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Grass Monotype Corrections


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Probably for Reborn, as I see no Ferrothorn.

Cradily over Tangrowth. Specially defensive if you must. It can beat most fire mons Charlotte has.

Cacturne will spam Sucker Punch at everything that comes your way.

Torterra... is Torterra

Add Ludicolo.

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Yeah, I definitely suggest Ludicolo and Cradily as well. Ludicolo could possibly be a big help when it comes time to fight Charlotte?
Cacturne can also set up spikes (if I'm correct) so anyone who gets switched into would gain entry damage as well. Sucker punch will also do wonders. Cradily can be a good staller if need be.

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Leafeon is good, but without X-sissors and Dig it is walled easily. Chesnaught and Gourgeist are good choices as they do almost the same job as Leafeon, and later on you can rethink adding Abomasnow, Maw Rotom and /or Whimsicott

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Oh my god, I really hope you can somehow beat Charlotte late in the game :(

1. Catch a prankster cottonee

2. Teach it trick room

3. Spam EQ with torterra

4. ...

5. Done

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Yep as they say

Main team



Whismicott (Prankster)








Maw Rotom



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1. Catch a prankster cottonee

2. Teach it trick room

3. Spam EQ with torterra

4. ...

5. Done

Actually, Pranster just +1s the priority of any status move, so Trick Room goes from -7 to -6 priority. Aaaaand Whimsicott sucks, but you can sash it and go with that?

Cradily, Lilligant, Gourgeist, Gogoat, Roserade, Rotom-Mow and whatever starter are IMO the best you can get in Reborn. Especially that Cradily since it counters all but 2 weaknesses of Grass.

Regarding moves and what-not, I'd go for:

Cradily, Storm Drain, Sassy; Stockpile, Infestation, Toxic(Skrelp>(anything in Water 3 and Water 1)>Lileep), Ancient Power/Rock Slide(Tirtouga)

Lilligant, Own Tempo, Modest; Sleep Powder, HP Rock, Petal Dance, Quiver Dance.

Gourgeist, Frisk, Impish; Will-o-Wisp (Yamask), Protect (Yamask), Leech Seed, Phantom Force

Gogoat, Sap Sipper, Adamant; Bulk Up, Earthquake, Horn Leech, Aerial Ace

Roserade, Technician, Timid/Modest; Hidden Power, Sludge Bomb, Extrasensory, Giga Drain (check the pinned guide in this section to see the chain for both SB and ES)

Rotom-Mow, Levitate, Modest; Leaf Storm, Discharge, Hex, Pain Split/Hidden Power.

For Gourgeist and Roserade, you'd have to go back to pre-E13 for some moves. Check the pinned guide in this section for details on that as well as an E12 link should you need that.

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