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Worst gaming company(or games)


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Company: EA because almost they want is money. Bf hardline attracted bf3 players(Rise of OP m16a3) AND COD players.

Worst game played: Hard for me but Final fantasy 13 is probably my worst game (slow paced but then again why I do like bravely default)

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I'd have to agree with the EA thing. I rarely play their games. I did hear that EA essentially fucked the enire reason to lay FIFA.

That said, the worst compan probs goes to Ubisoft for me, at least recently. Notice how Watchdogs, Farcry 4 and AC 4 unity ALL had a fucking tower system? Ubi is killing franchises with a severe lack of innovation and it just makes me sad. I mean, the 3 prior mentioned games are reskinned versions of each other with only the staple features of the franchises in each being their saving graces.

Worst game? Sonic chronicles maybe? Or the DS version of the last Spyro game to come out. Those were terribad.

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Yeah either EA for just being terrible, or Ubisoft for just killing great series when they really didnt need to.

Worst game is obviously E.T but that answer is too easy. Id say animal crossing. Its super tedious for no sense of progress. I also have a grudge cause of the countless hours I got dragged into playing it all because my little sister thought it was too hard :/

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EA, again.

Worst game is the Final Fantasy series, for all being re-skinned versions of each other.

Also, what was wrong with Sonic Chronicles?

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Worst game-wise: Personally for me Dragon Age 2. It felt like a pretty big misstep in the franchise. It took a wide step from Origins, and kinda in the wrong direction. A lot of the combat felt pretty stilted, with Warriors ((my preferred class in RPGs.)) feeling pretty useless and not in any way enjoyable to play. The other classes weren't as bad, but overall the game didn;t feel great in combat... which leaves the dialog and the story stuff, which to me... wasn't very compelling.

Company-wise? I kinda really don't like Capcom. They do so reeeeeeal shady stuff and they know they are too which makes it worse. And they do it because they can get away with it. They use the reputation and the clout they have from the old days to just brush stuff to the side... it is kinda messed up. The problem? They still make good games. I think they are getting better, since we haven't heard of them doing something insane in awhile... and I really hope we don't lol. But, I also am not fond of EA or Ubisoft of late. EA everybody is going to shit on... so I have no need to talk on it really. I don;t think they are as horrible as people say, but they keep doing really dumb stuff. Ubisoft with their main franchises are really messing up. However, outside of that... they are doing pretty well. So, eh... We can complain, but people keep buying their games a the end of the day. And if they keep doing that, these companies have no reason to change.

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however, some games do things right. You are forgetting that EA has ownership of Dead Space, Rock Band, Dragon Age, and Mass Effect. People are getting hyped for Rock Band 4 and Dragon Age: Inquisition was pretty damn good. (from what I heard, I never played it)

also Call of Duty is Activision... can we agree that Activision is just as bad? Just look at what they did to Spyro and Guitar Hero.

Also, Most things THQ and Rockstar aren't that good despite getting opposite opinions imo. Sega screwed a lot of people over too.

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Now you guys reminded why I don't play Cod anymore. (Bf master race) Ghosts: Didn't have entertaining aspect. Seriously. Aw: Just like ghosts and to me I lost interest in the franchise anymore.

Well, then you are obviously overjoyed with the last installment of the Battlefield series...

Idk which company is the worst, but I agree that there are more shady practices going on in recent games from the big guys Also, does no-one mention mobile games? There was a lot of fuzz about dungeonkeeper (if spelled correctly), for example, and almost all of those practices we're complaining about have origins in the mobile gaming industry.

Worst game I've played? Something called Orbs of Doom or so, I guess.

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EA - they fluffed so much stuff up... WHY do I need another game-platform for only their games (Origins) when I have a fully functional platform for everything else (Steam)?

SimCity was a disaster! - Battlefield... we don't need a BF release every year, like CoD, that plays exactly the same as it's predessecor! Don't get me started on Command & Conquer!

I admit they have a few gems like DA:Inquisition...

Ubisoft - the last years, lack of diversity and epic fails... Watch_Dogs, AC4-Unity, FarCry4 ... and again... why do I need Uplay? (at least they offer the possibility to buy the games via steam...)

worst game(s) I've PLAYED:

- Sonic '06 -> god that thing was a glitch fest, the story was horrible... but I completed it

(why did they have to give Shadow guns and vehicles again?? his speed matches Sonics and he can use friggin' Chaos Spear, Chaos Blast and Chaos Control!!)

- Command & Conquer 4 - Tiberian Twilight -> ... I TRIED to play that abomination... I managed to complete 2 missions... and it hurt inside my heart...

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Why? Because Shadow is a pragmatist and uses whatever he needs to to get the job done.

You mean he's edgy?

Cause he's literally rebellious teenage Sonic who's acting out because he hates his parents.

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Just worst game:Takedown because the game is so buggy bad graphic weird physic and dumd AI and they don't even want to patch the game,I feel sorry for whoever bought that game.

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I'd have to go with Activision (though I think EA was actually proud to win worst Video Game Company award) because of the cancer they created in high school. Don't even remind me of when Black Ops 2 was released. I had to hear the same exact conversation from at least three people for 3 months. And then they just kept releasing game after game and you get my drift.

Worst Game I ever played: I'd have to go with M&M Kart racing for the Wii. The game was dull and pretty much the same track with different environments and you could get permastuck very easily. Did I mention the graphics would look bad even to N64 standards? It wasn't even worth the three dollars spent on it.

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I would say, personally- and this is just me and based on my own extremely limited gaming experience-, that I would go with LucasArts over the sole fact that they took one of the best series that they had ever laid hands upon (KOTOR series), rushed its production (KOTOR II specifically), sold a fractured product (they wanted to have a Chjristmas release for higher sales), and be-smudged the good name of The Knights of the Old Republic, which was a key point in my development as a gamer, where I went from playing the sort of semi-educational kids games most people start with to actual games with my older brother. The KOTOR series were my first real games and the greed of a few ruined any hope of their survival. That was, quite literally, a childhood ruined as they served the only gaming series I had actually followed for numerous years.

Worst game? Hmm... I don't have one off the top of my head, but I have played some pretty bad ones. I think I'll just have "Pay-to-Win" games in general as mine. They are a black mark against gaming that works against having actual skill and dedication to win when your enemies can just feed some $ wads into the game and instantly decimate you.

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