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Change... Is Good(MonoEeevee run)


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Reborn City. Where the best of the best go to feel like scrubs again. Heard it was a pretty sweet place a few years back. Then it went to hell in a handbasket. Whatever. Im sitting on this train,bored out of my mind while my benefactor prattles my ear off. She seems to be under the impression Im gunna turn this place around. I just want to add to my badge collection back home. Maybe make some side cash off some choice rumors. The kind that people will pay to keep quiet and others will pay to find out, ya know? I brought some of my best fighters with me, carefully selected to wreck this place. Everyone else is back home on a separate network, so no calling for easy reinforcements. The plan was to walk in with an insurmountable advantage and blow everyone out of the park. Of course no plan survives contact with the enemy.

A thunderous roar erupts from the caboose. Everything goes silent. More likely Ive gone a tad deaf. Giratina's luck favors me and the force of the explosion bashes me through a small window. Its a funny thing when your whole body is smashed in an instance. You feel it for a second like the world blots out, then you don't feel anything at all. Flight or fight kicks in and you dont feel anything. The last thing I saw was my ace sweeper, Garchomp blocking the way. A Ground Dragon isnt going to care much about a silly explosion after all right? Probably why I didnt die.

When I came to the whole station was wrecked. My benefactor, Ame, seemed unharmed and well. Perhaps I had given her too little credit. It hurt just to stand up, but nothing seemed broken, just a little cracked. While I checked myself over some prep chick prattled on. I was more concerned about the state of my pokemon. I examined each pokemon and to my dismay they were all cracked, and Garchomp was nowhere to be seen. I tried calling out but no answer. Damnit. I had the perfect team and it was all ruined. Livid wouldnt begin to describe what I felt. I guess my trip wasnt going to be all badges and cash afterall. Screw an eye for an eye, give me their heart.

I proceed to the Grand Hall to rest up and start my work. I had plans and I wouldnt be able to execute them standing here. When I arrive Ame offers me a new starter to help me get back on my feet. Politely I decline for I had a far more insidious plot. Lets face it, Im not quite the good guy, Im a cheater. Whats rules if it means losing? No, I have a better idea. See now, In case you didnt know, pokeballs are marvelous things. They digitize a living being's entire essence and converts it to pure data. Creates a little home where a pokemon feels content and happy, fosters good will towards the trainer and all that. Usually if a pokeball is damaged it punts out the pokemon inside to protect it. Train explosions seem to be a bit too much for such a failsafe. My pokemon might as well be dead, but that doesnt mean all the data is gone. Imperfect maybe, but the code is there and it can be used if you have the know how. I like to know how to do a lot of things. Morbid as it may be, I stripped the casing of my pokeballs and rig them up to the local PC machine. I got some funny looks, but people tend not to mess with the guy crazy enough to dismantle a pokeball let alone nine of them.

I salvage what data I could and started filling out a blank template to fill it in. May ask where I could get a blank pokemon template from, and the answer isnt pretty. All the pokemon storage systems are connected, so I dipped into some breeders stock and grabbed a suitable pokemon that wouldnt be missed and horrid as it may be cleared its core data. I will have to admit that I was runny pretty heavy on theory here. Most likely more than few international laws and conventions were broken in the process but law and order doesnt seem to count for a whole lot in these parts. I read the academic papers on this, I knew the risks. Maybe Id die to a a horde of Missingonos, maybe abominations spring forth and have to be put out of their misery, or maybe something wonderful will happen. The poetic justice of getting sweet revenge from the reincarnations of my ruined team would be worth the risks. Afterall in my world you adapt or die.

The operation completed, I loaded the new data into fresh balls and released my new partners. With a smile I saw my team: the entire line of the Evolution Pokemon: Eevee. It was truly the best case scenario. See Eevee is an inherently unstable pokemon, the slightest change in its environment triggers profound changes in its body. You couldnt get a more resistant template without using a ditto template, but thats too unstable and no way was I going to get a legendary's template in this region. The various characteristics of my team imprinted on the template and the base eevee's changed to match. I decided to name them after my old team:


lvl: 5



Ability: Adaptability

Nature: Impish




-Tail Whip

-Sand Attack

Name: Mishi

lvl: 5

Species: Vaporeon

Gender: Female

Ability: Water Absorb

Nature: Jolly

Name: Mordecai

lvl: 5

Species: Sylveon

Gender: Male

Ability: Pixilate

Nature: Modest

Name: Justin

lvl: 5

Species: Jolteon

Gender: Male

Ability: Volt Absorb

Nature: Careful

Name: Barbados

lvl: 5

Species: Flareon

Gender: Male

Ability: Flash Fire

Nature: Adamant

Name: Nix

lvl: 5

Species: Umbreon

Gender: Male

Ability: Inner Focus

Nature: Mild

Name: Nikolai

lvl: 5

Species: Espeon

Gender: Male

Ability: Synchronize

Nature: Hasty

Name: Glados

lvl: 5

Species: Glaceon

Gender: Female

Ability: Snow Cloak

Nature: Bold

Name: Erikson

lvl: 5

Species: Leafeon

Gender: Male

Ability: Leaf Guard

Nature: Jolly

-----Instead of growl, all the eeveelutions had Helping Hand-----


Some purple haired weirdo who sounded like the prattling girl from the station started to pester me. I could not recall a word he said as I really didnt pay attention. When he pulled out his pokeball I knew what he wanted and I laughed. This newbie wanted to challenge me? Did he not see the whole squad being on point just a moment ago? Whatever. I only needed to show him the difference in our power, so I sent out Verity to show him the truth. His nidoran lasted a grand two hits before passing out, man what a whimp. Get good. I cant say I remember him leaving, but cant say I remember much of him at all.

Next this black haired cutie strolls down from the stairs and decides she wants to exercise her new pokemon, some ugly pig thing. She must have fetched her pokemon when I was busy with my work. Verity was worked up from the last battle and was aching to stretch her legs some more and once again she floored the opponent. I congratulated her on a valiant effort and caught her name, Vicky or something like that.

She left and I had a moment to gather my thoughts. Everything was different now. I looked over my new companions, each with their own hidden potential waiting to be tapped. I thought to myself that maybe different wasn't bad.

Change...is good.

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Haha, funny shit.

At first I was like: Hmm, getting a full team right away, is that a smart thing to do? didn't read lol but then after reading I was like: This makes sense.



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Thanks for the support so far. Been slightly worried about the protagonist coming off as an angsty gary stu, kinda going for a haughty semi-unreliable narrator. Ill probably have a lot of updates tomorrow simply cause I have the time to do so. Im glad people have liked the backstory because I intend for every update to be like this(might cut back on the team detail update save major changes do to the tediousness of writing up details for all nine pokemon) as I have a story worked out for the rest of the game. Expect it to be sort of an alternate universe story with a less silent protagonist. Some standard characters may be pushed to the background or pulled forward despite their actual actions due to the nature of the narrator.

I guess you could almost call this a fanfic based off how my play-through goes.

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The protagonist comes off as a huge asshole, an even bigger asshole than Fern.

Yet a more likeable asshole than Fern ever will be, since Fern comes off at trying too hard to be one while assholeness is something you're born with.

So that whole IDGAF is nice, just don't overdo it. The levels of sass measured right now are just about right.

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It felt pretty good to be on my feet again. The new team overall seemed pretty eager to stretch as well so I figured it was time to explore the local city and dig up some clues. That and the team needed to get stronger. It will take some time before they gain the same caliber as their predecessors.

I started with the local Opal Bridge. Some of the trainers there were pretty cocky and taking them down a peg or two was amusing. Not everyone would accept a challenge though. Id just have to come back later and teach them a little respect. Funny thing though, in the corner of the bridge were a couple of hoodlums ready to dump a pachirisu into a toxic lake. Like really? Ive done some things Im not proud of, and Ive done some things Im proud of that I probably shouldn't be but this was just senseless. Justin certainly didnt stand for it and wiped them out. These guys didnt even have a whole team and they wanted to kill a pokemon? Talk about counter productivity. I let the pachirisu go as I had no need of it before I proceeded off to the slums, Peridot Ward.

Ah now this place smelled like home. Thugs and the homeless abound. Muggings seemed to be a common occurrence around here but despite that no one had anything of real value. Had to pity them slightly, one guy was so deranged he thought he could shove me inside a sack. You should probably be able to back up your threats if youre going to kidnap strangers but hey what do I know of the business? No one seemed to have the drop on what happened at the train station. Im not entirely sure they even cared. Things were starting to get a bit boring. I heard this place was supposed to be full of super strong trainers but I dont think anyone here would have survived on my streets for long.

I was starting to think that I should call it a day when it came to the investigation and scope out the gym when I spotted some green haired weirdo. I destroyed everyone else in the area and this guy exuded cockiness. Normally Id laugh that off but in this area everyone seemed more sad or deranged, so cockiness stood out. He didnt pay much attention to me first, mumbling about getting stood up. When he did notice me he freaked out, not one for paying attention apparently. I told him he needed to practice his unagi more and he told me hes a furry. Thats cool and all if thats your thing but I dont think you should introduce yourself with that line. I caught his name, Herb or some silly plant and we fought. I had to say, at least this guys pokemon werent complete trash. A bit more experienced than my fine friends but sometimes experience cant beat raw talent. Beat the lotad into submission with Verity and then Glados made piecemeal out of the snivy and budew with Icy Wind. Annoyed he resorted to an ad hominem about my lack of badges. Dude, I dont see you flaunting any bling either. Man doesnt know how to take a loss apparently. He ran off and I could have sworn I saw some tears. I chuckled and decided to fix my lack of a badge problem.


The Peridot Ward gym was really a power station. It was a bit odd but at least it was functional. As I went to walk inside the preppy bouncy chick from earlier rushed out. I couldnt even get a word in as she rambled off about factories and explosions. She insisted I come with her and ran off. Thats when it dawned on me that she had said it was a Team Meteor that blew up the station and that she found their hideout at a factory. This...was good. Do a little of the B and E, get some sweet cathartic release and pick up some clues as to the exact structure of this team. Seemed like a sound idea to me.

I rushed over to the Mosswater Factory where miss bouncy bounce was trying to get in. I was just gunna suggest disabling the lock but she insisted on a more high impact solution. Once the door was down Lettuce Boy strolls up with a stunning green chick. She was cold as ice but I had to dig the monotone vibe. Pulling off the automaton routine wasnt easy. Flo was Cabbage Heads sister apparently but they couldnt be more different. She deduced the situation fairly quickly and we went in as a group. The initial hallway branched off in two directions and Flo suggested we split off into two teams. I liked the tactical approach but unfortunately the girl with a boom fetish called dibs on Flo and I was left with the dweeb brother. Guess sometimes you have to take one for the team, even if you are a team of one. The factory was guarded by teams of two but no one was any good. They relied on door locks for each level, but the computer locks didnt even have a password, talk about dated security. On the second level we ran into second squad staring down a fairly impressive gate. Seemed like whoever ran this joint was holed up inside. This lock actually had some security to it, I figured itd be pretty trivial to bypass it though. Flo however beat me to the chase and got dibs on taking the first crack at it. Hot and a hacker? My kind of lady. The other chick was impatient however and wanted to blow the door down. It was an unnecessary plan but if they kept explosives around here there was a chance I could link it back to a distributor that might know something about Team Meteor. Sure enough they had a crate of the stuff guarded by grunts who went down in a blink of an eye. We returned to the gate and Flo managed to get the door opened.

Some weirdo was apparently running this place. Apparently all the weak security was just to slow us down while they wiped any critical data. That seemed silly cause if you had used real security it would have bought even more time to clear the systems properly. Sounded a lot like he was just trying to save some face. I wanted to smash his face in and make him talk but he sicked the goon squad on me. Cauliflower was useless in the fight, the type chart was simply not his friend against a magby. I MAY have also focused down the elekid for the giggles but its not like his help was really needed. I was about to turn on the weirdo when he decided to beat a hasty retreat. I wanted to go after him but some no brains chick thought it was a brilliant idea to rig the explosives mid battle. We had to get the hell out of there and fast, I already blew up once this week and that more than enough for me.

We escaped the factory and Flo announced she was going to make her report to Ame. That signaled the time for the group to split up and about time too. One can only take so much Green Beans in one day. After trotting down to the gym and smoking through the plebian trainers there it was time for my gym match. Apparently miss brilliant plans was the gym leader all along, who knew? Finally a tough fight. Sonic boom spam is an absolutely evil idea at low levels and I loved it. We pretty much went toe to toe the whole match until finally it came down to her electrode and Nikolai. Glados already slowed him down with some Icy Winds and so it only took two confusions to take it out. The team took a tougher beating than I thought but I guess thats what happens when you dont feel like practicing before a gym match. To be fair its not like anyone else was remotely a challenge, but it was a good reminder to not get cocky before the next gym match or else getting the badge on the first try again might be a hassle.


I left the gym and planned on getting a good nights rest before continuing the investigation but Vicky was waiting for me. Some shady stuff was going down over in the Obsidia Ward and it was likely Team Meteors work. This was very good news for me. Taking out the goons at the factory was fun and all but it was also a dead end. Id check out the Obsidia Ward tomorrow, tonight I needed some rest and needed to take some time to plan some things outs.

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