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[OOC] Of Shadow and Flame (Signups CLOSED)


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And you say I write and create serious characters :I

*Stares smugly*

Bruh, bobby still has a profound love for roleplaying as the initial persona of Ozzy and being silly in general. It''s just that he has his own issues, just like everyone else, that are exacerbated by the fact that he pretty much now has an alter ego vessel now for Ozzy in his Transformation and actually has to face his fantasies in real life.

EDIT: When forced to face something unpleasant, most pople hide from it. In this case, Bobby hides behind the shield of Ozzy because A: Scary ass monsters and B: he realises just what was wrong with his fantasies.

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Bruh, bobby still has a profound love for roleplaying as the initial persona of Ozzy and being silly in general. It''s just that he has his own issues, just like everyone else, that are exacerbated by the fact that he pretty much now has an alter ego vessel now for Ozzy in his Transformation and actually has to face his fantasies in real life.

Which is precisely what I mean, lols. He's still silly, but now there's a hard underlying reason to it, isn't there? or at least a greater one than there was previously?

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Bobby is afraid, Ozzy is... complicated. on the one hand she did help and Ozzy likes to think he sees "The light in all". on the other, she stabbed him with ice needles.

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Which is precisely what I mean, lols. He's still silly, but now there's a hard underlying reason to it, isn't there? or at least a greater one than there was previously?

Susbstance isn't the same thing as seriousness tho. Everyone's got something to them, otherwise they wouldn't be human

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Susbstance isn't the same thing as seriousness tho. Everyone's got something to them, otherwise they wouldn't be human

It's more or less the same to me though XD

cause if there's no sustenance to an OC- I can't take em seriously at all XD

Perhaps the better/ more suitable term I thinking of is "Driven" though... yes, driven is what I mean, more than simply "Serious"

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Just did. First one's voice is a little weird. Second song is good for a character theme, but I can't help but imagine the sound starting at 0:45 to be like eating flesh.... It's Acqui's fault for making me read Saya no Uta.

You have not, but thanks ;) Yanma is adorable

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Yes, exactly, Pixl. I wish I could have the second one with the first one's words owo As for eating flesh, I'll have to hear it again

And Strat, of course. But that doesn't mean all characters with substance are serious. It's like rectangle's and squares owo

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It's more or less the same to me though XD

cause if there's no sustenance to an OC- I can't take em seriously at all XD

Perhaps the better term is "Driven" though... yes, driven is more what I'm thinking.

Substance to me comes from how well the writer just made the character their own person. Ex. one of the new anime coming out this season pretty much combines Ecchi, shounen and food, 2 of these genres being the most notorious for cookie cutter characters. The most common being either a faceless protagonist, the kind to be worn like pants for the viewer, or the passionate moron. The protagonist easily fits into the latter but the motives and reasoning as well as just the characters dialogue made him seem far more distinguished than the average lug. He was passionate because of a dream he harbours to succeed his father and the anger when his dream is pretty much sullied. I can't really get it across as wel to those not versed in the genres well and tbf it was like one episode so far but the show immediately made him feel like a character of his own despite his conformations to his character archetype and so he felt more sustantial.

it also helps that when he beat the enemy, not only the woman but all 3 thugs with this woman burst out of their clothes in dellght. ecchi done right, but not the point

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Substance isn't really a thing. Characters always have it, it is how deep the rabbit hole goes that is the question. Not every character needs a giant fleshed out epic, nor does every character need justifications for every thing about them. But, this can certainly add to a chance to connect to a character, or to understand why they are the way they are. Some characters are better with that shroud of darkness. But, player characters typically should have this. It makes them more human. And a comic relief character can still be pretty dark, or have a somewhat still serious backstory and still be that. Perhaps it could even help them resonate that much more with people.

There are a lot of things that people use to explain things in writing that truly... do not exist. And it is the adherence of these things that make them more dangerous than actual tools. One shouldn't set out to write a character with "substance". It is a non-goal... you can't really do that. It isn't something you can just know about a character and achieve it. In fact, heading out after it will cause it to become muddled... and lost if you set your sights for it. A lot of substance isn't a good thing. Focus on things that truly matter, and the amount appropriate for that character... those will make a better character every time. There is a place for all characters, and even ones who seem to be one way on the surface, can be all that much more underneath and not lose who they are.

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So, what happened to Kindle?

I guess Hiss will drop her off on a mattress when they get a chance to post? Your fault for randomly making her collapse really : p

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Substance isn't really a thing. Characters always have it, it is how deep the rabbit hole goes that is the question. Not every character needs a giant fleshed out epic, nor does every character need justifications for every thing about them. But, this can certainly add to a chance to connect to a character, or to understand why they are the way they are. Some characters are better with that shroud of darkness. But, player characters typically should have this. It makes them more human. And a comic relief character can still be pretty dark, or have a somewhat still serious backstory and still be that. Perhaps it could even help them resonate that much more with people.

There are a lot of things that people use to explain things in writing that truly... do not exist. And it is the adherence of these things that make them more dangerous than actual tools. One shouldn't set out to write a character with "substance". It is a non-goal... you can't really do that. It isn't something you can just know about a character and achieve it. In fact, heading out after it will cause it to become muddled... and lost if you set your sights for it. A lot of substance isn't a good thing. Focus on things that truly matter, and the amount appropriate for that character... those will make a better character every time. There is a place for all characters, and even ones who seem to be one way on the surface, can be all that much more underneath and not lose who they are.

exhibit A: Black Star

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I guess Hiss will drop her off on a mattress when they get a chance to post? Your fault for randomly making her collapse really : p

Well yeah. There was just a lot of posting done and I wasn't sure where she'd ended up

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Well yeah. There was just a lot of posting done and I wasn't sure where she'd ended up

Kindle is now sleeping on a mattress with a blanket over her courtesy of Nagi.

On another note, I don't know when I will be able to post again as it all depends on whether or not I get good WiFi in Florence.

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