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The Adventure of Justin Ventus


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Hey Everyone, I am Justn Ventus and I saw some people did this and wanted to do it. I will be posting my adventure with my Totodile named Gojira. So let us begin and please tell me what you think.

Welcome to the Adventure of Justin Ventus in Pokemon Reborn!!!! Lets Begin. We see Professor Amethyst or Ame for short. She asked me who I was, I told her I was Justin. She tells me all about the region I am going to until a explosion happens. Narrowly escaping what chould have been a disaster, The Professor leaves me with a Peppy Cheerleader named Julia, who has a fetish for explosions. She tells me that this Explosion however was not her. I decided to head towards the Lab to recieve my first Pokemon.

I was greeted by a girl named Victoria, she said she will assist me registering for the Reborn League. We walked to the counter were the Professor was waiting for us. She took me upstairs to the room with the Pokemon I was to choose one to become my first partner. There were three long tables each holding 6 pokeballs on each. The Professor told me the tables were color coded for each type Green-Grass, Red-Fire, Blue-Water. I went to the blue table and chose the second pokeball, It was a Totodile.

I decided to call him Gojira, the Professor told me he had the ability Sheer Force. I left the room and it was Victoria's turn to get her new partner. While I was waiting a boy dressed in purple came up to me. He told me his name is Cain and he challanged me to a battle. I sent out Gojira and he sent out a Nidoran (M), with two direct scratch attacks his Nidoran (M) lost. After the battle he takes me to the labs pokecenter to heal Gojira. The Professor and Victoria walked up to us, the Professor takes Cain to get set up for the Reborn League. Victoria then asked me to battle her, I accepted and sent out Gojira once again who had a glint of excitment in his eyes. Victoria called out her partner, it was a Tepig.

The battle was fairly quick, after the battle with the Nidoran (M) Gojira learn Water Gun. Victoria took her leave and I was ready to begin my adventure. As I walked out of the Lab I heard two people talking about a man wanting a Bibarel and whoever had one whould be given a Litleo. With this info I went and captured a Bidoof named it GTFO. I went and had a few trainer battles to level up Gojira and GTFO. I cam across the house of a old man and recived a Pokesnak, I thanked him and went on my way. I then hear a noise from a Sketchy House, I went to investigate. To Be Continue............

Edited by JustinVentus
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