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Training locations?


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I am trying to beat Kiki and need to train the following Pokemon:

Snubbull lvl30

Meditite lvl30

Drifblim lvl37

Woobat lvl20

Maybe also a Pidgeotto lvl30 as well

Where is the best place to train each one individually? I have been trying to do all of them at Apophyll Mountain but that is not working at all.

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Snubull would be best trained against the other fighting type trainers at the Academy and beach area since they have fighting types. Then again, Pidgeotto and Woobat would also benefit. Perhaps train in Apophyll cave or Pyrous Mountain?

I have defeated all the trainers in the area so I can not get the boosted exp from those battles. I am currently training in Pyrous Mountain and Apophyll Cave however the Pokemon found there are slightly too strong for Woobat and not good for Flying types to train on. I have to keep switching out to higher level Pokemon which is what I do not want to be doing.

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A good place to train Snubbull/Granbull and Drifblim would be at the Unown room under the Grand Stairway. They give good experience and aren't hard to beat. You could train Meditite in Pyrous Volcano, since you'll get Magcargo most of the time when using Rock Smash in the pillars.

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The only real tip I can give is to avoid long, strategical plans. Just hit them before they hit you!

Good plan, or if you got Espurr that's another great pokemon to use against Kiki. My second piece of advice is go back to the Grand Hall daily, trainers show up there day to day

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