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Lain is Ame
Kikyo is me.
This is from Wednesday, ‎December ‎20, ‎2006, ‏‎11:18:37 PM. Old.

[quote]Kikyo can win: hey if you're still there i just thought you should know i actually have a picture of you and it's not the one where you have no face and it's not the one you got run over it's an actual picture and you're smiling
Lain forever: O_O
Lain forever: No such thing.
Lain forever: It was a fake smile.
Kikyo can win: no it wasn't
Lain forever: ...
Kikyo can win: it was real
Lain forever: Did you take it?
Kikyo can win: i think so
Kikyo can win: it's pretty
Lain forever: You're not sure?
Kikyo can win: no
Kikyo can win: brb
Lain forever: =/
Lain forever: Can I see it?
Kikyo can win: no
Kikyo can win: jk
Kikyo can win: yes
Kikyo can win: i think it was me
Kikyo can win: when i was taking secret shots
Lain forever: Well
Lain forever: ?
Kikyo can win: not to mention your hair was in like 2 other pictures after that
Lain forever: =/
Lain forever: Let's see it.
Kikyo can win: [redacted]
Kikyo can win: i need to change the lighting on it though =/
Lain forever: That's an awful picture, and an awful smile.
Lain forever: Actually.
Lain forever: It's mostly just the smile that makes the picture awful.
Lain forever: And what the hell was I smiling at?
Lain forever: And why do my eyes look like that one guy's from Family Guy?
Kikyo can win: all i know it's there for the world to see now
Lain forever: ...
Kikyo can win: and it's my background
Lain forever: You're kidding.
Kikyo can win: nope its there
Kikyo can win: with Gabe's too
Kikyo can win: it'll be with everyone's once i get photoshop
Lain forever: THat'll be a full desktop.
Lain forever: But.
Lain forever: I insist, if you must, do not use that picture.
Lain forever: Please, for the love of God.
Kikyo can win: it's the only one of you i have
Kikyo can win: besides where you have no face and you've been run over
Lain forever: Secretly take a better one.
Lain forever: And in your own interest, best I not find out about you secretly taking another one.
Kikyo can win: uhh that means use that one
Kikyo can win: which i will
Lain forever: [img]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif[/img]
Kikyo can win: I know what i will do
Kikyo can win: i'll take one of Matthais and that one of you and put them together
Lain forever: o.o
Kikyo can win: yes
Kikyo can win: that is my goal now
Lain forever: We'd have to be the same morph.
Lain forever: And compexity.
Lain forever: And our hair would have to fall the same way
Lain forever: And we'd have to be in the exact same pose.
Lain forever: And wearing the same clothers.
Lain forever: And I ain't wearin' his clothers.
Lain forever: Nor is he wearing mine.
Lain forever: And he's endo, I'm meso.
Lain forever: And his hair falls differently than mine.
Lain forever: And good luck with exact positioning.
Kikyo can win: uh huh
Kikyo can win: i can't find it whaaa
Kikyo can win: I found Matthias
Kikyo can win: pssst look at this the sun want's to kill people
Kikyo can win: brb
Lain forever: We should report it to the police.
Kikyo can win: yep
Kikyo can win: so it turns out i have about a billion pictures of chelsea and bryan about a million pictures of gabe and about a trillion pictures that relate to drama
Lain forever: o.oo.oo.oo.o.oo.o.oo.o.oo.o.oo.o.oo.o.oo.o
Kikyo can win: i know
Kikyo can win: and i found your head again
Lain forever: ...
Kikyo can win: you just pop out of no where
Lain forever: Yeah, I get that a lot
Kikyo can win: stop getting in my picture
Lain forever: K
Kikyo can win: now that i look through them it's like look there's nick
Kikyo can win: and look there's people
Kikyo can win: that weren't suppose to be there
Kikyo can win: hey look an apple
Lain forever: o.o
Kikyo can win: you in some way shape or form are in about 10 pictures
Lain forever: 9 of them are the way shape and form of my hair.
Kikyo can win: uhh 7 of them
Lain forever: XD
Kikyo can win: oh wait it's 11 pictures
Kikyo can win: 8 of them your hair
Kikyo can win: make that 12
Kikyo can win: 9/12
Lain forever: XD
Lain forever: 3 quarters of what people see of me is my hair.
Kikyo can win: yes

this is only the beginning....
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Purple and Sleep
Lain: Ame
Kikyo: Me
From: December 21 2006

[quote]Lain forever: You didn't even know me... Like, in those pictures/
Kikyo can win: like when i took them
Lain forever: Yeah
Kikyo can win: i can't believe the semester is over
Lain forever: And helllz yeah to it.
Kikyo can win: i hate the fact that my math final was posponed
Kikyo can win: postponed*
Lain forever: You are aware you can choose not to do it.
Kikyo can win: but i want to
Kikyo can win: T.T
Lain forever: WHY?
Kikyo can win: why not?
Lain forever: Bec ause it's MATH.
Kikyo can win: exactly
Lain forever: Ewww.
Kikyo can win: i'm a math nerd
Kikyo can win: deal
Kikyo can win: it's the only class i'm good at
Lain forever: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Kikyo can win: WHAT!?
Lain forever: Math.... *shudder*
Lain forever: Then again.
Lain forever: I don't like any of my classes.
Lain forever: So.
Lain forever: whatever.
Kikyo can win: i like my classes
Kikyo can win: but they all hate me
Kikyo can win: except for math
Lain forever: >.>
Lain forever: You like everything though.
Lain forever: And actually... I hate everyting... So it all fits together.
Kikyo can win: i do not like everything
Lain forever: I don't hate everything.
Lain forever: I like Snow, Rain, Thunderstorms, Walking to absolutely nowhere in the middle of night and smashing clocks with sledge hammers.
Lain forever: But
Lain forever: That's pretty damn close to everything.
Lain forever: Oh,
Lain forever: and I like purple.
Lain forever: Definitely Purple.
Kikyo can win: yummy thunderstorms
Lain forever: ...>.<
Lain forever: YUMMY PURPLE.
Kikyo can win: mmm purple
Kikyo can win: mmmm chocolate
Lain forever: Choclate makes me thirsty...
Lain forever: And water tastes bad.
Kikyo can win: then don't drink water
Lain forever: Milk has cow pus in it, Juice is for five year olds, Soda is acid to your health.
Lain forever: Alchoholic beverages are... good, but illegal for me right now.
Kikyo can win: o.o
Lain forever: Nicholas "Negative" Nelson =)
Kikyo can win: Alliteration
Lain forever: Very good....
Kikyo can win: i still suck at english
Kikyo can win: not to think about i hate english and Ameri. Gov. and
Kikyo can win: French
Kikyo can win: now*
Kikyo can win: whoa that sentace makes no sence
Lain forever: You're very right
Kikyo can win: i can't spell either
Kikyo can win: i'm out of it after 11:30pm
Lain forever: I ussusally don't get out of it untill like, 4:00 Am.
Lain forever: At which point I take a nap and am as good as new!
Lain forever: (bearing in mind I still wasn't very good when I was new)
Kikyo can win: i bet
Kikyo can win: well to liven up my life i shall look for my nephew
Lain forever: o.o Ok...?
Kikyo can win: and bang my head on the laptop
Kikyo can win: i'm really tired
Kikyo can win: and bored
Kikyo can win: and bleh
Lain forever: Go to sleep?
Kikyo can win: *Growls* noooo
Lain forever: why not?
Kikyo can win: i don't want to
Kikyo can win: i can't
Lain forever: why not and why not?
Kikyo can win: the only thing keeping me awake is Panic at the DIsco
Lain forever: >.>
Lain forever: Yeah, that would keep me awake too if I were listenign to such noise.
Kikyo can win: i'm gonna put on SOAD though
Lain forever: Better.
Kikyo can win: but i like these 5 songs of P!ATD
Kikyo can win: so when those are over
Lain forever: They're the same song with different words.
Kikyo can win: Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off
Kikyo can win: is the best version then
Lain forever: Well that's incredibbly masculinist.
Kikyo can win: oh did i tell you the most interesting thing i learned today was that someone in the chat wants me dead
Kikyo can win: ?
Lain forever: IRL or in the chat?
Kikyo can win: chat.... i'm hoping
Lain forever: XD
Kikyo can win: <.<
Kikyo can win: you never know
Lain forever: Best of luck with your assasin.
Kikyo can win: he's a bastard
Kikyo can win: wouldn't tell me who sent him
Kikyo can win: but i think i know who it is
Lain forever: I KNOW I KNOW *raises and waves hand*
Kikyo can win: yes Nick-sama
Lain forever: ...
Lain forever: I forgot.
Kikyo can win: *anime fall*
Lain forever: :P[/quote]
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I've always had a problem spelling
Lain= Ame
Kikyo= Me
From December 21 2006

[Quote]Kikyo can win: Bonjour
Lain forever: Guten Abend.
Lain forever: Kein French
Kikyo can win: Le solie revien ahoujoid' hui
Lain forever: Nein
Kikyo can win: oui
Lain forever: Nein!
Kikyo can win: Oui est le problem?
Lain forever: Es French.
Kikyo can win: lol i just said who is the problem
Kikyo can win: i think
Kikyo can win: no wait i'm right
Kikyo can win: yay
Lain forever: Actually, you said Yes is the problem.
Kikyo can win: no
Kikyo can win: GD it!
Kikyo can win: it's suppose to be Qui
Lain forever: There we go.
Kikyo can win: Je ne fais pas le francis bien
Kikyo can win: ou parler
Lain forever: Und?
Kikyo can win: j'a horte de moi
Lain forever: So?
Kikyo can win: what?
Lain forever: So what?
Kikyo can win: i don't know??
Kikyo can win: give me a good song
Lain forever: Inner Universe.
Kikyo can win: From ghost in the shell or by whom?
Lain forever: GitS
Kikyo can win: oh okay
Kikyo can win: woo hoo
Kikyo can win: give me anothergood song
Lain forever: Duvet
Kikyo can win: already listen to that
Kikyo can win: i know i recognized that person's voice
Kikyo can win: it's BoA
Lain forever: Yup.
Kikyo can win: if it's the right one she also sings a song for Naruto
Kikyo can win: Inuyasha not Naruto
Kikyo can win: anywho still another good song
Kikyo can win: p.s i found another dead picture of you
Kikyo can win: though it might not be you
Lain forever: ... You can't tell?
Kikyo can win: hey it looks like a girl
Kikyo can win: what am i suppose to do
Kikyo can win: like 6 people i know look like girls if you can't see there face
Lain forever: Are they girls?
Kikyo can win: no
Kikyo can win: by the way it is you
Kikyo can win: and i'm laughing at it right now
Lain forever: >.>
Kikyo can win: lol people are trying to santa
Lain forever: To santa?
Lain forever: Santa isn't a verb.
Kikyo can win: ahhh
Kikyo can win: wtf
Kikyo can win: lets try this again
Kikyo can win: lol people are trying to kill santa
Lain forever: I already did.
Kikyo can win: o.o
Lain forever: Awesome
Kikyo can win: and we're try to kill him
Kikyo can win: well were trying
Lain forever: Why?
Kikyo can win: he tryied to shoot us
Lain forever: Good for me.
Lain forever: I mean him
Lain forever: I mean... I'm sorry
Kikyo can win: -.-
Kikyo can win: i'm still old
Kikyo can win: T~T
Lain forever: Sorry.
Kikyo can win: whaaa
Kikyo can win: why can't i be young
Kikyo can win: and why can't i spell
Kikyo can win: ><

And ame was always mistaken for a girl
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  • Administrators
Dear Reborn:
If you wake up one day to find that this site no longer exists, it is because I went back in time and [i]shot my younger self[/i] before he had a chance to make it, thus creating a time paradox.
Please pay any passing time paradoxes no mind.
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High off marshmallows obviously
Lain: Ame
Kikyo: Me
From: December 23, 2006

Kikyo can win: *runs around in circles around him* Nick-sama!
Lain forever: Yeah... Hi.
Kikyo can win: how are youuuuuuuu?
Kikyo can win: *still running*
Lain forever: I'mmm.... Me. You?
Kikyo can win: fantabuloussssssssss
Kikyo can win: It's almost christmas eve ahhhhhhhhhh
Lain forever: Apparently.
Kikyo can win: yep
Kikyo can win: I'm so excited
Kikyo can win: not to mention i just got high off sugar cubes and marshmallows
Lain forever: Ew, marshmallows.
Kikyo can win: @.@
Kikyo can win: MARSHMALLOW
Kikyo can win: i should call my marshmallow
Kikyo can win: haven't seen him in a long time
Lain forever: Magic
Kikyo can win: mmm
Kikyo can win: tasty
Lain forever: I have a marshmallow bag.
Lain forever: ANd
Lain forever: it has marshmallows in it.
Lain forever: Abnd
Lain forever: I don't care.
Lain forever: :P
Kikyo can win: wtf?
Lain forever: I don't know.
Kikyo can win: marshmallows
Kikyo can win: i've been eating them for 5 days
Kikyo can win: you should join the party
Kikyo can win: it's crazy
Lain forever: >.>
Kikyo can win: The KnuckleHead Ninja Naruto: she's about to be a great grandma, she
has reason to party
The KnuckleHead Ninja Naruto: >>
Sabaku Temari: ..But Jirayaa said you NEEEEED to drink SO *******
Kikyo can win: that's something from the party
Kikyo can win: anyway
Kikyo can win: it's crazy
Kikyo can win: so what's up?
Lain forever: That way *points*
Kikyo can win: *looks the opposite direction*
Kikyo can win: where?
Lain forever: right here.
Kikyo can win: ahh i see
Kikyo can win: we officially have drunken people
Kikyo can win: ahhhhh
Lain forever: Great.
Lain forever: More fun for the cops.
Kikyo can win: yep
Kikyo can win: the best thing of all it's sake
Lain forever: <,<
Lain forever: Of course it is.
Kikyo can win: yep
Kikyo can win: wouldn't be a party without it
Kikyo can win: wish you were here
Kikyo can win: oh well
Kikyo can win: not all made
Kikyo can win: it
Kikyo can win: and in about 3 minutes i will make no sence
Kikyo can win: or perfect sence
Lain forever: No sense.
Kikyo can win: you don't know that laddy
Lain forever: I'm confident
Kikyo can win: genius
Kikyo can win: i am very happy
Kikyo can win: this calls for a happy song
Kikyo can win: brb
Kikyo can win: back
Kikyo can win: let me tell you if you think i'm insane or crazy
Kikyo can win: you're crazy
Lain forever: Magical.
Kikyo can win: yes
Kikyo can win: it's very magical
Kikyo can win: just like lucky charms

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[quote name='Amethyst' timestamp='1309977228' post='17343']
Dear Reborn:
If you wake up one day to find that this site no longer exists, it is because I went back in time and [i]shot my younger self[/i] before he had a chance to make it, thus creating a time paradox.
Please pay any passing time paradoxes no mind.
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