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Favorite Mega Evolution

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Mega Metagross

Mega Sceptile

Mega Lucario

Mega Charizard X

Mega Rayquaza

Mega Tyranitar

Mega Aggron

Mega Garchomp

Mega Gengar

Mega Mewtwo Y

Mega Blaziken

Mega Salamence

Mega Scizor

Mega Blastoise

Mega Banette

Mega Mawile

Mega Steelix

Mega Camerupt

Mega Gardevoir

Mega Gallade

There a more that I like less than those but I still like them

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every mega evolution makes the pokemon bigger/better/amazing-er

except mega slowbro. and that's why its my favorite

and mega blaziken, which doesn't apply to ^ but still

Edited by Aero
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I'd have to say either Mega Beedrill or Mega Mawile. They took two Pokemon who were relatively weak and not very good competitively and made them into a glass cannon that can demolish almost anything and a mighty tank that has the single highest attack in the game, respectively.

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Gotta give this title too......

Mega Slowbro. The darn thing is just so derpy and bulky and stally and I love it. Look at that face and tell me you can't love it >w< Mega_Slowbro.png

Mega Slowbro is the creepiest thing after Exeggcute. Look at it's dark, hollow, empty eyes that burn into your soul. It's being eaten up by a Cloyster and you can just hear it going "Help me".

On a side note, Mega Swampert is flippin awesome but Mega Bird Jesus is the coolest thing ever.

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Milotic still doesn't have one, so... Mawile. I always liked Mawile's design (why do I love the girly Pokemon so much?) but never could really use her, because you know, she sucks. And now with her Mega evolution, I can not only use her, but she's a powerhouse! One that took me all the way to 200 wins in the Battle Maison! Also, she's now a fairy type, so that's cool too. And maybe it's just me, but does she remind anyone else of Iris from gen 5?

But srsly Nintendo, why no Mega Milotic. The lack of Mega Milotic in ORAS makes no less than three, THREE continuity issues.

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Milotic still doesn't have one, so... Mawile. I always liked Mawile's design (why do I love the girly Pokemon so much?) but never could really use her, because you know, she sucks. And now with her Mega evolution, I can not only use her, but she's a powerhouse! One that took me all the way to 200 wins in the Battle Maison! Also, she's now a fairy type, so that's cool too. And maybe it's just me, but does she remind anyone else of Iris from gen 5?

But srsly Nintendo, why no Mega Milotic. The lack of Mega Milotic in ORAS makes no less than three, THREE continuity issues.

1: yep she does remembers mefrom iris to.

2:mega milotic </3 really nintendo.. rly?

3:mega salamance+trash+dragon dance >>>> mega mawile, she do is a beast but... megamance.

4:fav megas: megamance pretty much. thing is a demon. after him i honestly dont have any fav megas i think, theyre all nice but... megamance.

Edited by Oris
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