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[OOC] Of Shadow and Flame (Signups CLOSED)


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Better late than never I suppose.

Name: Gavriil Markovic (gah-vree-EEL MAR-ko-vich)

Gender: Male

Age: 18 (Born 10 December 1996)


Appearance, normal: An imposing figure at about 6'2" in height, Gavriil is broad-chested and well-built. He keeps his blond hair in a close buzz cut that accentuates his sharp Slavic features; his jawline is pronounced and his piercing, blue eyes aptly convey his serious nature. His face naturally falls into an un-amused and far-away expression that gives the impression that he is in deep thought. Gavriil normally wears steel-toed combat boots, faded black cargo pants, and a gunmetal tank top that does well to show off his defined muscles. However, he tends to wear a black combat jacket over it.

Appearance, transformed: A 'roid rage in the extreme sense of the term, Gavriil's build explodes with strength, even going so far as to create a loud, booming sound. He is generally conscientious of it, but if he forgets to remove his jacket prior to transforming, it is torn to shreds by his expanding stature. In this form, his tank top is a tight fit, defining the contours of his pectoral and abdominal muscles as well as his latissimus dorsi. Gavriil's blond hair even grows out to reach the small of his back after turning a bright white color, though he finds this physical trait pointless and cumbersome.

Personality: A quiet and serious fellow, Gavriil has a strong grip on reality and a developed sense of critical thinking. Because of these traits, his comments and suggestions are usually rational and meaningful, when he does choose to voice them.


Weapons of choice: Giant flail (materialized), heavy combat knife (carried), fists

Power origin: Induction

Faction: Protectors


Backstory: Gavriil was born the only child of Russian farmers, and as such was trained as a farmhand from an early age. He was a rowdy but obedient child, and thoroughly enjoyed the small wonders of life. He was doted on by his parents, especially his mother, and was quite content with his life at home. Because of his family's status, Gavriil did not go to school in favor of working on the farm.

On a certain occasion, Gavriil was busy tending to the animals in the barn when several dark sedans with tinted windows rolled into the farmstead. The boy, then just ten years old, was not present to witness a group of serious-faced men in expensive business suits step out of those cars; he was not present to witness those men walk up to the house's door and knock; he was not present to witness his father opening the door, shooting a panicked glance at his son's location, and shouting a command behind him to his wife, who was in the kitchen, doing the dishes from lunch just fifteen minutes prior; he was not present to witness his father in such a pitiful state, pleading with the men over some important matter; and he was not present to witness one man pull out a gun, press it against the forehead of the begging man, who at this point had tears running down his cheeks, and pull the trigger. The boy did, however, hear the explosion of the gunshot. His heart sunk at the noise and he dropped the feeding pail he was carrying around to the horses. He had to be wrong. Nothing bad happened. He was just making sure. Yes, making sure. the boy ran outside, nearly tripping over his own feet. It was then that he heard his mother scream. Nothing bad happened. Nothing bad happened... right? He saw the cars in front of the house. He saw the men walking from the door to their vehicles, one with a smoking gun in hand. Something bad happened. The boy screamed. The men were caught off-guard for a moment; they had forgotten there was a son. But the boy darted between them faster than they could react. He was already in the house--the house that they had tossed a molotov cocktail into. In the doorway, the boy found the figure of his father. He stood in shock, open-mouthed. His eyes then panned over to the kitchen, where his mother lay. The tears started gushing. The boy ran to the collapsed figure of his mother, hugging her tightly. Perhaps it was the grief ringing in his ears or the tears pouring out of his eyes that distracted him from the growing fire that was hungrily devouring the house. Perhaps he just didn't care; he wanted to be with his mother. He cried and cried over her body as the devil's flames spread and spread. Then he felt someone prying him away from his dearest mother. He screamed and held her tighter, but the arms around him were stronger than his arms, weak with grief, could hold on. The boy kept crying for his mother and father as the scene before him rushed away. He felt as if his entire life was running away from him. The last thing he could remember of that day was being thrown into the back of a dark car.

The ten year-old boy grew to seventeen in the Russian mafia. He was trained to be ruthless and cold, which was not a difficult task for he was already hardened by the deaths of his parents. Gavriil became one of the group's most talented agents, carrying out operations with precision and ease. His physical stature grew to great proportions through intensive training, perhaps finally living up to his namesake. Though he was the youngest member of the mafia, he began to gain more respect than some of his older comrades held. However, it was not long before he took on a job that was out of his league; he was to eliminate a prominent boss of a rival organization. Alone. Needless to say, his target, being well-acquainted with the mafia world, was aware of the hit taken out on him, and had appropriately prepared for the moment someone should come for him. Gavriil found himself captured, tortured, and left in the middle of an abandoned wheat field to die. He thought it ironically appropriate, that he should die as a mafia member on a farm. But fate had not yet had her satisfaction from his existence; a shadow approached and loomed over the battered and broken boy. He could not hear perfectly, but there was definitely some sound coming from the source of the shadow. Gavriil felt his body being picked up. Searing pain transformed into numbness, which transformed into a different, odd feeling. The pain was going away. It was not being masked, it was actually going away. The rush of senses Gavriil felt overwhelmed his mind as he whited out.

Gavriil awoke in a room with strange people. Not a face among them did he recognize. According to one of those around him, he had undergone a conversion process of sorts while he was out. The people of whom he was in the presence were of an organization known as the Protectors, and they had saved him; they also found some latent potential in him to become one among their ranks, which they discovered through his healing process. None of this meant a thing to the bewildered boy. But he would just have to learn to accept that, as his life would soon be changed forever, for a second time.

Edited by Pixl
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...Yeah, so, after having some kind of awesome freak out at Mr. Scraggly, Kindle passed out. Has fun~

EDIT: HEY, Kindle has no guns >:c

Edited by KosherKitten
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True. Pretty much everyone else does though. (it wasn't my plan originally, but i left things open for interpretation)

Wow. I did not even notice this.

On another note, I'm a bit confused about the second half of Murdoc's post. Maybe my brain's just a bit fried but can someone explain what just happened in the second half?

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Honestly I don't like the crossbow thing. It doesn't really fit his character. But I looked at the other characters (other than Alexus's), and sort of assumed it'd be better to have a ranged weapon as an option. Otherwise, it probably would have been like a combat knife and his fists.

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Wow. I did not even notice this.

On another note, I'm a bit confused about the second half of Murdoc's post. Maybe my brain's just a bit fried but can someone explain what just happened in the second half?

Protectors showed up, Takeshi told them to fuck off and then invited everyone over.

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I thought that, when talking about a cat, you'd say "fur"... I didn't know that "coat" had that meaning (look left of the post people).

Anyway, I have fixed that, and I am waiting for a reply from Astros (Murdoc).

Before you were talking about themes for your character... what could work with Dexter? (I was thinking about Somewhere I belong by Linkin Park, as of course I only bothered listening to songs I know).

Edited by Cyaloom
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Turns out my family will be taking one laptop with us, my brother's laptop, so I might be able to post once a day (at most) for the next week depending on whether the hotels have internet connection or not.

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So, you mind if I assume Yash's character is unconscious now? ((It would kinda be helpful for the reason that Vixen would probably try to offload her onto the big group right there... otherwise, I don't think she would pop out cause she wouldn't have any other reason to do so.))

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That is the problem, can't XD. ((he left already, he said he gave you permission to bunny, and that was the least intrusive way to do it I could think of, why I asked lol. We aren't in combat right now, so it is a fine way to do it since I doubt we are going to get attacked, well... right away anyhow.))

((basically... it is the easiest way I can think of adding both the characters to the group without Yash being here. It is rather easy for him to pick up if he does get the time to post. [since all she has to do is wake up.] but, I'd rather not just decide that lol.))

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so uhmm..have you reed my pm Murdoc? i'm just gonna leave it right here for the sake of the sign-ups.

Name: Lucy Miles

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Personality: Lucy is a rustic, high-spirited, lighthearted girl. she is a child at heart as she gets amazed by the slightest things which often distracts her. she is also an animal lover.

Appearance: Lucy is 5'7 tall, dark skinned and has a tomboyish toned body. her scarlet hair is short trimmed and spiky looking.

She has this distinct scar on her right cheek which she conceals with a band-aid. her attire consists of a brown fluffy fur vest, a black leather pants, a pair of hand wraps on her wrist and a black combat boots.

Appearance(Transformed): She retains all of her human features, the only difference is: she grows strange red markings all over her skin, kinda like fresh branded tribal tatooes. she also emits a wave of air around her feet. While in this state, she gains the ability of leaving an afterimage with every motion she makes.

Weapon of Choice: a pair of crossbow pistols (i don't know how she gonna reload it since she's holding both but does the rule of cool does apply right? XD if not, I'm good with a shortbow), some trick bolt arrows(explosive/incendiary/grappling hook/smoke), some throwing knives, and a pet bengal tiger named Tempest.

Faction: Technically i want to be a preserver. but being a factionless human is fine for now.

Power: Shard

Backstory: Lucy is a traveling circus performer, trained as an acrobat/ gymnast at the early age of 4. Lucy loves to perform as she displays death-defying aerial stunts combining it with her impressive mid-range archery to please the crowd, accompanied with her pet tiger whenever she goes. Lucy doesn't have any brooding backstory, concerning any deaths of a relative or anything..heck she never knew her real parents is until she was 15, she's just an orphan since birth, working for the circus and caring for people who treated her like family.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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She addressed all of them, but looked directly towards Bark, the only one of them she deemed to really have any common sense.

A little disappointed that Senpai didn't notice me. Then again, the sudden attack probably did not give a good first impression of the acrobatic minx. :P

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She has a better one of her than a lot of the others for certain. She only addressed Bark cause she didn't see him do anything bat shit insane lol.

Also... because she is kinda loner she is actually trying to leave lol. I am trying to see how you guys sucker her into staying actually. ((hence why she only looked at one person even while addressing the group. Easier to leave people behind if you don't even try and connect to them in anyway lol.))

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The best way to convince her to stay would be to give her a reason to stay by giving an illusion that staying would assist her self-preservation. In that case, Nagi or I guess Bark would be the best candidates to do so.

At least I don't think Ozzy or Death Star-chan would be the best candidates for that though I would be amused to see their attempts.

Edited by Hiss13
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