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Ummmm HI!


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Hey , It's me Sawkur! I know a lot of you know me but I wanna try and start kinda maybe being active on the forums now as well and see whats up !

So yeah..... hi c;

Maybe I'll write alil about myself?

-I like to listen to music, I am pretty much always listening to music. I like Kid Cudi , Wiz Khalifa and stuff like that :D I also listen to some screamo , depending on my mood ^^
-I battle at Pokemon Mysidia most of the time, so if I'm not on Reborn I will most likely be there xD
-I like to consider myself a good battler. I win a lot of tournaments and what not
-I LOVE to joke around. Almost 85% of the time I am talking on the server I am kidding around xD But I do know when to act serious ;)
-I am 17 years old and I live in Canada Ontario (Please don't come stalk me)

Thats pretty all the basics about me ^^ Talk to me on the server if you want to know more haha . c:
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Silly people and their assumptions << >>

Anyway uh, I think the majority of us know who you are already, but... Consider this your official welcome~
[s]it's not really hell, we just say that to everyone out of habit[/s]
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