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so.. recently i started my first reborn run, cheers~ im currently with two badges, and getting ready for the the 4th gym, so actually very early in the game... an so far, i have found 3 shinny pokemons. i killed one of them (daaaammn.) but caught the other two (yaay!). Still, i know the chances of finding a shinny pokemon are higher on this game... but is it normal to find so many shinnys or am I just being amazingly lucky? and also, how many shinny pokes you all got on your runs?

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The shiny rate was increased to about 1%. I have half a box full of shinies, and all of them are useless because the Pokemon either suck or can't evolve (shiny Karrablast y u do dis). :rolleyes: But I catch them anyway, because my brain still says "OMG SHINY MUST GET".

I have one shiny that's actually pretty good, which is a Gogoat I am currently training. ;P

Might I ask which ones you caught? Just out of curiosity.

Edited by BreezyPonie
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hmm thanks, i do got curious, didnt knew it was about 1%, that explains it.

Might I ask which ones you caught? Just out of curiosity.

the ones i caught are shinny diglet, but its not on my team since i got a dugtrio already, and a shinny pidgeotto,that is on my team. i also killed a shinny noivbat by accident, because my brain still says "WOWSUCHSHINNYSOGETIT"

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One of the first shiny Pokemon I saw was a Bluefire Ponyta in FireRed. Managed to find it in Reborn after so long haha.
Also I have about 4 shiny Geodudes and a few others including my shiny brown HM Slave Quagsire.

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Shinies are much more common in this game. They don't jump out at you, but it really isn't hard to find one. However, dont put them in your party. Shinies are actually weaker than the regular types. I don't know the exact point differences, but i do know they can be anywhere from 10-30 points weaker in their stats than regulars.

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Shinies are much more common in this game. They don't jump out at you, but it really isn't hard to find one. However, dont put them in your party. Shinies are actually weaker than the regular types. I don't know the exact point differences, but i do know they can be anywhere from 10-30 points weaker in their stats than regulars.

Nah shinies are just the same. They are all randomized. In GSC they used be perfect IV Pokemons but now they're just a different colour. No difference in stats.

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Got a half box of shinies, which are useless too, except a shiny blue Growlithe i may train someday.

I also caught a shiny porygon ijn my team which was cool at first, but i'm kind of disapointed of the colors of Porygon-Z...

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