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Beaches and Blunts Theme


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--Please don't delete~compiling all videos and stories for one release---

Well, It's been a fun first playthrough thus far, and it took me a little while to fully figure out what pokes to put in my team (I raised quite a few in the selection process).

It took a moment of thinking about my current pokes to figure out what kind of theme I want to work with.


I present to you: Beaches and Blunts!

Anything subjectively relating to smoking ~~green~~ with an underlying Sunny/Tropical theme!

Currently Beaches and Blunts has 5 pokes in the lineup, and my choices could change at any time.

I'll be updating you on every new find and important battle henceforth, as well as recording the important battles!


Currently I'm after the 5th badge, and I had to stop for a moment to do some breeding for optimal move choices among my team.

In case anyone wanted to know, I got an Eevee in a trade (from Sazane) for a Sheer Force, Modest Nidoqueen (the poor Nidorina was abandoned and needed a home) with some pretty decent IVs.


As you can see, I gave it a water stone and named the lazy (catfish??) after it's OT for good luck, with hopes it'll bring at least one shiny Umbreon to this otherwise dark world.

Luckily I had a Camerupt to breed yawn and curse from!

All that was needed was solid recovery, which was easy with moonlight in the sun (courtesy of Beaches :)

I've spent the last two weeks riding bikes in circles and hatching eevee eggs, 49 to be exact, before I got a (sadly not shiny) perfectly natured, IV' candidate.

I present to you: Paranoia!


Nickname: Paranoia

Relaxed nature, LIkes to thrash about

Yes, I realize it's not truly shiny, I swapped image files (and will photoshop some later for comedic effect) for aesthetic purposes.


If there are any suggestions or complaints, please let me know!


I sincerely hope no one minds too much they have missed the first 5 gym battles, and I can go back to recall as much as I can of the battles as I browse my boxes (If requested).

Edited by Zethe
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