attack stat will have.. I will try getting a zero but no guarantees.. Though you can take a misdreavus I have if you are interest... A shiny one.. Modest nature and 31/16/16/31/31/31 IVs with Nasty Plot and Ominous Wind egg moves..

Also all of this will have to wait for a few days since I am busy irl.. Once done I will tell you...

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Was wondering if anyone could help me breed a chatot with boomburst, nasty plot (and chatter, if it reached the level)? I can offer a ninetales L73 with 252 evs in SpA and Spe, Timid natured, 23 SpA iv and 25 SpD iv 8 Spe iv. With flame burst, energy ball, nasty plot and extrasensory, drought ability.

Pls pm me if anyone is interested.

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is this technically necroposting?


can i have a bulbasaur and a froakie (specificlly with protean. duh.)

also, any starter-exclusives that your willing to spare :P

they dont have to be bred, i jus want to have one plz <3

thanks bud. it would mean alot for me.


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