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[OOC] Of Shadow and Flame (Signups CLOSED)


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don't really know if we're allowed to leave this scene or not, but I figured since Faust honestly has no legit reason to stay- given that the beast is dead, everyone he can see/ knows is in the area is more or less alright, no one's threatening to kill each other or cause some other form of shit for normal authorities to unknowingly walk into and be put at risk, and the fact that he's probably gotten some sort of briefing or run down of how things work when he was found and joined up with the peacekeepers. And the fact he still needs food for the week...

IT's basically like a cop who responds to a scene, gets out of his patrol car, and sees that nothings really wrong by the time he's gotten there.

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Considering Kindle passed out on the ground, I'm sure her attempts will be extremely successful owo

Naw, Ozzy picked her up. Lemington (Thats the skull) Is trying to eat her :)

I had actually completely forgotten that she fainted. :P

You're up then, Ozzy. Amuse us.

Hello? I mean, I might be able to finagle an interaction, but not one to make Vixen stay. It'd just piss her off.

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Hello? I mean, I might be able to finagle an interaction, but not one to make Vixen stay. It'd just piss her off.

It would totally piss her off and I would be amused by it. But yeah, Nagi will try as soon as she yells at Dexter to get his ass over to where most everyone else is.

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I am talking with a Mediator now (waiting for a reply from Murdoc). It's an important scene!

Luckily, the acrobatic minx is only yelling at you and then leaving.

inb4 this turns into Nicknames... the RP.

I'm still pushing for this. We've got nicknames and epithets for a good half of the cast so far.

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Ozzy, Scraggly, Lemington, Krys, more on the Way, featuring Vixen as Elsa and Faust as Spyro!

Oh hell no. I'm sorry, but I must object good sir, you are not nicknaming me after some little shit of a dragon... :I doesn't even make that much sense to do it.

I'll think of something more suiting...

EDIT: if you're gonna call him anything other than his name, than at least call him "Blitz", or Perhaps "Strom"

Cause Blitz/ Strom makes soooo much more damn sense than something like "Spyro"

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I just thought of Dragon cuz the name Faust just has a link to Dragons for me and Spyro can breathe electricity in most of his incarnations

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I just thought of Dragon cuz the name Faust just has a link to Dragons for me and Spyro can breathe electricity in most of his incarnations

yeah... I'm not really seeing how exactly he could be one, but then again that's probably because I already had my personal ultimate interpretation of what his character is set in stone when I made him.

but anyways, yeah... either Blitz or Strom will work better.

And I don't like Spyro, just don't... even if he's a dragon...

EDIT:don't get me wrong though, for the sake of story, You all can go ahead and have someone call him spyro if yall want, but he won't see any meaning or significance in the name and will never personally use it if you do

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Actually, that is only in the newer games. ((also Spyro is a purple dragon and Fire has usually always been his primary breathe with Ice being the most common of the other types.))

Anyways... Thor or Odin would be most fitting imo since... Norse Mythology ((also known as Germanic mythology...))

Though Odin isn't as highly associated with it, he is certainly a God of Storms but also of wisdom ((which kinda fits the mediatator style Hans takes, he sits back and watches as does Odin.)) etc....

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Actually, that is only in the newer games. ((also Spyro is a purple dragon and Fire has usually always been his primary breathe with Ice being the most common of the other types.))

Anyways... Thor or Odin would be most fitting imo since... Norse Mythology ((also known as Germanic mythology...))

Though Odin isn't as highly associated with it, he is certainly a God of Storms but also of wisdom ((which kinda fits the mediatator style Hans takes, he sits back and watches as does Odin.)) etc....

See? now Odin, that right there could work out too. since Thor does imply more of a... in your face approach to stuff.

Or maybe he'll just have multiple lightning/ electrical related pseudonyms that he keeps on hand, cycling through them as needed...

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Actually, that is only in the newer games. ((also Spyro is a purple dragon and Fire has usually always been his primary breathe with Ice being the most common of the other types.))

Anyways... Thor or Odin would be most fitting imo since... Norse Mythology ((also known as Germanic mythology...))

Though Odin isn't as highly associated with it, he is certainly a God of Storms but also of wisdom ((which kinda fits the mediatator style Hans takes, he sits back and watches as does Odin.)) etc....

Actually, I remember a lightning breath in enter the dragonfly and the hero one where they gave him a really annoying VA.

And perhaps the nickname would develop a meaning over time, a link between two people, y'know?

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I think Thor is only seen as so in your Face... cause he is a big scary Lighting God who wields a Hammer. ((also... Norse Mythology tends to be very visceral and in your face[cause Warrior culture]... so that adds to it.))

And Dobbs, I know lol. But that is the first games that Lightning was standard. It used to be something you had to walk through a gate or something to get it and then it was only limited. ((my Spyro knowledge is dated back to mostly the PS1 games XD. And it wasn't something Spyro really had in those. But that is probably why we associate it with different things lol.))

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All I remember of the newest games is some sort of melee combat where you could breathe fire and electricity whilst fighting for some pretty cool acrobatics.

Also doesn't Thor dual as the War god in N myths? I remember from watching some crazy stuiid rendition of norse gods in the mortal world (Totes legit)

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Actually, I remember a lightning breath in enter the dragonfly and the hero one where they gave him a really annoying VA.

And perhaps the nickname would develop a meaning over time, a link between two people, y'know?

Lols, I don't care to be honest, call him what you want so long as it's not a nationalist slur or some other form of hate speech- cause he'll have some serious issues with ya if you do.

I can offer o guaruntees about whether or not Spyro, or any bestowed name for that matter, is going to start to mean anything over time to him- I intend to do what I'm doing in PA and just let my PC dance of his own accord and act however my instinct tells me he would naturally act given his background, personality, beleifs, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera...

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I am surprised Ozzy wasn't a bit disturbed by the hit job metaphor.

NOTE: Nagi is still in her transformed state. She still looks like a 13-14 year old.

Edited by Hiss13
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You forgot Death Star-chan

The Spyro thing is perfect, lol

Am I the only one here who doesn't get whatever reference of whatever this whole thing with Spyro being a fitting nick is founded on then?XD

I never played the games, so... probably.

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I am surprised Ozzy wasn't a bit disturbed by the hit job metaphor.

NOTE: Nagi is still in her transformed state. She still looks like a 13-14 year old.

It flew over both mine and the Warriros heads

Uh huk, does Vixen know that Ozzy and by extension the group owe her a debt not the otherway around?

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