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Give yourself pokemon?



6 answers to this question

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If you have the game's editor, you could give yourself anything, I suppose. The issue would be obtaining the editor. And even then, that can seriously mess up your save file if you go about using it wrong.

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You can, but you need a specific program to do so, and it would be quite difficult to give yourself pokemon if you don't know how to use it before hand. Even if you ask someone to give it to you I don't think that they will, since it's going against Ame's ideas.

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what Arkhidon said; if you don't know what you're doing, your save file could easily become unusable. also, to give yourself pokemon like that for a playthrough is severely frowned upon in this community, since you're basically just tossing away the entire challenge this game is supposed to be. why don't you try using the pokemon you do have access to first?

Edited by phoenix_fire
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Honestly the idea of the game is to step out of your comfort box and use Pokemon you normally wouldn't use.

That's why a lot of Pokemon like Breloom and Tentacruel aren't in the game, since it is used quite a lot(I would use it myself if I could, too)

I have taken quite the liking to the early Pokemon in Reborn such as Pachirisu, Emolga, the Elemental Monkeys, hell even Pichu even though I hated Pikachu's line before.

So play around a bit, with most Pokemon you can find a different Pokemon with the same moves and sets.

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To be honest its really not that hard to figure out how and if youre smart enough to figure it out, youre probably smart enough to not mess up your save file. As far as I know pretty much everyone around here that has the ability to add pokemon, do trades, unstuck/fix save files, are either developers or they figured it out(Im in the latter camp).

It is generally frowned upon to cheat your way through the game, however, sometimes an exception is raised if the person is trying out something different that can only be achieved by some slight cheating. Best examples are the Monorun playthroughs. People like them and find them interesting, so they dont mind when such people get their save modified to include some alternative starter(s) to make the monorun feasible. These people also are people who have already played through the game once as is.

Personally I dont really care, if it makes the game more enjoyable for you do it. For most people making the game more enjoyable means playing through the game how it was intended to be played as.

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Honestly the idea of the game is to step out of your comfort box and use Pokemon you normally wouldn't use.

That's why a lot of Pokemon like Breloom and Tentacruel aren't in the game, since it is used quite a lot(I would use it myself if I could, too)

I have taken quite the liking to the early Pokemon in Reborn such as Pachirisu, Emolga, the Elemental Monkeys, hell even Pichu even though I hated Pikachu's line before.

So play around a bit, with most Pokemon you can find a different Pokemon with the same moves and sets.

Exactly right thats one of the things i love about reborn and which separates it from other Pokemon games.

Edited by Fulicient
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