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Pokemon Reborn Guide [2.0] DISCUSSION



Here is the discussion thread for my reborn guide! If I've made any errors in my guide, or if I left something out, please let me know below, and I'll be sure to make the appropriate changes!!

The Guide

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Wanted to contribute since your guide has been so helpful.

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Good luck with your run!

Edited by Autumneverlast
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  On 6/12/2015 at 1:46 PM, Autumneverlast said:

Wanted to contribute since your guide has been so helpful.

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Good luck with your run!

Was the egg blue? Mine is blue, and, by checking out the sprite folder, it looked like a ducklett egg (which I'm too lazy to hatch)

Maybe the egg has different content for different players?

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Okay, so, add Zorua to the list of event Pokemon which can have egg moves. The one I just obtained happened to have Extrasensory and when I was checking its learnset I realized that it was indeed an egg move.

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  On 6/12/2015 at 6:41 PM, Knight_Teutonic said:

Was the egg blue? Mine is blue, and, by checking out the sprite folder, it looked like a ducklett egg (which I'm too lazy to hatch)

Maybe the egg has different content for different players?

As far as I know, the egg could contain either Ducklett or Drowzee (I'm not too sure what causes which egg to appear - I'm assuming it's just randomness)

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Thanks for all of your pointers, guys! Sorry I've been AWOL, I had a bit of a family emergency last week and was away. I'll be restarting tonight, and post as many changes as possible!

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  On 6/12/2015 at 6:41 PM, Knight_Teutonic said:

Was the egg blue? Mine is blue, and, by checking out the sprite folder, it looked like a ducklett egg (which I'm too lazy to hatch)

Maybe the egg has different content for different players?

Mine was yellow, so it's entirely possible that you got a Ducklett egg and that that particular egg could be one of several pokemon.

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  On 6/14/2015 at 3:17 AM, Aurax said:
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Its just that the event for exp share (buying all the stolen pokemon) now gives Lucky egg instead of exp share(that is now an event in spinel town) ,so the game just triggered to give you the right reward for e15 :)

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I don't remember if it was here before but I didn't notice it in the guide so...

I found an egg in the slums.

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I would also like to mention that Pancham can be found everywhere in the slums now. I think it was limited to one place in particular before.]

Edited by Fournaise
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Heracross can now have egg moves on joining your party. The one I just got has Rock Blast. I would assume Pinsir also is eligible for egg moves although the moves it gets from breeding are pretty shallow tbh. The only really useful one is Quick attack for Mega.

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  On 6/18/2015 at 3:26 AM, SnideAsides said:

Where are the Teddiursa hiding places in Peridot? I don't know if it's just me, but none of the spoilered pics in the guide thread are displaying. (Also, the Pokesnax vendor?)

...Basically you just have to look everywhere in Peridot Ward (Can't remember details right now... sorry).

As for the Pokesnax vendor, he is in North Peridot Ward - near the house with the Snubbull girl.

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This is really amazing, and when I read through the early parts and think of the changes when I first played at Episode 8, I wonder if we could when this game is finished get every episode released to compare the before and after.

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If I may, litleo isn't a hide and seek event. That event and vulpix seems to merge, I found it immediately at the house leading down to the Railnet. Sadly, I took no pictures.

Also, the egg moves for Lillipup include Ice/Thunder/Fire Fang.

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It looks like Litleo is now in the Obsidia underground, then in the Railnet house, then in the Railnet itself, but once you get it to enter the Railnet it triggers a battle with a Lv35 Klinklang when you follow it down. (You can still walk around the Litleo in the house if you want to go down and catch yourself a Klink first though.)

Also, I *think* the Lillipup hide and seek has changed - again, the spoilered pics don't seem to work, but it's not in the Coral Ward any more.

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First, I want to say this guide/walkthrough is great and has been a big help for my new run through Reborn after Episode 15 was released!

I started a dark monotype run right after Episode 15 was released, so I have some info about some dark type event pokemon, as well some other pokemon I've encountered.

Wild Mawile are available in the Underground Railnet after using Rock Smash between Shelly and Shade. Wild Zubat are on Azurine Island at night.

As for the event pokemon:

Murkrow can be caught in the Team Aqua Hideout at level 25 on a windy night. It has a Assurance/Night Shade/Wing Attack as normal level-up moves as well as one of three special egg moves: Perish Song, Brave Bird or Roost. Murkrow can be caught if the player joins either team.

Houndour can be found in the Team Magma Base, either as a gift if you joined Team Magma, or found in the abandoned Team Magma Hideout if the player joined Team Aqua. The gift Houndour will be at level 30, having Fire Fang/Beat Up/Odor Sleuth/Bite and (sadly) no egg moves.

Scraggy can be obtained at level 30 with Brick Break/Payback/Chip Away, and one of five(!) different egg moves: Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch or Fire Punch.

Zorua can be caught at level 30 with Foul Play/Taunt/Scary Face and Extrasensory as the only possible egg move.

Five Nuzleaf can be obtained after the Shiftry event, ranging in level from the 20s to the low 30s. They will have three of the following moves depending on level: Swagger/Leaf Blade/Razor Wind/Torment and one of the following egg moves: Leech Seed, Foul Play or Grassy Terrain

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  On 6/23/2015 at 9:04 AM, Nanami's-Egg said:

Houndour can be found in the Team Magma Base, either as a gift if you joined Team Magma, or found in the abandoned Team Magma Hideout if the player joined Team Aqua. The gift Houndour will be at level 30, having Fire Fang/Beat Up/Odor Sleuth/Bite and (sadly) no egg moves.

...uhhhhh, I don't know what to tell you, but it's entirely possible to have egg moves on Houndour. Nasty Plot and Thunder Fang are two I encountered before settling on Nasty Plot. I sided with Aqua and obtained it later, so perhaps that had something to do with it?

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After looking the guide, the event Numel doesn't have Ember anymore, now it has one of four Egg Moves, those are Body Slam, Iron Head, Stockpile and Growth.

Surprisingly, only a few pokémon have them, for example, Onix doesn't get any (Poor guy).

Edited by Hinaru-Sama
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  On 6/23/2015 at 10:53 AM, AuthorReborn said:

...uhhhhh, I don't know what to tell you, but it's entirely possible to have egg moves on Houndour. Nasty Plot and Thunder Fang are two I encountered before settling on Nasty Plot. I sided with Aqua and obtained it later, so perhaps that had something to do with it?

Yeah, I sided with Team Magma and did several soft resets for Houndour to get good IVs, but it had no egg moves.

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