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[OOC] Of Shadow and Flame (Signups CLOSED)


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  On 4/1/2015 at 2:16 PM, King Murdoc said:


Also, why is Takeshi getting lumped in with Bobby? D:

Dammit. Beaten to the punch. Then again, Bobby may not really fit as one considering both his age and the fact that he actually has powers. But he is as over the top as one. :P


You'll have to blame Bobby for that.

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Finished posting the character presentation, it's in Page 4.

I hope it's alright (and if it is, I think I can post in the IC - of course, unless this character comes in later, as he's human).

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  On 4/1/2015 at 2:08 PM, Hiss13 said:

I personally don't find him annoying. Chuunibyous are actually quite fun.

On another note, everyone is so damn conspicuous...except the Vixen. If I weren't in the middle of class right now, I would totally be writing about Nagi keeping most of you in the view of her scope or binoculars.

well Faust is just sitting there, cool as a cucumber watching the insanity about to play out down below like some ghost... or perhaps more like an angel :ph34r: he's probably fitting the bill of a Peacekeeper rather well.

I Wander how long before anyone notices that one German guy sitting on the dilapidated roof top spectating like it's a sports event though...

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  On 4/1/2015 at 2:54 PM, Cyaloom said:

Finished posting the character presentation, it's in Page 4.

I hope it's alright (and if it is, I think I can post in the IC - of course, unless this character comes in later, as he's human).

Go ahead.

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I have a feeling it is just on people's minds now or something. I personally haven't been with my character. ((Vixen is a partial reference to an anime character though, not saying who though. Just not from Soul Eater. Cookie for anyone who gets it but I doubt anybody will lol.))

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  On 4/1/2015 at 4:05 PM, King Murdoc said:

Go ahead.

This is taking way too much time :D

EDIT: done after 90 minutes of typing. For one single post.

Edited by Cyaloom
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  On 4/1/2015 at 5:02 PM, DobbyTheTrueElf said:

Are we? so far all i've seen was the mention of Blackstar :P

Sarcy and I went on about Soul Eater for like an hour last night because of this RP owo

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  On 4/1/2015 at 5:19 PM, Hiss13 said:

"These idiots. Are they even taking the possibility of a magical beast seriously? They're being so conspicuous that it's like each of them is treating this like a game."

She sighed once more after muttering those words of annoyance and put her binoculars back over her eyes so she could continue observing the situation.

If she wasn't as concerned with killing the thing... Vixen would be saying and thinking the exact same thing XD.
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  On 4/1/2015 at 5:24 PM, Hukuna House said:
If she wasn't as concerned with killing the thing... Vixen would be saying and thinking the exact same thing XD.

Vixen and Nagi seem to be very similar characters when I think about it...well, they have a fair number of similarities at least. :P

Never really noticed until I actually sat down and read both of their character profiles.


You people talking about Soul Eater have neglected to talk about the one thing Soul Eater has immortalized.


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He is my favourite character just saying. I can sing the Excalibur song irl XD. ((and actually do to piss my friend off.)).

ANd they are similar and have a lot of parallels, but they are certainly different. You'll see as stuff evolves hoepfully, but they are certainly different.

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  On 4/1/2015 at 5:43 PM, Hukuna House said:

He is my favourite character just saying. I can sing the Excalibur song irl XD. ((and actually do to piss my friend off.)).

ANd they are similar and have a lot of parallels, but they are certainly different. You'll see as stuff evolves hoepfully, but they are certainly different.

Good man. I could never reach that level of dedication.

Yep. We're only beginning so the differences will eventually begin to show as time goes on.

On another note…KYAAA! Nagi has been noticed by Dexter! The sniper's been found! :P

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Well Bobby would have ran if he hadn't heard the scream. It let him know he wasn't alone and a part of him can't just let him run when others are watching him.

Also, this was cleared with Murdoc, Bobby has the ability to broadcast his emotions to have a variety of effects on himself and those nearby when he feels strong enough emotions. In this case, it's fear which makes him faster, in line with the flight part of the flight or fight response.

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yeah, that actually reminds me...

Murdoc, about our characters actual powers, were we supposed to pm you or something? feel like I kinda missed something during the whole sign up process...

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  On 4/1/2015 at 7:04 PM, Zerron said:

yeah, that actually reminds me...

Murdoc, about our characters actual powers, were we supposed to pm you or something? feel like I kinda missed something during the whole sign up process...

We weren't, though it might be prudent to pass some of the more outlandish things over him first

He and I were actually talking about this stuff last night. Kindle's gonna start out as a generic lightning bruiser and slowly move towards being fast with good defenses and strong AoE damage. Basically meaning she's good at devastating crowds of weaker enemies, but will struggle in one on one fights against opponents of equal power

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eh, guess I'll just flesh out the basic overall and final idea for his abilities and design how he'll progress in team over time... since most of his abilities revolve around highly advanced reflexes, and speed (how else do you think he wields a seven foot sword XD) which will all tie into his electrokinesis... since the human body is basically just one big electrical system in a way. Though the whole electricity thing will probably have more applications outside of combat than in it...

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  On 4/1/2015 at 5:50 PM, Hukuna House said:

< not this Sniper. The power of the FOrest man. *does Jazz hands for some reason.*

Luckily, Nagi is not trying to snipe anything at the moment.

That being said, the beast attacked while Nagi's puppet master was in the middle of an exam! :P

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